Sugar withdrawals



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I did cut out sugar before and I'm trying again now. I find I get very crabby now when my blood sugar drops too low after being used to eating sugar. Eating fruit when this happens helps. Hopefully my body will adapt soon. If you really like sweet stuff maybe try stevia. It's great for making kool aid with! Best Wishes:)
    Of course eating fruit helps. When your blood sugar drops, eating sugar always helps...
  • Michelle2W
    Michelle2W Posts: 163 Member
    When I reduce unhealthy carbs, my midsection decreases within days. When I take in too much unhealthy carbs my midsection increases within days.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Has anyone ever cut sugar out of their diet? I've just done 3 days without it and I'm doing well. I am still eating a bit of fruit but that's natural
    So you're still eating sugar, but claiming you've gone 3 days without sugar? Seems legit.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    A distinction needs to be made between added table sugar or high fructose syrup and the sugars that are naturally found in plants and dairy. I think the OP is referring to added sugar, and I think it's a great idea to give it up if you find it hard to control cravings for sweets.

    Not everyone has a problem with self control around sweets, and for them, eating sweets in moderation is an option, if that's what they choose. However, if you're someone who has thoughts about sweets throughout the day, it's a good idea to try a diet that's free from added sugars to see if your thought patterns change.

    I'm much happier on a diet that's free from added sugar. Yes, I miss the treats, but I don't miss what sugar in my blood stream does to my self control. A limited amount of fruit and dairy sugars don't mess with my mind, so I eat them. I think it's a mistake to avoid fruit because there are so many vital nutrients found in fruit that are hard to find elsewhere.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    When I reduce unhealthy carbs, my midsection decreases within days. When I take in too much unhealthy carbs my midsection increases within days.

    thats called water retention/water release….carbs make you hold onto more water….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    A distinction needs to be made between added table sugar or high fructose syrup and the sugars that are naturally found in plants and dairy. I think the OP is referring to added sugar, and I think it's a great idea to give it up if you find it hard to control cravings for sweets.

    Not everyone has a problem with self control around sweets, and for them, eating sweets in moderation is an option, if that's what they choose. However, if you're someone who has thoughts about sweets throughout the day, it's a good idea to try a diet that's free from added sugars to see if your thought patterns change.

    I'm much happier on a diet that's free from added sugar. Yes, I miss the treats, but I don't miss what sugar in my blood stream does to my self control. A limited amount of fruit and dairy sugars don't mess with my mind, so I eat them. I think it's a mistake to avoid fruit because there are so many vital nutrients found in fruit that are hard to find elsewhere.

    ummm no…

    sugar is does not matter if you have unicorns deliver it to your doorstop, or devils add it to your food…at the end of the day you body recognizes sugar, as sugar….
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    I avoid artificial crap like high fructose corn syrup. I eat veggies and fruits, though I watch my sugars and carbs over all.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    There is indeed a difference in how our bodies react to fruit and dairy sugars versus table sugar. Yes, at the END of the day, the person who has eaten X grams of fruit sugar may match a person who has eaten X grams of table sugar. It shows as equal on your diary.

    However, if one consumes an apple with X grams of sugar, the subsequent rise and fall of blood sugar will be milder/slower than if one consumes the same X grams of table sugar. This is an important issue to those whose bodies are sensitive to a rapid rise and fall of blood sugar, or if they have some degree of insulin resistance.

    For some people who experience difficulty resisting sweets, practicing moderation can be more stressful than following a table sugar-free diet.
  • I started changing my lifestyle about two years ago. One of the first things I did was begin to reduce my refined sugar intake. When going off sugar, it usually takes me about four days to feel better, but for four days I have sugar withdrawal including headaches and irritability. This has been a process to reduce refined sugars in my diet over time!

    After awhile, I realized that the more refined sugar I eat, the more I seem to want. I don't like the spike in blood sugar I get when I eat refined sugar, so I've been trying to reduce even more. The less refined sugar I eat, the less cravings I seem to have.

    I don't tell myself "I can never eat sugar again"...I save those super sweet refined sugars for special occasions-if I want it. I am keeping my eye on sugars from dairy, too. But I don't worry about complex carbs in veggies, I don't limit those, but I do watch the sweeter veggies like tomatoes and red peppers.

