Haven't lost weight yet????

kwilkes930 Posts: 2
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I started 2 weeks ago going to the gym 5 days a week for at least an hour. I go to step aerobics class 3 times a week for an hour and then get on the elliptical for 30 mins. after class. And on the 2 days I don't have class I get on the elliptical and/or bike for an hour. I haven't lost a single pound and was just wondering if anyone could please give me some tips/advice on what I might be doing wrong and how can I start seeing results?


  • are you eating back your exercise calories? are you drinking enough water?

    if you're working out that much, your body's probably going into shock right now. your muscles are working overtime, are tearing, and you're probably retaining water because of the sudden change in your exercise routine. give it a couple of weeks, you'll probably drop a big chunk next week!
  • Hi, I just wanted to say your exercise routine is really great! I hope someone who may have some ideas on your weight loss question responds. I can say that a few years ago when I was an avid Jazzerciser, the instructor said that some people gain weight initially upon embarking on a vigorous exercise routine and then begin losing.
  • Hi, Well what I do is like things with so few calories when you exercise to get my account controlled drinking lots of water and not eat anything after 6pm in case I get hungry I eat a yogurt (fiber one) and more water and also when I workout wear a sauna suit to sweat more and I managed to lose 8 lbs in 3 weeks the only thing here on this page I started weighing the what I put but if you want to try good luck.
  • NickyJones
    NickyJones Posts: 60 Member
    Have you taken your waist/hips/neck measurements? You might be putting on muscle the same time you're losing fat. For example, this is my first week dieting and exercising, and I've barely lost 1 pound. But I'm a whole lot more toned and lost an inch off my waist. How are your clothes fitting? That's a good way to measure progress for me :P
  • Thanks for comments. I definately don't feel as discouraged now! Hopefully I'll start seeing results soon!
  • when i first started the gym i gained weight. and was so frustrated. however i lost size. i also got a personal trainer for a couple of weeks whicj kick started my weight loss and i leanred how to work out properlay and get the best results by combining the right exercises
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