Not new, but hey everyone needs friends.

I'm not new to the site, had a few rounds on here. Camping season tends to derail me, but that has to be the best excuse in the whole wide world right? Never made many friends on here mostly used MFP as a tool, but I'm thinking if I'm more active on the forum and made more friends on here, maybe camping won't throw me too much out of the loop. Anyways, feel free to add me if you like!


  • NightWriteMermaid

    I'm Alex. Not a camper, but I spent a couple months backpacking in Utah and understand how it could be easy to pack unhealthy stuff (produce doesn't stay fresh). :P
  • NightWriteMermaid
    Side note: I love your bucket list. Seriously love it.
  • ndriedger
    ndriedger Posts: 77 Member
    Thanks :) Sometimes a person needs to sit back and just think of the things they want to do. Helps with setting goals and getting by obstacles, I'm going windsurfing for the first time next month. Really trying to get some muscles built up for it. I think I'm going to love it, specially if it doesn't absolutely kill me the first time.

    We don't have drive through movies here, but last year I stole the projector from work and hosted an outdoor movie for my daughter's birthday. It was pretty sweet to sit by the fire and watch a classic.
  • Very_Kerri
    Very_Kerri Posts: 44 Member
    I have been around the MFP block a time of two myself. I am here and HIGHLY motivated and would love to have more friends to support and be supported by! I log in daily and am a frequent flyer during the week. I spend a lot of time playing on the weekends and the computer isn't a priority. Anyone want to be pals??
    KMTSSF Posts: 6
    I'm also looking to add more friends so anyone please feel free to add me. I can really use some support/motivation and love motivating others!