Do you really like YOGA!!!!!!!!

I have a question for the people that enjoy YOGA.
Was it love at first site? I can't do it, I'm bored with it. I need it, seriously I'm not flexible at all and I'm having back problem.
Can you suggest something that will make me want to go to YOGA?

By the way I have try the HOT instructors, but baby they didn't make me love it................


  • kimbux
    kimbux Posts: 154 Member
    Nothing makes me want to go to YOGA. I think it's boring and too slow paced. If someone has to convince you to go, then you obviously don't like it either. Find something you do like.....
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    lol I didnt love it at first either, it was pulling me directions i felt my body would never get to. I felt clumsy, off balance, stiff and awkward. After i started to accomplish the poses, gain more flexibility the addiction started to kick in. Then when i started learning hand balances i was like sh&% this is so cool. Now im a junky lol. Plus after doing it for the last 7 months i hate waking up and feeling tight and sore. Im not content until i do my daily hatha flow
  • PrincessWarior
    PrincessWarior Posts: 71 Member
    Nothing makes me want to go to YOGA. I think it's boring and too slow paced. If someone has to convince you to go, then you obviously don't like it either. Find something you do like.....

    What about the benefice of it....
  • carrieo888
    carrieo888 Posts: 233 Member
    LOVE yoga! But you have to have the right class/instructor. If you get an instructor who thinks everyone should be in some inverted pretzel knot, run away! If you get an instructor who helps you work with your physical limitations to increase your flexibility and stamina, then you've got a winner. I have chronic back problems and balance problems due to a "rebuilt" foot. I worked with an instructor who modified positions and flows for everyone, and as we got stronger/more capable, she'd throw in a challenge. We were never forced to complete the "challenge," it was more to see where our limits were. Her motto was, "This is not a competition. This is YOUR practice. Listen to your body, and only push it as far as it let's you, and not beyond." I always felt taller, more relaxed, and fully oxygenated after class. And talk about a workout! It felt gentle, but the next day I'd be sore (in the good way) like I got a fantastic workout.

    Sadly, she moved out-of-state, and I have not found another instructor yet, so no yoga for me. I very much miss it.
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I loved Yoga from the beginning, but hate HOT yoga. I like Vinyasa yoga or Hatha Yoga. I had really good instructor that made it more interesting. Some Yoga instructors believe you should do the same thing in each class, I find that boring. I like the ones that challenge a bit.

    FYI, if you are having back problems make sure the instructor knows this. you may need to modify not to hurt yourself.
  • ajmaupin
    ajmaupin Posts: 44
    I have been doing it by suggestion of my personal trainer as i have zero balance and little flexibility. I like it as it feels good after strength training but i do not love it as i find it difficult and i am always the biggest one there. It has helped me a little with balance as i can now stand on one foot for longer than a couple seconds but it is slow going.

    My gym does have something called power yoga which looks intriguing as people are like doing handstands and crazy poses at a fast pace. maybe its the type of yoga you don't like (i am doing gentle and yoga 1).
  • silverraiyne
    silverraiyne Posts: 683 Member
    How many different yoga classes have you tried? With different instructors at different studios? There are tons of different types of yoga. You say it's too slow for you? Find a vinyasa style yoga, the one I go to is very fast paced, my heart starts racing and I leave covered in sweat. If i'm feeling I need to relax a little, I go to a restorative yoga, it's very...zen; like spending the entire 90 minutes in savasana.

    If it's something you're interested in doing then find a class (and an instructor!) that appeals to you. And my best advice on it...go into all new classes with an open mind and go to each one at least 3 times before you make a decision on it.

    good luck and namaste!
  • PrincessWarior
    PrincessWarior Posts: 71 Member
    How many different yoga classes have you tried? With different instructors at different studios? There are tons of different types of yoga. You say it's too slow for you? Find a vinyasa style yoga, the one I go to is very fast paced, my heart starts racing and I leave covered in sweat. If i'm feeling I need to relax a little, I go to a restorative yoga, it's very...zen; like spending the entire 90 minutes in savasana.

    If it's something you're interested in doing then find a class (and an instructor!) that appeals to you. And my best advice on it...go into all new classes with an open mind and go to each one at least 3 times before you make a decision on it.

    good luck and namaste!

    I have tried different classes (well...I think) I'm just a cardio junky......But thank you for your comment I will look into it.
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    I started doing yoga because I thought it would help with both my stress and my flexibility (or lack thereof). It's helped on both things quite a bit.

    I would suggest trying different types of yoga, and/or different studios/instructors. When I was first starting to do yoga, I would tag along with friends to whatever classes they did, so I got a feel for a variety of things. I have a hard time with Bikram (feel like I'm going to pass out), and was ok with Hatha, but got pretty bored easily. Vinaysa flow has been my favorite, it's challenging, but not overwhelming.

    Instructors also make a huge difference, (and not just the one's that are better to look at!). I like instructors that actively make adjustments, make everyone feel included, aren't too hippy-dippy, but aren't super valley girl/guy peppy. I'm picky that way I guess :-)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    There are a lot of different kinds of yoga...

