Does Herbalife Really Work?



  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Pretty much any diet plan works if it you stick with it.. but if you do Herbalife and don't learn to eat differently for good you're going to gain weight back when you stop doing the program.

  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,025 Member
    No magic here. If there's a deficit involved, it'll work.
  • Gsausen
    Gsausen Posts: 4 Member
    I use to sell it. It will work at first, for a month or two. You are cutting calories... In the long run, no. I stopped selling it because I felt bad knowing that their weight loss was short term.
  • scoleman58
    scoleman58 Posts: 25 Member
    Herbalife does work for what it is intended. Herbalife from the information I know is not a magic solution for weight loss NOTHING IS, let me repeat, Nothing Is. If you want to loose weight and keep it off NO DIET, let me repeat this too, No Diet will work long term due to its definition. You need to change the way you eat. Reduce calories, exercise and proper nutrition during AND after your weight loss. Main problem with this change is getting the nutrition you need to stay energized and health during a calorie deficit and including exercise. Herbalife is a way to maintain energy and provide the nutrition you need during and after the calorie deficit.

    Please know that most people that are not dieting and most who are do not get the proper nutrition and at some point during the day feel tired or take a stimulant (caffeine) to mask this lack of nutrition. Herbalife is not the only way, I have used other ways also. Green drinks/smoothies, and making my own nutrition shakes from raw food that still taste great. I started with a Vitamix and raw food. after 3 months my energy level was so high I almost felt like I was on a stimulant most of the day. This also included regular workouts and 7 hours a sleep 4 to 5 nights a week. Might sound impossible but is can be done. I am a "game'er" love staying up late playing games, have a wife and twin girls that are 3 now and attend school online. So yes I gave up some gaming and some other things 4 nights a week here and there. worked in my 7 hours of sleep and the other 2 to 3 night worked on some gaming :)

    Herbalife provides me with a liquid meal replacement when I wake up because I am in the gym within 90 mins of waking up. Note only liquid can be ready to use in about 60 to 90 mins of consuming, no chewed food can be! I also use it after my workouts. They have a shake for recovery, note any recovery shake should be taken within 30 mins of a workout the sooner the better! Also they have a protein you can mix in with your "regular" shake to get in your much needed protein; side note, your body can only absorb so much protein or any nutrients at one time.

