Dear motivation, where ohhh where have you gone???

I’m sitting here mentally checking in with myself half way through IMO the toughest foodie month of the year. December is a month full of pitfalls like holiday parties and fresh baked traditions of cookies & casseroles that add inches to your waist line. Food is associated with so many memories and traditions in our cultures these days it is a real part of the holiday. And a real struggle for millions like myself.

To help not be a statistic this holiday season (avereage american chick packs on 1-3 pounds this month) I started the month with a goal to do the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred everyday this month to fight the preverbal holiday bulge and heck hopefully even tone up……….Umm, yeah I don’t know why I set that goal! I did it to push myself to do something hard, but I felt within my reach. Now that I’m checking in I realize the month is half gone & I’ve only done it half of the 13 days so far in December!

I feel two very separate emotions about that:
1)PISSED off, I’ve failed myself, I’m being lazy!
2)ANGRY with myself that I cannot let myself just enjoy this time of the year and take a much deserved “pseudo” break!

Now while it may not be rational to have both of these thought processes going on at the same time-- I do. Half of me is like you are only 12 pounds from goal; hurry up and beat yourself bloody till you get there! The other half is like you have lost 89 pounds take a break, only work out 3 times a week instead of 6 and have a drink & a frickin’ cookie you deserve it!

I can’t tell if I need some rest or a good kick in the *kitten*. Advice on either is welcome!


  • Melis25Fit
    Melis25Fit Posts: 811 Member
    I feel the exact same way. When I do let myself have that cookie, I think - "yeah keep eating, that's what got you so FAT in the first place. Have another, and you'll be right back where you started." I also know this is a lifestyle change, and the occasional cookie will go into your mouth, a nd you will have an occasional drink. The important thing is thats not all we eat all day - every day. Not excessively, but in moderation. But now the key is finding the right limit.

    I have lost 105 lbs total, and every time I have something sweet, or non diety, I am super hard on myself. I've gotta learn to relax and be smart about what I eat. Work out longer for that one cookie, or make sure you have enough calories. Limit yourself to 50 cals of sweets a day, or one big treat once a week.

    I baked 12 dozen amazingly awesome christmas cookies and brought them into work today. Sitting on the desk next to me. I just shoved a banana in my face hoping that would take these hunger pains for sugar away. Nope still there. So I say, "You had 2 cookies yesteday, you know what they taste like, and it's not going to kill you if you dont have another one." Still...

    My friend, what I'm trying to say, is you're not alone. We all face this. I'm obsessed with thinking what will i eat next, what can I eat next, and DANG IT these cookies are torturing me. Taunting me, calling my name. But you've gotta figure out what's most important and how willing you are to stick to your guns!
    Good Luck! :)
  • noble1987
    I know how it feels

    Good luck xXx
  • nejohn
    nejohn Posts: 62
    Don't give up and don't be so hard on yourself. Step back and look at all the hard work you've done and your accomplishment. I'm proud of you! {hugs}
  • gentlebreeze2
    gentlebreeze2 Posts: 450 Member
    I've only lost 40 pounds, but I do know this. Life is hard, so it's important to be kind to yourself. I do NOT deprive myself of the occasional yummy, BUT I make sure I get enough exercise calories burned to cover my splurge. Life is not about deprivision, but moderation. It's unrealistic to think you can do the same exercise every day for 30 days... which is not to say it can't be done. I would say every other day would be a great goal, and then any days you exceed that is a bonus. Again, BE KIND TO YOURSELF and happy holidays.
  • bellydancerj9
    bellydancerj9 Posts: 34 Member
    I hear ya! It can be a very emotional and a very tough struggle. This is a very tough time of year. I find that I don't get too far off track as long as I track. Exercise is important, but I don't always have time to do it. I end up with 10 minutes here, 3 minutes there... anyways. I try not to say that I "deserve" to eat cookies and such, that makes food a reward. From my experience if I think of food as a reward instead of as just fuel, I eat when I should not. If you want a cookie then have 1 or 3. But remember: The more you have the slower your weight loss is going to be!