need to get motivation

Hey i have been trying to loose weight for about three weeks and have lost very little and now im going through a phase of having no motivation was wondering if anyone goes through a no motivation phase and if you have was wondering what are good ways to get back on track..


  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    I would say that the best way to get back on track is to have a great support group. People that you can go to when you are struggling that will lift you up and help you along. I'd be more than happy to help out whenever you need it. Also, I help to run support groups through Facebook that are filled with people improving their health and fitness through regular exercise and proper nutrition. Everyone has the same purpose and is helping everyone else along in their journey. I'd be happy to get you added if you would like or chat more about it with you if you have questions.

  • bdruggles
    bdruggles Posts: 14 Member
    Oh... I think it's safe to say that, at some point, everyone's motivation has lagged. You are in the majority on that one.

    For me, when motivation lags, habit saves me. When my walks are scheduled and built into my day (especially when I know a hiking partner is expecting me), when journaling to keep track of what I'm eating is automatic, I end up doing it all even when I don't really feel like it. "Might as well do it" isn't an uplifting attitude, but it gets the job done on the down days.

    If you haven't had much success, really tracking the details of what you are doing -- so you have ideas about what to change, is important. For me, I looked at all the available not-too-crazy-diets and tried their breakfast suggestions for one week. It helped me find new options/ideas, and last week was much more successful for me -- and success is highly motivating!

    Habits, partners, and looking at it like a puzzle I need to solve, are the things keeping me going when the going isn't so good.
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    When I feel unmotivated I remind myself that the time is going to pass in any case. In a year's time, I would like to be further along towards my goal, rather than stalled out somewhere.

    And if the scale isn't moving, keep the faith.
  • lbenta
    lbenta Posts: 2
    I went through the same thing. I just now started to see results and started working out/dieting in mid-January. I don't know if you play any sports, but I recommend signing up with a team, a class, or a boot camp. Something at a set time each week that will make you work out (and be fun at the same time). Also, a lot of programs have a free day (groupon). I have been able to try HIIT, kickboxing, and boxing. Make sure you shake it up so you don't get bored and give up.

    Good luck!
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    Motivation for me comes from the small things. Make a list of things that motivate you. Read that list, keep that list, breathe that list.

    For now my list is:
    1. Spring/Summer clothes don't fit. Buying new ones is not an option.
    2. I bought a pair of capri Nike sweatpants. They don't fit. Need to get in them.
    3. Co-worker is losing weight. So can't let her beat me.
    4. Joined put my money in a pool to lose 4% of my weight in 4 weeks. Not losing my money.
    5. I feel better and sexier with my man. When I am thinner. Win win for both of us.

    What do you want to look like. You don't have to go for the big picture. My profile picture is me 23 pounds lighter. I love that picture. So I need to get back there. I remember how I felt. I want that feeling back.
  • sarainiowa
    sarainiowa Posts: 287 Member
    Figure out what motivates you. Is it a new outfit? Is it a concert? is it wanting to run a race. Whatever your reason for wanting to lose weight, know it way down deep in your heart. And then remember that every day.

    Then find support people. This can be a hard thing but MFP is great. Lots of supportive people here. So pick and choose friends carefully.

    Also, find people in your everyday life and tell them your goals. Maybe it's your best friend, a parent, a spouse or whom ever you trust and think can be supportive of you.

    Also, find something that represents your motivation, then find a picture of that. An outfit, the vacation spot or whatever your motivation is and put that on the refrigerator. I wrote my goals and put them on the refrigerator. This helps in that there's a visual when you're in the kitchen, which will remind you and motivate you, as well as help make better decisions about food.

    Get people involved in your goal. Keep your goal in front of you so that your always reminded of it.
  • emjc1988
    emjc1988 Posts: 3
    Wow thanks everyone I never even thought of some of the ideas that were mentioned. Will start putting new motivation ideas together to help me
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    Motivation = "I want to do this."

    You don't need to want to do it. You need to do it whether you want to or not.
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    I agree!! Finding a support group has helped me a lot and remembering why I am doing this. Sometimes I feel like giving up, but I have to remind myself that is only an emotion and it will pass. You got this!!