    Moral of the story, learn to eat natural nutritious foods, learn portion control, READ LABELS and use easy to make supplements to supplement the nutrition not met by the food you eat. YES Herbalife works, the real question are you using it correctly :)
  • stacey2480
    stacey2480 Posts: 24 Member
    hey not sure if you decided to go with your friend that is a rep of herbalife... but i works like a charm.. me husband and i love it
  • tryclyn
    tryclyn Posts: 2,414 Member
    Been there, done that. Waste of money.
  • Eddogs4
    I have been on it a week it cost over 200 bucks the supplements are awful tasting and don't work for beans! but I thought the shakes were good. Mix the chocolate and vanilla together if you don't like any flavors. My weight loss goal was 20lbs by December 18th I was told it was possible. I haven't cheated and I'm not losing as fast as I had hoped. As a matter of fact I am feeling very drained and I have no energy. This was supposed to pick up my energy well bologna it did not. I agree that once I start eating normal amounts of food again, I bet I will gain it all back and have no weight loss at all. I'm disappointed because the folks that told me about this diet lost a bunch of weight on it and have kept it off. This will not be a way of life for me. Even with the supplements I feel crummy. Don't waste your money! Go Atkins it is faster and healthier at least you can eat on that diet! You can even take in fat on Atkins imagine that!! I love my salads and meat and cheeses. On this shake diet there's more forbidden food than good for you to eat food and I really do hate it!! I dropped 20lbs on Atkins a year ago but I didn't stick to it that's why the weight came back. All diets are a life style change! But Atkins just costs you the right groceries. There's no discussing supplements to shove into your body three times a day ( they made my pee really yellow and smelly). And you can eat lunch and breakfast. I'm going to finish my shakes because I spent all that money on them but I should have done slim fast and Atkins instead. It's the same thing only much cheaper! Take it from me. Don't waste your time or your money on garbage!!!
  • Eddogs4
    I'm starving all the time on this shake diet and it's making me miserable! No energy my get up an ho got up and left the day I started this crazy diet!
  • J91983
    J91983 Posts: 3
    I did herbalife a couple of years ago & lost 11lb,still way off my goal at the time & all I thought about was food! I let myself down & hence gave up this time I started new year with no weigh in (too ashamed) so I knew 100% there was a serious issue with denial,18th jan 2014 I braved the scales 14.1 yet I know it would've been much higher anyway 4 days after the 14.1 shock I felt great & as an eager beaver hopped on and was down to 13.10!
    This isn't water weight either as I'd already been on 2 shakes F1 & F3 twice a day with a healthy meal,3/4 litres of water over 12 hours easily & not one cheat.Previous I always said I was ready when my mindset wasn't now I am I've a long way to go but it's now or never,I dnt take all the pills those ill experiment with IF I hit a plateau.Im under no illusions this time it's now or never & I will happily stay on maintain afterwards as previous I'd skip breakfast & lunch have a large meal & feast through evening,not anymore! Every "diet" is for a short period to get to your goal it's upto you to afterwards re gaining isn't herbalifes fault it's our guilty pleasures.Ive gone from full Pepsi 2/3 litres a day to water it can be done but the slightest doubt or "one choc bar won't hurt" then maybe it's not the right time for you,I've 3 kids a house full of temptations and I've not treated myself and to me that's the first time in my life I'm proud of my willpower.
    Hopefully by march I'll be a stone off goal so April I hope to be happy in my own skin,I think about what I put in my mouth already & feel wonderful my skin is soft my itchy rashes have gone & my clothes are loose,I can't understand why herbalife gets bashed with any mention,it's FDA approved & I dnt have a coach to bully me into other products I have a friend who used to do it & he advised to not buy a load of stuff it's trial & error (he's back on it too) he's friendly support.I won't give up anything is possible I'm happy spending £30/£25 for a months supply &£1 a weight watchers meal I've saved a fortune with no KFC a weekly spend of £35 for a family of 5 I've also started to stop being food kind in my kids packed lunches,seeded bread brown healthy fillings & kids on water.New me,new mum,new healthy life! Good luck to all trying to lose weight
  • deserem85
    Hi ma'am I was reading your post about Herbal life... how is ti now
  • Michelle2W
    Michelle2W Posts: 163 Member
    It works as long as you take it, but it's not natural as they claim. I took them 15 years ago and ended up in the doctors office with, severe palpitations! On the back of the bottle it had a warning!
  • Michelle2W
    Michelle2W Posts: 163 Member
    Doctor told me I was the 4th person, taking Herbalife, who came to see him that week, with the same symptoms !
  • hg956
    hg956 Posts: 1
    Now I am 15 yrs old and have lost 50 pounds on Herbalife in the last 3 months and still losing. Now If I were asked which is the area of greatest misunderstanding and confusion in the field of nutrition, I would immediately be forced to reply, it is the  the beginning of a better nutritional program. Now most people honestly dont understand that there are secondary effects to a new nutritional program these symptoms can be haedaches, stomach aces, dizziness, and etc. Another thing people dont understand that all foods are good for you some more than others but TO A CERTAIN EXTENT learn to limit yourselves. Now if you are adding exercise to a regular herbalife weight lose plan that wont workout for you because it has a too low amount of protein and calories if you are to add excercise you have to add a greater amount of protein and calories and if im not mistaken Herbalife has a new line of products with everything you need for greater physical activity. Now if you lose weight and go back to your old eating habits what happens you gain weight, obviously. Dont blame the product because you dont have the discipline to limit yourself. I hope this was helpful.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    Hi there - I recently started doing Herbalife because a friend is a rep. He has lost 11 pounds in 2 weeks which I find extreme.
    However it is working for him.

