Help finding motivation?!

After baby (almost 4 years ago), I gained 40 lbs! I half heartedly tried dieting off and on until last January. I began working out and learning to eat healthy foods. I gave up soda, fried food and lost 18lbs in 4 months! Then my motivation began to slip and I haven't recovered it yet. I feel fantastic after I work out and tend to have better eating habits when I am working out on a regular basis. I know what I need to do to reach my goals, I just can't seem to find the motivation/dedication to get there. I find myself reaching for cookies and fried foods again. Any suggestions on how to find my inner motivation?


  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    Just to preface what I say, the psychology field has not been able to pinpoint where motivation comes from and how to get it. Now with that out of the way, I can tell you what worked for me. Back in High School, I joined the cross-country team and was really excited for about a month. Then I started to feel frustrated because I wasn't improving and finding the workouts boring. I was ready to quit but one of the upperclassmen took me under his wing and told how he felt the same way his first year. The biggest thing he told me was, "Fake until you make it". Now fortunately for me, he was there to encourage me and about a month later things started to get better and fun again. If you find someone to encourage you and keep you on track, that's great, but get the mantra of Fake it until I make it into your head and when you start to feel down, or tempted, say it out loud, maybe a few times. Saying it out loud, for me, was stronger than saying it in your head. A sports psychologist says that saying it out loud is what is called an anchor and it can help you. That said, I know, this is not an easy thing. It will be hard and there will be times you may slip up. I'm going through it with my weight loss and when I have that slip up I just tell myself, hey, I tripped, just get up and move forward. Forget about it, we all trip. From the bottom of my heart, i hope this helps you.
  • BigVeggieDream
    BigVeggieDream Posts: 1,101 Member
    One thing I forgot. If you get over this hurdle, be glad, but don't be overconfident. Life may throw this at you again and you need to be ready to recognize it and get through it again. The sooner you can recognize it, the easier it will be to tackle it. Be aware, but don't be obsessed about it.
  • skinnycindi62
    LOVE<LOVE>LOVE... I say that all the time for so many other things...will now adapt it for eating and exercising....Fake it Till you Make IT...say it loud say it proud!!!! ...genius...thanks