Once-a-week "Bad Meal." Anyone else do this?

The last time I tried to lose weight was about 5 years ago. I did really well. I didn't count calories, but I also didn't eat junk, fast food or lots of sugar. I worked out hard 6 days a week. Also, I did something I called a "bad meal." Once a week, I'd eat either a fast food meal, or we'd go to a breakfast place and have pancakes, etc, you get the idea. Just one meal in my week could be the bad meal and I wouldn't worry about calories that day.

I got the idea, I think from a magazine. And the way they said it worked is that your body throughout the week is used to burning and taking in fewer calories and that can actually slow down your metabolism over time. So with a high calorie meal once a week, it would kick your metabolism up a notch to try to digest and use all those calories. It REALLY worked for me the last time I did it. So I'm trying it again. The difference being that this time I'm not only eating healthy, but I am counting calories. I had my big bad meal today and I'm having a hard time not feeling guilty about it, even though I know it will be ok.

I can't imagine going through life without the occasional meal of no guilt, enjoying those foods I normally stay away from. And when you look at the big picture, it's only one meal out of 21 you have for the week. I'd certainly call that moderation!

Anyone else tried this technique?


  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Yes! Today was my bad day. As long as I don't go overboard and do portion control I feel it is OK to be able to have what I want and not feel guilty.
  • ashleynicoleb
    ashleynicoleb Posts: 376 Member
    I've actually seen and heard that eating over your normal alloted calories can "confuse" your body and kick your metabolism up, but I don't really have any evidence. Interested in what other people have to say
  • danarochelle
    danarochelle Posts: 212 Member
    That's pretty much what I'm doing. I'm on Jenny Craig, but there are the Holiday get togethers, so I give myself permission to "splurge" just on those specific occassions and build a bridge and get over it! It works. As a matter of fact, lastnight I had a Pampered Chef party and had bad foods, and now today I'm over it, back on track. That's life! You can't believe that you'll never be able to splurge ever again in your lifetime, so if/when you do, get right back on track afterwards and you'll do fine! Good luck!
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I did it more for the psychological aspect of it rather than the physical benefits of having an "up" day now and again... I can't do the willpower 100% of the time thing (tried it several times and failed miserably), so I let myself have anything I want one day of the week (which doesn't necessarily mean eating nothing but junk, but it gave me enough flexibility that I wasn't feeling tempted). I recommend it, but whatever works for you is best!
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    I guess most people call it a cheat meal. You can google it and find lots of information about how it affects your metabolism (like someone said earlier, it tricks your metabolism, basically keeping it from being stagnant). And I think it's key to remember not to just gorge on everything you can think of. Just know you're going over your calories for just that one day, so have that waffle for breakfast, or the fish sandwich, or some fries and don't worry about it.

    It is great too because during the rest of the week you can look forward to your cheat meal as a treat to yourself for doing so well on your diet.

    I just feel this is so much more realistic as a long term life change. To think I will never eat cookies, or cake or some candy for the rest of my life is just unreasonable. You're allowed a little fun now and then!
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    I started out with no days where I would break the rules. WIth the holiday season, and seeing family more than usual, I have allotted 1-2 bad days a week. Now, this isn't every week. For example, this week I had a bad Friday and will be bad tonight. Although, I have found that even when I do this now, due to my exercising, increased metabolism, and the calories I generally consume, I am still losing weight and feel great. However, I am now sure how healthy it really is to have the bad days...never really took the time to research it yet.
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    Oh, here's a blurb I just found offline that is really good:

    "Weight Loss Stalled

    It is common for weight loss to slow down after you have been restricting your calories for a period of time, this is because your body is so good at adapting to things. When you cut your calories your body adapts by slowing your metabolism and since your metabolism is what allows you to burn fat your weight loss grinds to a halt.

    The only way to reverse this is to confuse your body so it cannot adapt and to do that you have to eat more. When you overeat for a day your metabolism springs up to peak performance to manage all of the extra calories coming in, then you return to your low calorie diet the next day but your metabolism stays high and you have a week of strong fat burning.

    Sound crazy? I will admit this goes against traditional dieting but this is not a new concept in fact it has been researched and tested in real-life people for more than 15 years with a fantastic track record.

    Are you worried about weight gain? The common fear is that you will gain weight from this day but what research has found is that your metabolism bounces back faster than your body can lay down fat and each week you get leaner and leaner.

