


  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,662 Member
    just smoke weed
  • sillyvalentine
    sillyvalentine Posts: 460 Member
    You have to want it bad enough. There is no trick or scheme. Just willpower. You either have it or you don't.
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 379 Member
    I started smoking when I was 13. I was up to two packs a day by 17 years of age. I quit in my late 20s after my physician told me that I wouldn't make it to 35 if I kept smoking. I am 57 now and still crave a cigarette now and then, especially when stressed. Unfortunately, these last few months have been extremely stressful and I am this close to buying a pack of cigarettes. Rather than caving in to the actual cigarette, I picked up an ecig. I figure that way I won't buy a pack, smoke it, and buy another. I don't go to bars where smoking is allowed, either, because that is when I smoked the most.

    I quit cold turkey - basically walked out of the physician's office and threw out all my cigarette cartons and packs. I believe that was the best way for me. That is the key - it was the best way for me. Another person may need to use a different method.

    If at first you fail, try, try again. It is worth it.
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    Im two years smoke free after 23 years of a pack or a pack + a day. Quit the cold turkey variety. I still want one every now and again, but I know its not worth that first step down the slippery slope....

    The one piece of advice I can offer you is that you need to BE READY TO QUIT. In your own mind - for YOU. I tried to quit a few times in the years leading up to my quitting - tried HARD, tried REALLY HARD...but I wasn't ready. I said the same things you say right now - kinda like this - "I wanted to stop drinking - no prob. Stop smoking pot? No Prob! All the other stupid drugs I messed around with at one point or another? NO PROB. But Smoking, smoking has got me....its the one thing I cant leave alone..."

    NEWS FLASH: YOU CAN! Its scary, I know - VERY FLUCKING SCARY. But YOU CAN - you left all the other stuff on the just leave the smokes up there too! AND WANT IT! Eat, Exercise, drink, WHATEVER - just don't go back...Go ahead, gain ten pounds!! You can lose it easy! But DONT GO BACK.

    2 or 3 days in you will be FREE, and I gotta tell you, there IS NO BETTER FEELING than realizing you just kicked "The ONE THING YOU CANT LEAVE ALONE" Right in its *kitten*!

  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    A good quality E-Cig and good quality liquid works wonders. I tried everything to quit and that has been the only thing that worked for me. I would NOT recommend trying the Chantix; I did twice and the side effects (and stopping the Chantix) suck out loud. But, with the E-liquid, you can wean yourself off of nicotine slowly but surely.

    I WAS a 25 year smoker and chain-smoked for about 20 of those years.. I am happy to say that I have not had a regular cigarette in 18 months, have weaned myself down to the lowest nicotine level available. My next step is zero nicotine and have no plan to smoking EVER again.

    Good luck!