Do you really like YOGA!!!!!!!!



  • jaecobb86
    jaecobb86 Posts: 25 Member
    Yoga and I have a deep love relationship! I recently fell in love with Power Yoga and feel the need to practice like twice a week. I like power because it moves faster and builds more strength. When I really need to mellow out, I do yin yoga. The key with yoga is to find an instructor who offers plenty of modifications and works with the students, as well as understands that not everyone is advance. Trust me, I am flexible but not a super yogi!!!

    Good luck!
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    I'm starting to. I had tried it in the past and hated it, but this time around, I started going to classes at the Y because I am rehabbing an ankle injury and I need some serious work on my balance. I think having a specific thing I wanted to improve on helped my attitude about it - and I'm getting more flexible and stronger too!

    I had to miss my class this morning because of a meeting and I'm pretty bummed about it. That never would have happened six months ago - lol.
  • suejoker
    suejoker Posts: 317 Member
    I love yoga and can't afford classes right now, so just do it with my Wii Fit Plus trainer. She's a B*#@* (she says "ouch" every time I get on the balance board) but I get feedback about my poses from the balance board & screen. I really like that. Also, doing it solo, I can do as much or as little as I want. I can customize my class. It's awesome and, since we've had a Wii for years, it's free!
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I absolutely love yoga, especially hot yoga, because I like getting sweaty. And it's a great counter to running. I much prefer power vinyasa to hatha, which is too slow moving for me. But it's not for everyone; do what you enjoy doing.
  • casiobarnes
    casiobarnes Posts: 78 Member
    Yoga was one of the first exercise routines I attempted, and I am hooked! I normally practice vinyasa, although I also follow a recovery routine for runners from time to time. Being mindful of my breath and form helps me unwind and gives me something to look forward to on stressful days. Physically, the strength and flexibility I’ve developed is a pleasant reminder that I am blessed to have a body that supports me, even though I insist on beating it up by running and working.

    All that stated, you have to find what works for you, be it a different instructor, more challenging practice, etc. Good luck!

    ^Exactly this! My dentist actually suggested I take yoga (I'm a grinder) but it wasn't until I saw that the local studio had a flexibility focused class specifically for runners that I took the plunge. I go 4x a week now - mixture of vinyasa and hatha, and I love it! The instructor definitely makes all the difference, so try to "shop around" for a good fit.
  • BreAnn267
    BreAnn267 Posts: 46
    Personally I love yoga. I do it because it helps me relax and keeps me centered (especially when dealing with twin 5 year olds lol). I believe that yoga, just as any form of exercise is not for everyone, and you should love the exercise you do. If it's not for you then that's okay...just do what you love!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I've hated yoga since my very first introduction to it many years ago. I've tried many times and many different types, but it's just not my thing. It's OK to not like yoga. You can do other stretching/strengthening programs.

    Now yoga PANTS... that's another story. I could live in those suckers. :-)
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    I'm someone that took to yoga right away, but I didn't become serious about it for about 6 years.

    However, not everyone likes it and that's no big deal. I believe to be healthy, you need some sort of exercise and some way to deal with the stresses of life. Yoga is that for some people. You could prefer to meditate and run or go to church and swim. Whatever works.

    If you want to do something for your back without yoga, I would try a physical therapist - the PT will give you exercises to do for your back that will help you. The PT may work a lot better than the yoga class.

    As an aside: any time I'm bored with anything, I ask myself "why am I bored"? What is it about _____, that is making me bored - or is it that I would rather be distracted by something else? Am I giving up because I find it difficult? Do I truly not like doing ____? My brother once told me never give something up just because you find it difficult, but it's totally ok to give something up because you dislike it.
  • salevy
    salevy Posts: 208 Member
    I did yoga when I was in college and I loved it.

    When I was diagnosed with arthritis, my brother suggested I go back to it. I have no sense of balance and little flexibility.

    I loaded up my Kindle with workouts and I have a few on there for yoga. I'm having a great time with it.

  • swsays
    swsays Posts: 125 Member
    I love yoga. Specifically, hot vinyasa flow yoga. Followed closely by a HIIT yoga class my studio offers. Living in a small community, I don't have a lot of choices for studios but I was lucky to hit the jackpot my first time out. I cannot make myself do exercise videos at home - I'm hoping someday to change this and be able to do yoga every day at home. I was horribly out of shape and after three months of about 4 yoga classes a week, my core had improved immensely. I am no kind of graceful in my yoga practice - I am fat and slow and not particularly bendy - but I find such peace on my mat that I will never stop doing yoga. I was hooked in one class.

    But I also agree with the folks that commented that it is OK to NOT like yoga, just like it is OK to NOT like to run or any other exercise. But like most things, you may find you like a different thing at a different stage in your life, so never say never!
  • odonogc
    odonogc Posts: 223 Member
    I love yoga, it's a super important part of my life. I literally feel like I'd fall apart physically and mentally without it. I do it everyday, 60 - 90 minutes, at home.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I love yoga. Specifically, hot vinyasa flow yoga. Followed closely by a HIIT yoga class my studio offers. Living in a small community, I don't have a lot of choices for studios but I was lucky to hit the jackpot my first time out. I cannot make myself do exercise videos at home - I'm hoping someday to change this and be able to do yoga every day at home. I was horribly out of shape and after three months of about 4 yoga classes a week, my core had improved immensely. I am no kind of graceful in my yoga practice - I am fat and slow and not particularly bendy - but I find such peace on my mat that I will never stop doing yoga. I was hooked in one class.

    But I also agree with the folks that commented that it is OK to NOT like yoga, just like it is OK to NOT like to run or any other exercise. But like most things, you may find you like a different thing at a different stage in your life, so never say never!

    This is an excellent reply!!

    (Also when I said I didn't like hot yoga. I didn't mean the yoga. I just meant being hot.)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I dislike yoga. I've tried various types/forms and I still don't like it. But I still try to do it because it is good for flexibility.
  • jenniferljohnson19
    jenniferljohnson19 Posts: 2 Member
    I LOVE yoga...but not hot yoga...try a class that isn't too long or too "pure"...if you have access to "on demand", there are variety of really short classes (10 minutes) You could try several different methods. I hope you find one you like!
  • jenniferljohnson19
    jenniferljohnson19 Posts: 2 Member
    Great response! I totally agree! :)
  • bunny1006
    bunny1006 Posts: 325 Member
  • punkeyschnoodles
    If you're a cardio junky, try Bikram.
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    Well, you could try pilates (faster paced) or a different type of yoga (Ashtanga vs. Yin vs. Vinyasa etc are all very different). Or maybe an aqua-fit type class. Or just other studios if you don't like the one you are at.
    This. I want to love yoga. I've tried to love it. But I hate it. It's too slow.
    I do love pilates though.