    If your weight loss stalled don't get frustrated, the solution is to add a cheat day. I encourage you to try this in your life or follow the links below for more detailed instructions on how to make this work for you." end quote.
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    I see EVERY choice I make on the scale. I see someone eat cake and I swear it ends up on my *kitten*. If I have a craving I will wait it out, and I mean at least a few weeks. If it hasn't gone away I may allow myself a small portion but I will expect to have to work it off for the better part of 1/2 a week. Any bad choice results in a non-loss week for me so Im really aware that is my tradeoff.
  • darlapooh
    I take a whole day once a week. Usually a Friday where I eat bad all 3 meals. But I work out hard after the third meal. I feel like I am accomplishing something that day. I was told by a nutritionist that it confuses the body and will keep you out of that starvation mode. When I first started loosing weight I went into the starvation mode for 3 weeks and didn't loose hardly anything then I talked to her and the pounds started falling off again.
  • Diannerv
    Diannerv Posts: 195
    Oh, here's a blurb I just found offline that is really good:

    "Weight Loss Stalled

    It is common for weight loss to slow down after you have been restricting your calories for a period of time, this is because your body is so good at adapting to things. When you cut your calories your body adapts by slowing your metabolism and since your metabolism is what allows you to burn fat your weight loss grinds to a halt.

    The only way to reverse this is to confuse your body so it cannot adapt and to do that you have to eat more. When you overeat for a day your metabolism springs up to peak performance to manage all of the extra calories coming in, then you return to your low calorie diet the next day but your metabolism stays high and you have a week of strong fat burning.

    Sound crazy? I will admit this goes against traditional dieting but this is not a new concept in fact it has been researched and tested in real-life people for more than 15 years with a fantastic track record.

    Are you worried about weight gain? The common fear is that you will gain weight from this day but what research has found is that your metabolism bounces back faster than your body can lay down fat and each week you get leaner and leaner.

    If your weight loss stalled don't get frustrated, the solution is to add a cheat day. I encourage you to try this in your life or follow the links below for more detailed instructions on how to make this work for you." end quote.

    My sister swears by this however she does a whole "free" day. I mean chocolate cake for breakfast, burger king for lunch and maybe even taco bell for dinner. She got it from the body for life program. I think I would feel sick after a whole day but the thought about one meal a week is very tempting. I have been stalled and maybe need to try this. :) Good luck, hope it works I would kill for one "bad" meal! hee hee hee
  • Diannerv
    Diannerv Posts: 195
    I see EVERY choice I make on the scale. I see someone eat cake and I swear it ends up on my *kitten*. If I have a craving I will wait it out, and I mean at least a few weeks. If it hasn't gone away I may allow myself a small portion but I will expect to have to work it off for the better part of 1/2 a week. Any bad choice results in a non-loss week for me so Im really aware that is my tradeoff.

    uugghhh.. hugs, I feel like that too. my hubby will eat a cinnamon roll I gain 3 lbs.
  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    Yeah its really quite annoying for me too. It feels I could work my tail off all week at the gym and one bad meal just erases everything. It sounds petty but it really pisses me off sometimes. I wanna get to the point where I lose enough weight that I could shrug off the occasional gain.
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    I reached a minor goal today ( got under 100kg before Jovis concert ) but what it led me to do was pick all day and not healthy picking. I'm upset with myself and now have to crank up the training to undo any damage from today.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I will either do Quinzos or Subway for a bad meal. I have a hard time doing anything else bad. I don't do any soda pop or fast food. Also once a month @ work we do a pot luck type deal and not worry about the calories. I still keep it in moderaton.
  • BoresEasily
    I will maybe once or twice a week have a cheat meal. Today I'm having a cheat night - UFC 124, pizza and chips. Weeeeeee!
  • cjduckie
    cjduckie Posts: 78 Member
    I do this too, I call it my "treat day" rather than my "cheat day" - it erases the guilt that tends to go with "cheating". I did this almost religiously for the first month of my weightloss journey, and lost consistently every week. Then I stopped "treating" since after getting used to eating "healthy" most of the time I found the cravings weren't as bad...BUT - I also stopped losing =/ Started my "treat day" up again, and boom - losing consistently again :) Works for me!
  • BoresEasily
    I do this too, I call it my "treat day" rather than my "cheat day" - it erases the guilt that tends to go with "cheating". I did this almost religiously for the first month of my weightloss journey, and lost consistently every week. Then I stopped "treating" since after getting used to eating "healthy" most of the time I found the cravings weren't as bad...BUT - I also stopped losing =/ Started my "treat day" up again, and boom - losing consistently again :) Works for me!

    LOVE "treat day" that's a good one.
  • lanners23
    That's really useful. It sounds perfect to save up for eating out or getting takeaway with people. :)
  • Tuplatano
    Tuplatano Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you for this post. Now I dont feel so guilty.
  • JaneZv
    JaneZv Posts: 200
    Thank you for this post. Now I dont feel so guilty.

    LOL! Me too!! :bigsmile: