So my journey begins...

Hi everyone,
Today is my first day on MFP whoop whoop! I am so ready to get this stubborn weight off! I need to lose about 20 lbs but more so, I need to learn to have the willpower to say NO to things which are not healthy.
Just a little background: I'm in my late 20s, mom to a one year old and wanting to add another little one to the family. However, I don't want to go into another pregnancy carrying leftover baby weight from the first. I didn't start dieting earlier as I wanted to nurse my son till he was 1. Well now that he is, I am ready to get this ball rolling :)

I'd love to have some people around me for support and encouragement as I try to do this. Looking forward to all the motivation I will see on this site!!

May the odds always be in our favor <3:wink:


  • sjkcwatson
    sjkcwatson Posts: 61 Member
    Just wanted to encourage you- as the mom of 3 who keep me going all the time, it can be done! Just log everything and you'll learn quickly how to fill out your meals with more healthy choices while still allowing yourself a treat. I've found that I include more veggies and with time I've actually come to crave them. I've been maintaining since last summer, but feel free to add me if you want to see how I eat. Just keep in mind that I'm maintaining so I allow myself a little more treats that I did when loosing. My schedule has been so crazy the last fee weeks that I've slipped on my exercise but have kept my calories where they should be. I plan to pick up the walking/running (the primary exercise for me while loosing) again tonight now that the weather is better and we are settling into our outdoor sports routine (I walk during my kids practices). Good luck to you!! You got this!
  • amandadhines1

    Its awesome to have you!

    You can do it with friends!

    With love,
