Calories burned in Focus T25 women?



  • How many carolies are burned during Dynamic core in Beta?

    I'm 5'2" (ish), female and almost 30 years old. I use a HRM almost every time I work out. I have been doing T25 since October. Prior to this I had bouts with Insanity and played soccer 2-3 times a week. I have done T25 almost to schedule and have really stuck to the calorie tracking. I am trying to expedite the workout process in order to get into bride shape! My range with these workouts have been as follows:

    Speed 1.0: 221-238
    Lower Body Focus: 222-234
    Total Body Circuit: 229-253
    Cardio: 244
    Abs: 143-181
    Stretch: 72

    Keep in mind that the days where there were double workouts explains the more calories burned (since I was starting the second workout with a higher HR than any other day). Also, the more I progressed through the month, the more calories I burned since I was able to do more of the activities and at a higher intensity/capability. The calorie counts above also include the 2-3 mins of cool down/stretch. So far with Beta I have burned the following:

    Core Cardio: 255
    Speed 2.0: 255
    Rip't Circuit: 220

    When I started the program I weighed 113 (fairly consistently every morning). I just weighed myself this morning at 108.5. Even though your calorie count might seem low (though I do admit - 140 seems too low), keep in mind it is only for 25 minutes. Your little heart can only work so hard in 25 minutes! For a 50 minute soccer game, I usually burn around 500 calories but the workout is not as effective as T25+healthy diet has been for me the past month! Hope this helped!
  • Nephy07
    Nephy07 Posts: 76 Member
    I'm 5'5'' (more or less) and I weight around 129 lbs, today I did fitnessblender workout that lasts around 45 minutes, I had a feeling I burned like 360 calories, but it turns out I burned "only" 280 (I know it's still a lot but I expected bigger number)
  • It also depends on how much you're going to push yourself during the workout. If you follow the modifier, you're not gonna burn as much. But if you work your butt off and follow Shaun T, you can feel the difference. I've done T25 for 6 weeks and have lost 22 lbs with it
  • Bethy1323
    Bethy1323 Posts: 3 Member
    I just checked (haven't been doing T25 for a few months) and my calories burned were around 180.
    How many carolies are burned during Dynamic core in Beta?

    I'm 5'2" (ish), female and almost 30 years old. I use a HRM almost every time I work out. I have been doing T25 since October. Prior to this I had bouts with Insanity and played soccer 2-3 times a week. I have done T25 almost to schedule and have really stuck to the calorie tracking. I am trying to expedite the workout process in order to get into bride shape! My range with these workouts have been as follows:

    Speed 1.0: 221-238
    Lower Body Focus: 222-234
    Total Body Circuit: 229-253
    Cardio: 244
    Abs: 143-181
    Stretch: 72

    Keep in mind that the days where there were double workouts explains the more calories burned (since I was starting the second workout with a higher HR than any other day). Also, the more I progressed through the month, the more calories I burned since I was able to do more of the activities and at a higher intensity/capability. The calorie counts above also include the 2-3 mins of cool down/stretch. So far with Beta I have burned the following:

    Core Cardio: 255
    Speed 2.0: 255
    Rip't Circuit: 220

    When I started the program I weighed 113 (fairly consistently every morning). I just weighed myself this morning at 108.5. Even though your calorie count might seem low (though I do admit - 140 seems too low), keep in mind it is only for 25 minutes. Your little heart can only work so hard in 25 minutes! For a 50 minute soccer game, I usually burn around 500 calories but the workout is not as effective as T25+healthy diet has been for me the past month! Hope this helped!
  • maddymc55
    maddymc55 Posts: 3 Member
    HOw did your t25 go? I just started mine yesterday.
  • piratess
    piratess Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Maddy im on day three and im aching from head to toe but really enjoying my work outs :)
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    I'm 5'8 160 pounds roughly I burnt 250- 300 cal in T25.
  • piratess
    piratess Posts: 6 Member
    Day four complete this morning, im finding controlling different muscle groups quite tricky .. just hope it gets easier to feel .. my tummy was tight but I couldn't feel anything through my tummy x
  • LulaV14
    LulaV14 Posts: 1
    Hello everyone!
    seeing all this comments about calories per workout in T25 makes me thing that my HRM is broken or something is not right :S
    I'm a 22 years old woman, weight: 220 lbs. I'm beginning the third week in Alpha T25 and just bought a Timex HRM last week.
    The thing is that for today my HRM stats are the following:
    Total TIme: 28 minutes
    Avg HR: 159
    Peak HR: 183
    Min. HR: 119
    Total Cal.: 651
    Recovery: 9

    It's 28 minutes because I also record the CoolDown.

    Do you think those stats are bad (specially for the calories :S)?
  • Faraz100
    Faraz100 Posts: 3 Member
    How in the world did you manage to lose 85 ponds dear?
  • meshoo10
    meshoo10 Posts: 2 Member
    Everyone burns calories differently. There are many factors...resting heart rate, effort, weight, height, etc.
    Instead of focusing on a number on your watch, focus on having really good form and putting forth the maximum amount of effort you can. THAT will produce far more results than focusing on calories.
  • TDov19
    TDov19 Posts: 1 Member
    I have a Polar HRM and it tells me I am burning about 190-200 calories for cardio and speed, but Lower Focus I am only hitting maybe 150. The plyometric workouts are never going to show an accurate calorie burn because those muscles are at work, not the heart, which is what the monitor measures. I find HRMs to be most accurate when specifically doing cardio. Don't worry so much about the calorie burn number. Happy Focusing! =)
  • KimmySueH
    KimmySueH Posts: 1
    I'm 5'4 and 144 lbs. just starting T25 today. At my weight Shaun T's nutrition book in the set says to eat 1600 calories a day on this program. If I did that and only burn 150 calories in a workout how would I lose weight doing this? There must be a greater calorie burn than 150, right? Or are you all sticking to 1200 calories regardless?
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    I think it also depends on your weight and fitness level as well, If you are 260 lbs you will probably burn a lot of more during 25 minutes than say someone who is 140 lbs. Everyone is different , its all about what you put into it and what the pre existing factors are.
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    Also , I double up on mondays as well with the total body circuit. I feel it doing 50 minutes twice a week and 25 minutes 4 days a week helped me reach the goals I was looking for , while keeping the calorie count high on my HRM
  • Hi, I just started the T25 today. How can I enter it in my diary. I search for it and the system cannot find it.
  • Wow. Was just looking into T-25 to supplement my workout routine (and do alone on those days that I just have zero energy or motivation), and 140 calories burned in 25 minutes seems way off to me. I'm 5'5", 118 lbs, 28 year old female and I just burned 255 calories in 20 minutes (Jillian Michaels Kickboxing). I've burned up to 900 calories doing insanity max cardio circuit. I am by no means out of shape. I work out 6-7 days a week for at least 50 minutes. I'm a runner, I hike 14ers, I do insanity, weightlifting, mountain biking, etc. I would say that if you're burning under 200-250 calories during an intense 20-25 minute workout, the HRM is off. You can always check your pulse every now and then, get an average, and plug it into one of the many calculators on the web to compare. Or maybe you just have a super low resting heart rate...
  • His number is taking into account "afterburn" - calories burned for a period of time after an intense (especially HIIT) workout. It prob also takes into account increased metabolism.