Having a hard time losing weight!!! HELP!!

Ok friends I need some help!!!! Since feb 28 I've only lost 2.9 pounds!!! On the weekends i don't count calories and might go for a walk and i lose anywhere from .5 to 1 pound and then I get back to exercising and sticking to a 1500 calorie diet and i gain weight back!!!! I'm so frustated about it!!! What am i doing wrong????


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well not logging on the weekends is the first thing...

    Do you weigh your food when you do log?

    That being said...3lbs in just over 3 weeks is pretty good.
  • weightliftingdiva
    weightliftingdiva Posts: 522 Member
    Weigh and measure all of your food, then log it, including weekend food.

    Also, it is unlikely you are losing 1 pound over the weekend (especially if you are not logging) and then gaining it back over the week. It is probably just water weight, especially if you start a more vigorous exercise program (starting a new program can lead to water retention as the muscles repair themselves).
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    First, nearly 3 pounds in 2.5 weeks is pretty good! Sure you could probably lose a bit faster but that will require getting a bit more strict with your logging - including weekends, weighing/measuring foods, double checking listings against usda info, etc. If you're not willing to do that, you need to just come to terms with a slower rate of loss.

    Second, as said above, those fluctuations you're seeing are likely just water weight. When we start a new or more intense workout, our muscles suffer microtrauma (why you're sore) and as part of the healing process, those tissues retain water and glycogen. With time, as your body gets used to the routine, this lessens. It also helps to make sure you're drinking plenty of water and getting a good amount of protein in your diet to help support muscle recovery.
  • kimmym0324
    kimmym0324 Posts: 63 Member
    Yes I do weight all my food and I've been traing for a 5k and have been doing that for almost 7 weeks, Thanks for comments!
  • ndruo
    ndruo Posts: 1
    Food you eat on the weekends still counts, so you should still count food you eat on the weekend.
  • Krisiw001
    Krisiw001 Posts: 1 Member
    Thank you for this info. I as well have not lost a pound in months. I recently starting taking spin classes burning approximately 700-800 calories per day 3-5 days a week while keeping calories below 1300 and watching to get in high Protein, low fat and low carbs.
    BUT I also do not track on the weekends and have a "sweet snack before bed" habit to break. I was thinking maybe the sugar at night is setting off my fat burning process?
    Thanks for sharing your tips!
  • butterball43
    I am eating the right way the right amount of calories but not loosing help help!!!!!!
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    3lbs in about 3 weeks is good. Most people want instant results, but truth is - 1lb per week is a great loss and a sustainable loss!!

    However, if you want to truly be successful - you need to log on the weekends too. It doesnt mean you can't have a cheat meal/day, but it will give you a better idea of what your intake is so you can better adjust your week ahead.

    Also note that when you exercise your body will retain water to heal your muscles. So your weight 'gain' could easily be water weight. Drink more water and watch the sodium intake.

    Stay consistent and be patient!
  • mb1127
    mb1127 Posts: 36
    Actually, I think you're doing well. I'm no expert ,but I think most people recommend safely losing a pound a week.So, you're on track. Slow and steady wins the race.