Losing the motivation....

I am so frustrated I could scream! I do good all morning and even lunch, but when dinner time rolls around I blow it! This weekend I ate all but two slices of a 14" specialty pizza in one sitting!! It started out as a "bet you I can eat this whole pizza" bet with my husband, why in the hell would I do that?! I eat like crap on the weekends and feel guilty about it once monday hits.I haven't gained any weight, but with all the junk food I spend a week getting rid of all the water weight.. only to put it back on. I am considered a healthy weight, but just barely. I would like to know how am I supposed to get out of this mindset that I am almost at my goal weight, I can loosen the reigns a little, when I know, deep down inside, that I could be totally blowing what I have worked so hard for. I have also slacked in the exercise department bc work has been super busy and I just don't have the energy after work. Someone PLEASE give me some encouragement :( I am losing it over here!


  • JAG995
    JAG995 Posts: 15 Member
    I can relate to what you are going through. I tend to do well in the beginning of the day and then sometimes its's like I lose all control and I just eat everything. What helps me is to recognize what you did, how to fix it and then start again the next day. I feel if I recognize what I ate that put me over, then next time I will prevent it. You will have your ups and downs. Don't beat yourself up because you have come a long way.
  • Dlibo1013
    Dlibo1013 Posts: 883 Member
    i had a bad day too. Reeces got in our house :(
  • sandygettingfit
    sandygettingfit Posts: 69 Member
    It's tough on the weekends bc that's usually the only time my husband and I go out to eat bc I was so much during the week. My tricks for making it through the weekend: 1- I eat filling foods for breakfast and lunch with few calories, so I can save the calories for dinner. 2- I go to the gym or run around my neighborhood and make sure I give myself plenty of extra calories (just in case). 3- We go out to dinner and I try (but don't always succeed) to pick something healthy that I love. Last weekend, I caved and had a mexican hamburger and a light beer. I talked my husband into splitting it with me, so I only ate half. This weekend, we had sushi for dinner, which worked out great. Low calorie and yummy!
  • bethvandenberg
    bethvandenberg Posts: 1,496 Member
    sometimes life just happens and it's not all that bad. You will get back on track and then maybe next weekend eat a salad or soup or fruit about 20 min before dinner. Then you'll be fuller of something good so won't be all that room for pizza. :)

    Hang in there. At least you notice what's wrong and what you need to work on. Just consider that your cheat weekend and get back to it.

    As for the exercise it's hard with the holidays. I've been forcing myself to get to the gym at least 2x a week but really that's not enough.

    Oh well tomorrow starts another week and if you stock your house with fruits, veggies, and other healthy snacks maybe you'll be more apt to choose that. :)
  • chocolatnoir
    chocolatnoir Posts: 182 Member
    Everything you are describing is in your control. You know how to lose weight- you've done it successfully. Now you can either continue applying everything wonderful you learned or you can choose the other road and be on MFP next year trying to lose all the weight you gained because of weekend binges and being busy at work.

    Tomorrow is a new day...just start fresh and recommit to your healthy lifestyle.

    Good luck! :)
  • danielle4992
    danielle4992 Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks everyone, I do the weight training on tuesday and thursdays at 0500-0600....and cardio is mon-wed-fri.... my personal trainer kicks my butt, but my eating is what gets in the way the most.. my husband always wants to eat out.. and we live in japan so its always good yummy food! I hope this is easy!!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I hear you, I'm having the same problem. I have issues with food in general.
  • Veggie_Eloise
    Veggie_Eloise Posts: 99 Member
    If I had a dollar for every time I lost control with food, me nor my husband would ever have to work again! Lol, but seriously it comes down to recognizing why the food has the power, even for that one moment. Once that is settled just chalk it up to a bad moment that is in the past and move on. Start tomorrow with a new fresh mindset that food will NOT get in the way. Good luck getting rid of those last few pounds :)