Losing lots of weight for improved health/fertility


I'm new to the forums but have been using MFP for 6 months tracking all foods. I am counting calories (1200/day) and trying to make healthy choices (eating the rainbow etc). I have not eliminated any food groups. I try to eat very healthy but still eat out, enjoy a piece of chocolate or bit of ice cream. I need to make sure this is sustainable. I walk a lot and have recently started Pilates.

I have lost 70 lbs (5 stone) and managed to stay motivated. That is why I am posting, I am only half way to my goal and always looking for ways I can make sure I stay on track. I think it would help to have people to buddy with, checking each other's diaries, swap recipes and advice etc.

Ideally I am looking to connect with a person or people who are at the same point I am or maybe have reached their goal. Although I would be happy to support anyone who has just started the journey. I'm 35, 5' tall. Was 270 lbs now 200. Will decide my final target when I am closer to 130 lbs. I live in the UK and have PCOS/anovulation and am really hoping weight loss will help improve my fertility.

Anyone in a similar place?



  • MistyRose0424
    MistyRose0424 Posts: 114 Member
    Hey maddie,

    My name is misty I'm 30 years old 5'8 and currently weigh 235 lbs. I started out at 320 lbs so I've lost a total of 85 lbs, 28 of them while on mfp. I still have about 65 more lbs to go to reach my goal I loggin every day and my my food diary is open to my friends you can add me if you like, I will send you a friend request.
  • luckygohappy
    luckygohappy Posts: 80 Member
    I'm a good bit smaller than you, but I've noticed that I don't ovulate if I'm over 160 lbs or so. I had 4 miscarriages last year while on fertility drugs, so I'm working to get back to the point of ovulating on my own before trying again.
  • maddybc
    maddybc Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the replies.

    Lucky - it's interesting to hear that your ovulation stops when you are over 160. My doc has given me Clomid which I will be starting next cycle but I know weight loss should help improve the effectiveness. If it doesn't work I need to lose weight to qualify for anything more such as IVF anyway. Maybe I won't need either when I get nearer my goal!
  • maddybc
    maddybc Posts: 6 Member
    Anyone in the UK in a similar situation? I'm originally from Canada and find there are less low fat / low cal options here. Or different ones anyway.
  • southernlace
    Hi Maddy,

    I am just starting but I too live in the UK. Originally from the US though. I am also trying to make better choices but not cut myself off totally. i feel that its more of a life change than a drastic diet. If i want it to work it has to be something that I can maintain. I also suffer from PCSO (it sucks right!) and am hoping to cure some/most of the symptoms with a new healthy lifestyle.

    Im new to MFP but Id be happy to befriend you and anyone else that might want to offer each other support and encouragement.

    By the way well done you on losing 70 lbs!
  • Irma77torne
    Irma77torne Posts: 14 Member
    HI there!

    Because I was diagnosed with PCOS in my early 20s back in Spain (I live in Scotland now) and we have only been TTC for a couple of months, my doctor wants us to try naturally first.

    I've got blood test done and the results came out fine (??), we'll have to wait for a year before they put us on any type of fertility treatment! A year??? I'm nearly 37!!!

    Since I went off BC, my blood sugar was all over the place, but it seems to be under control, or at least I don't crash between meals, with a low GI diet and some excercise, So will see.

    I'll send you friends requests ladies.