I need to talk to someone who's been successful with Bipolar



  • Thimbelinda
    Thimbelinda Posts: 34 Member
    You might want to check out www.psychcentral.com. It is an online community offering loads of good information. They also have message boards, chat rooms and sometimes live chats with medical professionals where you can ask questions specific to your concerns.
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I am bipolar. A lot of people have already given you a lot of great advice.

    I just want to say and make sure you undere that there is zero shame in having a mental illness or needing to take medication. There should be zero sigma. It is a chemical imbalance in the brain that medication can help treat.
  • letmerun
    letmerun Posts: 15
    Hey! I had a major fallback, a manic episode and a part of me wants it back because i got so much things done during that time and was striving with energy, ideas positivity. Apparently it's not a good thing because i needed to be balanced.

    I take meds but part of me still has existential crisis about every event or decision in my enitre life.
  • enchantedgardener
    enchantedgardener Posts: 214 Member
    I just want to say and make sure you undere that there is zero shame in having a mental illness or needing to take medication. There should be zero sigma. It is a chemical imbalance in the brain that medication can help treat.

    I've got a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder along with Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia and Social Phobia.
    I can't help you much with the specifics of living with Bipolar Disorder, but I can tell you that the most important thing I learned is to stop feeling bad/ashamed about having a mental illness, struggling with its symptoms, or needing treatment/medication.

    It's an illness. It's not your fault that you have this illness. But it is your job to help manage your condition. That's all you can be expected to do. Take care of yourself as best you can.
  • Artaxia
    Artaxia Posts: 185
    Thank you everyone for your support.
    i'm not really sad about being diagnosed. i'm happy that i have some answers.
    i'm sad that it's caused a toll on my relationships/friendships.
    i'm picking up the pieces and trying to figure things out, i guess is the best way to put it.
  • alfiedn
    alfiedn Posts: 425 Member
    I know I'm late to this party... I've recently been exploring my own issues. It's a very new exploration for me. If i do have bipolar, it is definitely type II. My therapist gave me the book "why am I still depressed?" To read. It's been very interesting and illuminating for me.

    I'm an over-researcher. The more I read, the better I feel. I have to know. About everything.

    My doctor, and therapist, told me that exercise can be as good as an antidepressant for some people. (You should absolutely take meds if your doctor thinks you need them). I have actually used it, in conjunction with therapy and homeopathy to treat my depressions in the past.

    I hope you find the peace you need. And I hope I do, too.

    Edited to add:I'm actually doing very well right now. I feel really good and haven't had any depression episodes for a number of years. Just trying to be proactive! I think it's only a matter of time before I have another.