Protein and Workouts

Hi, basically my aim is to first of all lose weight, then tone up. I am female which means I don't want a muscular figure, I just want a slim, toned, feminine body. The only problem is I am completely uneducated in fitness, or anything to do with diet.
I need a plan/routine that I can stick to that will ensure that I am fit, have a flat toned stomach, no fat around sides, nice toned legs, and thin, toned arms. I'm not fat or overweight as such, I'm just not happy with my body looks and really wish I could have a slim and toned body all over.

I have come to a conclusion that I will start going on a bike ride every morning before college. I will go on a ride for 45 minutes every morning.
I have Whey Protein Powder, should I drink this before or after? When would be the perfect time to eat a banana too?
This will be what I do for breakfast! Is that a good start to a morning, on a journey to lose a bit of weight? Is that a good plan for a morning or not? I have no idea, please help!!?


  • biorhythmic
    Eat your banana and protein shake post workout. Seems okay for breakfast c:
  • hannahlogan12
    But then wont that mean I am exercising on an empty stomach?
  • biorhythmic
    Mhm. I do it all the time. If you're losing out on energy then perhaps eat it before? Depends how you feel? I get up and workout on an empty stomach then eat my carbs and protein post workout. Seems to work for me.
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    Yay a post I can actually answer ^_^ you want your meal/protein shake to be post workout since your muscles break down protein is what build them up it will also (in my opinion) keep you fresh for the next days workout and not feeling like ur still hurting for the previous day. that seems fine for breakfast. and the perfect time to eat a banana? Well potassium is always good if your using a shaker bottle just eat it as ur drinking your whey if your blending it together then cut that bad boy up and dump it in there with ur shake. either way I'd eat both post workout seems like a great start. good luck
  • prestigio
    prestigio Posts: 181 Member
    First of all, if you start workout out (lifting weights) you will not get muscular in 1, 2, 3. That takes a lot of time, effort en dedication.
    To be true, a lot of men even struggle to get muscular, so don't worry about that.

    About the eating:
    Do what you find the most pleasant. If you like to eat something before you go for your ride, do it.
    As long as your daily total numbers are correct you will be fine. Find a routine that matches you best. Nobody other than you will be able to rate routines, so go out there, try some and find the one that matches you.

    Best of luck!
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I would eat the banana first then breakfast after the bike ride, whether that be a protein shake or real food, or a combination.

    I would not exercise on an empty stomach. I wouldn't have any energy... But once you get into it you will figure out what works for you. When I go to the gym after work, I normally save one snack for right before I leave the office so that way when I get to the gym I'm not starving.

    As for your workout, bike rides are a good way to burn some calories. If you want to "tone" your body then I would join a gym and find a good strength training routine.

    Good luck! :)
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Some people prefer to exercise on an empty stomach. It's up to personal preference.

    As long as you are getting enough protein during the day (0.8-1g * lean body mass in lbs) you don't need to have protein immediately following a workout.

    If you want to be "toned" I'd suggest a good weight lifting program such as strong lifts 5x5. You won't get overly muscular unless you eat at a surplus and/or take steroids.
  • hannahlogan12
    Thankyou everybody, your advice has helped me so much! Muchly appreciated, I may pop back on here to ask you guys some more questions haha, but thanks everyone xx