    But I want to hear from others that have tried it and like it.
    What are your thoughts on the program?
    Did you have a special meal plan?
    What are the drawbacks of the program?
    What happens when you stop Herbalife?

    Thanks everyone out there!!!
    Truth is ANY PROGRAM out there works if you apply their strategy and plans. So why do people regain? Because just like Herbalife, 90% of those who go on diet programs don't really have interest on staying on them because they may be restrictive to actually food and drink choices that people associate with happiness.
    It may be just me (or not), but most of my "clean eating" peers seem to fret over just about anything that they eat and seem grouchier because they can't seem to join in on things like cake, ice cream or fries on occasions.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    I know people who have done it and lost weight - but it was much like anything else - they still had to eat a healthy balanced diet but were also buying the products. Also much like WW they were required to weigh in and get measured once a week. Did it last? NO. They quit the program and gained the weight back. I think tracking and logging calories is much more sustainable and you don't get "rooked" in to buying a bunch of expensive supplements and meal replacements.

    Although some of their products are worth buying just to add to your regular eating plan. I like the protein bars and they would serve their purpose like any other protein bar would. But to go out and buy into the whole program? No thanks but good luck to you.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,723 Member
    Now I am 15 yrs old and have lost 50 pounds on Herbalife in the last 3 months and still losing. Now If I were asked which is the area of greatest misunderstanding and confusion in the field of nutrition, I would immediately be forced to reply, it is the  the beginning of a better nutritional program. Now most people honestly dont understand that there are secondary effects to a new nutritional program these symptoms can be haedaches, stomach aces, dizziness, and etc. Another thing people dont understand that all foods are good for you some more than others but TO A CERTAIN EXTENT learn to limit yourselves. Now if you are adding exercise to a regular herbalife weight lose plan that wont workout for you because it has a too low amount of protein and calories if you are to add excercise you have to add a greater amount of protein and calories and if im not mistaken Herbalife has a new line of products with everything you need for greater physical activity. Now if you lose weight and go back to your old eating habits what happens you gain weight, obviously. Dont blame the product because you dont have the discipline to limit yourself. I hope this was helpful.
    I'm only asking because you spoke of your age, but are you paying for you plan? And if it's your parents paying for it, why not just spend the money on better food options in the house in the first place?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • foxygoesfast
    Just google "herbalife scam" to find out. It's a MLM scam which suckers "representatives" into trying to make back the money they've lost buying into the company by pushing their friends and family into buying their products, which are sold with medically and clinically unsubstantiated claims about their efficacy. I'm really surprised this company still exists.
  • magurski
    magurski Posts: 45 Member
    I don't know if HerbalLife works or not, all I know is that, if I have to regularly pay someone to help me with weight loss, their motivation is *not* to help me lose weight and keep it off long-term... If I have to buy something, join something for a regular fee, etc, all I know is that "good business sense" says "keep me as a customer as long as possible". It may be paranoid, but places like Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, MediFast, Shakeology, etc and supplements like SlimFast, HerbalLife, etc, have zero economical interest in no longer having me as a client, and since their claim is "lose weight", they have zero economic interest in my doing so long-term. Eat the right foods (FSVO "the right foods"), learn portion control, and supplement with exercise in order to assure you burn more than you eat, and you'll lose weight...

    Any "magic pill" that promises weight loss without life changes or effort is, at best, snake oil, in my many years of experience seeking out such quick fixes.
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    The only reason I have Herbalife in my house is because my bf's dad had a bunch, stopped using it, and gave it all to us. We've had it laying around for a year now, and now I put a scoop or two in my shakes (with frozen fruit)

    I would NEVER pay for it, and no, it doesn't "work"

    I've been eating on average 1590 net calories a day for the past 60 days and I haven't lost an ounce of weight. I'm only using it because its laying around the house and I am making shakes anyways if I have to eat on the run...