    I practice restorative yoga a couple of days per week on my rest days to aid in recovery and repair of my body from all of the other **** I put it through during the other 5 days. I love it...but wouldn't necessarily love it as a primary form of exercise and probably wouldn't really like doing it daily or anything...but a couple days per week for recovery is awesome.

    I wold also note that the instructor can make a huge difference if you're attending a class. It's just like anything else, some instructors suck and some are awesome. I do my yoga on my own.
  • eikito
    eikito Posts: 114 Member
    I tried yoga once a few years ago and thought it was OK. But then I started going to my gym and joined one class one day. The teacher is awesome!!! and love her class. A couple of weeks ago she went away and the guy who filled in for her was from a very different style and we all hated it. I guess the teacher/instructor has a big part, but as she explained to me: there are many different styles of yoga. So I'd recommend you to try all the styles and also different instructors. If you don't like it, try something else, pilates maybe?
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    Yoga isn't for everybody. I tried it a few times, but I find it boring. I hate standing still and I'd much rather dance/skip/do vigorous calisthenics/HIIT/ANYTHING except yoga.

    Edited for typos. Ugh.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Well, you could try pilates (faster paced) or a different type of yoga (Ashtanga vs. Yin vs. Vinyasa etc are all very different). Or maybe an aqua-fit type class. Or just other studios if you don't like the one you are at.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    Yeah, I'm not a fan.
  • spoiledpuppies
    spoiledpuppies Posts: 675 Member
    I love yoga, BUT I've been to classes that are horribly boring. Depending on your own level, look for "fitness yoga," or "athletic yoga" classes. Or as someone else suggested, you could try pilates or a class that blends yoga and pilates. The instructor can also make a huge difference in terms of how demanding it is. I don't enjoy the super-mellow/meditative, slow-paced classes either, but when it's physically challenging, it's probably my favorite thing to do!
  • dshalbert
    dshalbert Posts: 677 Member
    You can google "benefits of Yoga" and find a lot there. I did not like Yoga at first, but now I do some form of it almost every day and do a class at least once a week. Some of the benefits that I have seen is increased flexibility, better balance and strength. It really helps you to get very in tuned with your body and if you have back problems Yoga really helps to strengthen those core muscles that support the back. If you've ever gone to PT for your back, many of the exercises that your therapist will have you do are Yoga based moves.

    Also my favorite benefit of Yoga is the calm that I have after it. I sleep like a baby the night after my Yoga class. Also it teaches you controlled breathing, how to stop, calm down and focus. I have a stressful job, and during the day it's nice to be able to know how to take a minute to calm myself down and focus. The longer you take it the more you will begin to see the benefits. The instructor is key though. Some in my opinion are just too aggressive and go too fast. Also, some people are super flexiable and some (like me) are not very flexible at all, so it can be intimidating if you are ina class full of rubber band girls. Good instrucors will work with you within what you can do. You may want to pick up the Rodney Yee A.M/P.M. DVD and start doing it at home.

    As for Hot Yoga (Bikram)? I am going through menopause so I have no need for hot anything :laugh:
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I loved Yoga from the beginning, but hate HOT yoga. I like Vinyasa yoga or Hatha Yoga. I had really good instructor that made it more interesting. Some Yoga instructors believe you should do the same thing in each class, I find that boring. I like the ones that challenge a bit.

    FYI, if you are having back problems make sure the instructor knows this. you may need to modify not to hurt yourself.

    I agree. LOVE yoga, HATE hot yoga! I've had three different instructors, with three completely different styles. I like to work HARD in my yoga, and I've developed some impressive (to me, anyway) muscles from it.
  • Aparz1
    Aparz1 Posts: 949
    So hot instructors or hot yoga? I get super bored with yoga but when I go to hot yoga I love it... Maybe try different types?
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    I deal with depression and anxiety issues (way to put your dirty laundry out there, maz!) and yoga was SUCH a wonderful body AND mind exercise for me. I fell off the yoga wagon because my studio was just too expensive, but I will say this: I went to a few studios before I found *the one* that I wasn't crazy about. To me, the right studio/instructor makes ALL the difference. So if you're committed to giving yoga another shot, shop around until you find a good fit.

    Also, I prefer vinyasa (flow) yoga to bikram or hatha. Good luck!!
  • insomnical
    insomnical Posts: 24 Member
    Yoga was the first thing I wanted to try when I still had a gym membership. I went once, and felt so out of place & unwelcome that I left before class was done.

    Eight months later I took it at college, with this instructor who was so tiny I could have lifted her up with one arm. She made everything feel safe & possible, my classmates were all respectful & supportive and I've since befriended her and try to do a little yoga a few days a week.

    Yoga's one of those things where, if you stick with it, you get better results. I was really not into it at first, but had to force myself to quiet down and focus on the moves or else I'd fall over/lose my balance. I really enjoy the spiritual side to it, energy, etc, because I have problems with stress and anxiety and my mat brings me quiet and clarity when I have a day of panic attacks.

    Acro-yoga is tons of fun and I think anyone who's nervous about it should totally try to hunt down a class for it. :smile: