Feels like ive Failed :S

Let myself down this weekend :( can two naughty days ruin my attempts? ive lost 10lbs so far but i kind of gave in to take away and sweets the last two days......terrified my two days of treats have ruined the last few weeks hard work :( and people had only just started to notice the diffrence :( is it ok to have a few off days? xxx


  • lstrachan
    lstrachan Posts: 20 Member
    You will be fine!! Don't let these past two days give you the opportunity to just give up altogether. Do some cardio - drink plenty of water and congratulate yourself again regarding the 10lbs that you have lost. Now, something that has worked for me is Colon Therapy and Body Wraps. My Colon Therapy has allowed me to lose 5lbs within 2 weeks and 1 body wrap session I lost 2 inches. Its amazing when you start seeing what comes out of your body - you will think twice about what you put in your body. So just "hit" the reset button in your mind and keep it moving - literally!!! :flowerforyou:
  • GremlinJenny
    Don't be so hard on yourself. This isn't a test of passing and failing. It's life.

    So you had 2 days of indulgence... Good for you. You need those every now and then. Now, remember how great you've been feeling these past few weeks and how proud you were of your progress? Keep that in mind when you make your next meal decisions.

    You can totally do this. Allow for splurge days (especially with the holidays upon us) and know that splurging doesn't make you a failure. Congratulations on your 10lb loss. Keep up the good work!

  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    alot of it will be water if alot comes back all at once its just from the high sugar and salt intake dont worry drink that water and stay within calorie goals and you will drop down to what you were before binging quickly
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    don't beat yourself up...take it as a bump in the road and carry on

    2days ago i had a pizza for lunch(small one) but ate good for the rest of the day, yesterday i munched on a few of my kids sweets and went out for dinner...i felt bad, and today the scale was up 1/4lb but i just hit the treadmill harder today

    don't sweat it xxx
  • priskar
    priskar Posts: 156
    Just hop back on your program and eat like you did before "falling off the wagon". We will always be invited to parties, tempted by going out to dinner, be tired after work and think about take-out instead of healthier choices we can make at home. That's why what is promoted here is a lifestyle change and not just a diet.

    Two days of eating "take away and sweets" does not negate all the hard work you've put in before unless you continue to eat take away and sweets.

    You can do this! Plan your food in advance if you can and stick with it. Remember that your weight, diet, lifestyle does not have to stay the way it used to be. YOU can change it. Eat clean today and make a choice to eat clean tomorrow. Forget about the weekend and just move forward.

    Good luck and remember, it's a lifestyle change and not a diet. :smile:
  • Guber3mom
    Guber3mom Posts: 60 Member
    Most definitely, some people even include a cheat day where they can indulge in moderation. YOU most definitely did NOT gain back ten pounds in ten days, impossible, don't worry about, don’t get on the scale just yet and get back on track. I just had a rough weekend dinning with friends, parties, homemade Quiche were you host insist you have all three she made.. I could have had just a bite.. but NOOOOOOOO.. I am way over for today, and I will begin again Monday and be extra diligent. We all have days off, in my case a weekend off : ) Good luck.
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    You are totally fine! Just don't think about it again. i had this happen to me recently-and am glad to say i didn't give up, even when I wanted to! So-just keep trucking, you will do great!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    No, two days will not make much, if any difference. I take two days off every week and as long as I'm going to the gym during the week those two days don't hinder my weight loss. I eat pretty much whatever I want (without going totally crazy at each meal) and I don't see any negative effects Monday morning when I weigh in. And when I weigh in on Friday I see pretty much the same weight loss.
  • superstu80
    Don't let it get to you, it was only two days that you gave in! Let it roll off of your shoulders.. you should be proud of losing 10 lbs.! I would! Keep focusing on your goals and you'll get there.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    Just remember, this is not a diet, this is a lifestyle change. A couple of days of backsliding will make little difference as you go down this road. Just don't let it derail you completely. Put it on your "I'll try not to do that again" pile and move on.
  • gtfosnorlax
    If it makes you feel any better, the last two days I've cheated. Ate whatever I wanted (even when I wasn't hungry :embarassed: ) and did no exercise at all. I just made sure I drank lots of water. Today I got back on track and hit the gym. Still not losing any weight though, lol. So don't worry about it. :)
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. This isn't a test of passing and failing. It's life.

    Love THIS! So true Jenny:wink:
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Start Fresh Today, no guilt, simply eat healthy today and get a nice workout in pamper yourself later in the day with a bubble bath or something you enjoy. Toss the leftovers and begin a new day!

    You've not failed if you pick up and start from NOW, no beating yourself up though, that can only set us so much further back. Good for you for posting for support, now get out there and do something else that will get you back on the right track after this thread:flowerforyou: :wink: