Chocolate addiction!

I can't stop eating chocolate!! Its the sole food that destroys my diet! I try to not have any in the house but then I end up eating spoonfuls of nutella all night or resort to making a mini chocolate mug cake. If i have change when at work i can't say no to the vending machine for a chocolate bar :((
Apart from all the chocolate eating I'm pretty healthy..... any advice?

thanks :)


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,079 Member
    Eat the chocolate.

    oh, wait.

    We don't want you to rob from your parents to feed your "addiction" though, so maybe check yourself into rehab?
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    this has been getting me all week.. samoas, oreos, and valentine chocolates... ughhh
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I eat an ounce of chocolate most days. I get the kind with 70% cacao and melt it with peanut butter or dried fruit to stretch it. Chocolate has antioxidants in it. You don't want to cut it out, just work around it.

    Having said that, I can't oink chocolate and cake and ice cream. I have to choose a goody wisely.
  • mschicagocubs
    mschicagocubs Posts: 774 Member
    In my opinion, if you have a vice ... don't completely cut it out. Either make room for it or find alternative ways to eat it and still feel satisfied.

    I have some low calorie cookies I get so that I can still feel like I am eating dessert while my bf eats a row of oreos. Chocolate covered banana's (home-made, dark chocolate) etc. Find recipes that will help satisfy them or wont make you feel so guilty.

    If you have a food processor, make your own ice cream.

    If you try to eliminate it, you will more than likely fail.
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    I think it's perfectly fine to eat a little bit of chocolate if you want, every other day or even every day. So long as that one ounce or little piece doesn't turn into a full blown binge! I love chocolate too and I buy the Simply Light low carb no sugar added dark chocolate bars. 110 calories in 1/3rd of a bar and the bar is about 3.5 servings. I tend to eat one to three blocks of that every day or every other day. It's really good chocolate and satisfies my chocolate craving/addiction! So long as it's within your calorie range for the day... even though it's not the best thing you could eat, it's not the worst either depending on the type of chocolate. Personally I wouldn't go scoffing down a Hersey's bar. If I am going to eat chocolate it has to be the good stuff! Or in the form of a chocolate dessert from a nice restaurant or something :)
  • shano25
    shano25 Posts: 233 Member
    Eat dark chocolate. Drink chocolate flavoured tea. Or eat chocolate so that it stays within your calorie limit. If you keep buying chocolate bars from the vending machine, take some chocolate with you before you leave, a healthier version so you get the chocolate taste but not all the extra stuff from the chocolate bar.
  • SeeAmandaRun
    SeeAmandaRun Posts: 55 Member
    First, I suggest logging the chocolate that you eat - you might be surprised how many calories from chocolate you actually consume! I know I was when I first started here and it really gave me a reality check - I could eat as healthy as I wanted and exercise, but if I was still consuming so much high-calorie chocolate, then I would never lose weight.

    Second, as most posters have suggested, find some healthier chocolate alternatives. I used to eat peanut m&ms like they were going out of style until I realized how many calories I would consume of them. Now, I try to opt for fruit and dark chocolate combinations or only eat a little bit of milk chocolate. I also equate chocolate to exercise - example: if I eat this Kit Kat bar, how long would I need to exercise to burn it off? Is it worth it? (Usually yes lol)
  • stants85
    stants85 Posts: 10 Member
    Ok so i find it extremely hard to stay away from chocolate. I mean i could not go a day with out having chocolate and some days i would even have two bars.

    My boyfriend decided to set me a goal of not eating chocolate for 3 months, he didnt think i could do it. That was it the competitive side of me came out and i thought im gunna give this my best shot. It was sooooo hard and i thought about chocolate everyday, nearly all day. I mean i cut out everything chocolate, no chocolate drinks, even if something had chocolate chips in it i wouldnt eat it! I saw a massive difference in my body after these three months and this gave me the motivations to cut my chocolate down. I DID IT! :-)

    I still eat chocolate now but its definetly not as frequent.

    Some people might say that i shouldnt have given it up totally but to me that was the only way as i had no will power towards chocolate at all and just cutting down was not going to be possible (definetly addicted to it). So give it a go maybe set a go for a month and you will soon see that you can go without it if you need to.

    Good luck! x
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Order some cacao nibs and eat them like corn chips. If you can't stand the bitter taste and don't want more, you aren't craving chocolate, you're craving sugar, or at least sugar, chocolate, and fat.
  • bbcardlover
    bbcardlover Posts: 10 Member
    I have the same problem! I have noticed that I can still have it here and there and still lose weight. You just wont lose as fast as you may want to. Just make sure you arent going crazy and still within your calorie count. I have had many a lunch where I finish and get TWO Hershey bars out of the vending machine for "desert". Yep, Im on the hard stuff. I keep telling myself that I am making LIFESTYLE changes though, not just dieting. If you love chocolate, you will never be able to stick to a diet that does not allow you to have it. Just plan ahead and make it work into your count. And if you over do it, either cut back on your next meal, or chaulk it up to a slip-up and move on. Bottom line, if you love it that much, you have to include it into your plan to stay with it in my opinion. I think that is why so many people fail when trying to lose weight. They eliminate what they love instead of just controlling it better. Good luck!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    why is every food that we can't control ourselves around labeled an "addiction" is really getting tiresome..

