Achilles tendonitis!!! Exercise suggestions please.

hunny73 Posts: 112 Member
I suffer from AT and have been told to not do any high impact exercise. I'm finding even cycling, eliptical and walking are aggrevating the pain? Any suggestions how else I can get some exercise??


  • Hey friend,

    I've fought this for years. Several years ago, I started running with the goal of losing 40lbs. I ramped up way too quickly, and within six months I had AT issues (yes, I did lose the 40lbs very quickly...within three months of beginning my program). By nine months, it was very severe and I stopped running. Keep in mind that I ramped up very quickly, was running steep hills, sprinting..basically a text book example of what NOT to do when beginning a running program. I got into the routing of getting back into running, only to drop it (or scale back) after a month or so when the pain would return significantly.

    Ultimately, I went to a chiropractor, and his methods didn't help (active release, graston technique, etc). I've also done eccentric calf exercises (which helped, but didn't solve the issue). Ultimately, the chiro did introduce me to the Strausburg sock....Please..if you've tried this with no success...keep reading !!.. I also began using the SS, and found it too difficult to wear through the night...BUT....

    Here's what I found that gives significant improvement: Again, using the SS, instead of wearing as designed (mild tension, and worn during sleep...which most people find impossible!!), what I do is after a run, I put on the SS and cinch it way up very tight such that my AT is in a hard stretch (be careful not to tighten the calf straps too much) and lay back on a couch or bed. After about half an hour, I remove the SS and move foot/ankle through range of motion exercises(such as the "alphabet" that people do after an ankle sprain). The results are immediate. I practice this routine diligently and it really does work (at least for me). Now, I don't believe I'll ever get back to where I'm able to sprint up steep hills, but this keeps my running going with no down time... I'll usually go through one SS every two months.

    FYI, I'm more of a medium distance runner (5K - 10K). I'll usually do 22:30 5K, 47:00 10K, and 6:15 mile

    ..hope this helps