    To curb my daily chocolate lust, I eat very dark chocolate (85%+) in moderation because I get the taste of chocolate without the blood sugar spike. For now, this seems to be a sustainable solution and I'm able to keep refined sugar out of my diet as much as possible.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    There is indeed a difference in how our bodies react to fruit and dairy sugars versus table sugar. Yes, at the END of the day, the person who has eaten X grams of fruit sugar may match a person who has eaten X grams of table sugar. It shows as equal on your diary.

    However, if one consumes an apple with X grams of sugar, the subsequent rise and fall of blood sugar will be milder/slower than if one consumes the same X grams of table sugar. This is an important issue to those whose bodies are sensitive to a rapid rise and fall of blood sugar, or if they have some degree of insulin resistance.

    For some people who experience difficulty resisting sweets, practicing moderation can be more stressful than following a table sugar-free diet.
    This only applies if someone only eats pure sugar. That never happens. Eating say, a donut, will vastly reduce the sugar spike, as the fat in the donut will also slow down the absorption of sugar, just like fiber would. This is why the glycemic index has been largely abandoned by mainstream medical science. Nobody eats in a pure vacuum, eating only one single macro at a time. For one thing, outside of a laboratory setting, food like that doesn't exist.
  • Sense I've started on my diet I tried to cut out sugar but I am not able to without passing out it has almost happened 2 times! I am hypoglycemic so I have to have a certain amount of sugar a day.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    I just finished a bowl of ice cream so that would be a no.
  • FlyThisKite
    FlyThisKite Posts: 183 Member
    I did it once completely for Adkins and let me tell you...I was a mess. I had the shakes, irritability, cold sweats. I looked like a freaking junkie needing a fix. I felt like I got hit by a mack truck..then backed over for good measure. It was not pretty. I do not anticipate ever going cold turkey like that again. I have cut back and occasional indulge in treats to keep the locals alive..and my sanity intact.
  • Aaron_L_Mahnken
    Aaron_L_Mahnken Posts: 1 Member
    I would cut sugar only to crave it in a week or two. I finally cut my carbs way down.

    I find being pretty much no sugar or grains helps a lot with the sugar cravings. The only sugar I get is from fruit. For me adding fat has also helped reduce my calorie intake. Now when I get muchy I grab some vegetables, something easy to carry around at work, like carrots. Funny how sweet vegetables seem to be now.

    Also having read "Grain Brain", has helped a lot with kicking the carbs and sugar. I'm not working on "Wheat Belly", both of which really reinforce the No Sugar No Grains concept for me.

    Having been eating this way for three months now, I now get sick when I have sugar (candy, ice cream, etc), to the point where I wish I'd just throw up to get it out of my system. I'll won't be going back to that drug anytime soon. Now I look at sweets and it doesn't even bother me, I don't even miss it.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I have. ..and it's no easy task. Sometimes things you t hink would NEVER have sugar in them do. ..but once you steer clear of processed. . .it becomes a little easier to control it. I focus on finding alternatives to sugary things i like.. . .frozen bananas with peanut butter.. .very similar to candy. . .freeze a banana blend it until it's creamy and put back in the freezer and it has the consistency of ice cream and not a very strong banana taste. . .

    Do you mix peanut butter up with the banana? That actually sounds pretty good... Or maybe nutella! mm....
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Have donuts got 'added sugar' in them?

    Because it can't possibly be a donut without sugar in it.
  • fe2993
    fe2993 Posts: 4
    Im worst on a night lol addicted to brevita cereal bar.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Has anyone ever cut sugar out of their diet? I've just done 3 days without it and I'm doing well. I am still eating a bit of fruit but that's natural

    Hi I cut a fair bit out of my diet and have been pleased with the result.

    I still eat fruit - not much - I mainly eat a lot of veg.

    I certainly feel better for it.

    Hope you're seeing some benefits yourself.:smile:
  • LC458
    LC458 Posts: 300 Member
    Yes, best thing I did. To get through just really crank up the fat content the first couple of days.
    This ^^ and I have more energy and I lost weight super quick!
    Anyone that bashes it isn't living in your body and you have to do what is right for you! I wish you the best of luck :D