    OP - if chocolate is a "trigger" food for you then don't keep it in they house until you learn to eat it in moderation …
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    Find the chocolate that you really love, and eat that in moderation. Simply schedule it into your diary every day. This will help teach you self control.
  • laursoar
    laursoar Posts: 131 Member
    In my opinion, if you have a vice ... don't completely cut it out. Either make room for it or find alternative ways to eat it and still feel satisfied.

    I have some low calorie cookies I get so that I can still feel like I am eating dessert while my bf eats a row of oreos. Chocolate covered banana's (home-made, dark chocolate) etc. Find recipes that will help satisfy them or wont make you feel so guilty.

    If you have a food processor, make your own ice cream.

    If you try to eliminate it, you will more than likely fail.

    I couldn't agree with this ^ more.

    Getting a handle on portion control is difficult and most likely will involve you slipping up here and there.Still, I think it's a huge key to being able to keep up. Find ways to include chocolate that aren't as high-calorie for you. You can bake light from scratch too and include smaller amounts of things like chocolate chips in cookies, muffins, etc.
  • SergeantNarwhal
    SergeantNarwhal Posts: 116 Member
    First, I suggest logging the chocolate that you eat - you might be surprised how many calories from chocolate you actually consume! I know I was when I first started here and it really gave me a reality check - I could eat as healthy as I wanted and exercise, but if I was still consuming so much high-calorie chocolate, then I would never lose weight.

    Second, as most posters have suggested, find some healthier chocolate alternatives. I used to eat peanut m&ms like they were going out of style until I realized how many calories I would consume of them. Now, I try to opt for fruit and dark chocolate combinations or only eat a little bit of milk chocolate. I also equate chocolate to exercise - example: if I eat this Kit Kat bar, how long would I need to exercise to burn it off? Is it worth it? (Usually yes lol)

    I think this is a GREAT idea. Log all the chocolate that you eat religiously, the shock of the sugar and fat content alone might dissuade your craving. As cheesy as it sounds, change your relationship with it. Make it something special and rewarding versus snack-y. Perhaps save it for a treat for yourself if you've accomplished a goal in the day. Eat slowly, enjoy, savor. Cutting it out entirely will probably not work and be supper unsatisfying.

    ALSO, look up the ingredients in a mainstream chocolate candy and the process of making it. That alone might put you off it.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    why is every food that we can't control ourselves around labeled an "addiction" is really getting tiresome..

    OP - if chocolate is a "trigger" food for you then don't keep it in they house until you learn to eat it in moderation …

    Exactly. It is always your choice whether you eat something or not. Being healthy (in body and mind) means teaching yourself how to wait. Learn self control. It's an important skill if you want to be successful in keeping the weight off.
  • Slacker16
    Slacker16 Posts: 1,184 Member
    I can't stop eating chocolate!! Its the sole food that destroys my diet! I try to not have any in the house but then I end up eating spoonfuls of nutella all night or resort to making a mini chocolate mug cake. If i have change when at work i can't say no to the vending machine for a chocolate bar :((
    Try drinking mate or tea.

    The "feel-good" chemical in chocolate is theobromine. The same chemical is found in yerba mate and tea. Mate has more theobromine, and you use more of it to make a cup, but it also has more caffeine.

    It might reduce your cravings.
  • Nutella91
    Nutella91 Posts: 624 Member
    i'm the same.

    sister, suck it up, and fit it in your calories.
    eat soups, salads and lean protein all day so you have 400-500 calories just for chocolate. (totally worth it)
  • RunBakeLove
    RunBakeLove Posts: 101 Member
    Try Vitatops. The chocolate ones are actually really fudgy but only 100 calories and fiber so they fill you up. Plus, try to slowly cut back on the sugar elsewhere (in salad dressings and other processed foods). The less sugar you eat, the less you crave.
  • chsa22
    chsa22 Posts: 33 Member
    That is exactly my problem. From breakfast to dinner, I eat so healthy and can resist the vending machine. But once I finish dinner, I need to have something sweet, preferably chocolate. I started making smoothies with pb, banana, and unsweetened cocoa powder. all in all, it's still a decent amount of calories, but at least there was some nutrition in there too. My weaknesses are the nutella (just give me a spoon), and ice cream. I eat a pint in one sitting like it's nothing. But I limit the ice cream to once a week, and I don't even buy nutella anymore.

    I just bought a bag of Dove Dark Chocolate with Almonds inside. I figure I can have a few of these and they will satisfy my sweet tooth but I can actually stop at an appropriate amount.

    I agree about buying some good quality dark chocolate if you like the taste of it and have a little each night as a treat. Don't deprive yourself. If you're eating healthy 80% of the time and working out, you'll be fine with some chocolate here and there.