How do you stay positive and motivated

What do you guys do when you have one of those days/weekends/weeks that you feel like giving up? Do you a take a break? A cheat day? Do you sleep? Do you move forward? What keeps you motivated?


  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    I have a good habit now. I trust that I will just keep going, because I do!
  • chele1028
    chele1028 Posts: 248 Member
    All I can say is wanting it bad enough is what motivates me. Picturing myself at my goal, fitting smaller clothes, whatever it is that drives you, let that "want" get you there. If a cheat day gets you over the hump, so be it, deprivation is never good, for me anyways.
  • bluearmy28
    bluearmy28 Posts: 39 Member
    Remember why you started. I can see that you have lost 35lbs, look at pictures prior to losing that weight. Think back to how far you have come and remember how hard it was to start walking the path of living a healthy life style. Also get on youtube and look up weight loss transformations, let those be your fuel to reach your goal. Hang in there, its well worth it in the end.
  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    I have a good habit now. I trust that I will just keep going, because I do!

  • toad_allyinlove
    toad_allyinlove Posts: 39 Member
    Thanks all my mind is all wishy washy I have yet to have a gain and this was my first gain and I'm really upset about it :( ..... plus every time I try to get into my 220's I fail every single time very affaird I want stay positive i want to keep going I want to be healthy!