30lbs by St Patricks Day! NEW Motivation Group 12/2010



  • velvetechos
    Welcome Kelly! I can definitely relate to the whole "well, I've made a bad choice; now I think I'll have a bad day" mentality - it's taken a long time to work on that, and still happens once in a while. The best way I've found to deal with it so far is to log it asap and then try to figure out what exercise I can do to compensate for it, and still get as close to breaking even that day :)

    Glad to have you here!
  • velvetechos
    Well, I will have an interesting Christmas. My in-laws are coming, but my Mother-in-law doesn't hardly eat, and while she loves to cook, she usually cooks stuff I don't care for. So thank goodness!

    Hahah, that should definitely make for a lack of temptation around on Christmas ;-) I hope you have a good holiday though, of course!
  • velvetechos
    made a big pot of veg soup, made mostly from fresh frozen right from the garden last season. should help with the five a day for a few days!! good luck everyone!!!

    Good choice! Mmmmm, so some veg soup sounds so good, it's freezing over here! Is it fresh from your own garden? I keep trying to plant veggies out here, but I just don't seem to have a green thumb, haha. I'm in Idaho and I even failed at growing potatoes!
  • velvetechos
    Alright! I have our weight chart set up - I know there's some of you not on it yet, but if you send me your starting weight for this journey I'll get you right on there :) It's alphabetical by username; I'll update each Friday with current weight and lbs lost.

    12/10/2010 30 lbs By St Patrick’s Day Group

    Blackchick38 - 235

    Fiammafiore - 235

    GFPeggy11 - 258

    Jbqueen - 183

    Jlynny1811 - 199

    Justinswife - 181.5

    Klwa - 162.8

    Life1979_24 - 272.5

    Pandy123 – 161

    Reese1206 - 180

    Shaunadroddy - 215

    Tanya 761 - 196

    Themommie - 216

    Velvetechos - 229

    Ymamyma - 325.2
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    You forgot me
  • shaunadroddy
    lunch i had tilapia and instead of a green salad i had a fruit salad, including 1 red apple, 1 granny smith and an orange with broccoli on the side!!!!!! now i just have to decide what i will have for dinner, the veggie soup sounds o so good!!!
  • aholtz1
    Hi Everyone, My name is Alisha I am 25yrs old, I think this group is a great group to be apart of. 30lbs would definitely be a great starting point for me. I have a total of 50lbs to lose….and I need all the encouragement I can find. I have always been abit heavy but never as big as I am currently...I have many goals to achieve, but the first and far most being changing my eating habits and exercising consistently.. last week I starting to exercise daily around 30-40 minute 6days/week. I have always had issues with food in general, but I reached my breaking point when I weighed in at 210lbs in the beginning of Dec. I am now at 207lbs… so here are the stats

    Before MFP 210lbs
    SW (MFP) 207lbs 12/13/10
    MGW 199lbs 1/13/10
    MGW 185lbs 2/14/10 (1st Wedding Anniversary)
    MGW 175lbs 3/13/10
    GW 165lbs 5/13/10 (will reevaluate when I reach this)
  • velvetechos
    You forgot me

    Eeek, gotcha added!
  • velvetechos
    lunch i had tilapia and instead of a green salad i had a fruit salad, including 1 red apple, 1 granny smith and an orange with broccoli on the side!!!!!! now i just have to decide what i will have for dinner, the veggie soup sounds o so good!!!

    Yum! That sounds awesome - and great way to pack those fruits in ;-)
  • velvetechos
    Alisha, welcome! Nice to meet you :)

    Hey everyone! Hope those fruit and veggie servings are delicious - and helping you feel healthy and satisfied today! Make sure to post here tonight with if you had enough/what you had/if you didn't get in 5 where you think you might of been able to sneak some in for next time!

    And just to get some conversation rolling - what do you think was your *realization moment*? when you finally decided you needed to lose, and that this would be the time to do it!
  • nataliemra
    I'd LOVE to do this too! 30 ilbs by st. patricks day is a GREAT goal, and I didnt really have one, just to start eating healthy and try excersicing. But this is doable for me!

    I wiegh 215lbs

    and by st. patricks (3/17/10) I need to be 185lbs

    so thats about 2lbs a week. I can do that! So whats next? How do I follow this ?
  • etrnltrust
    IM IN!!!

    My name is Cassy and I'm 21 years old. I currently attend college and as of this morning I weighed 213. I joined MFP about a month or so ago and my SW was 229. I am definitely in on this challenge!! I can't wait to my number drop below the 200's. I'm not sure the last time I was part of the 100's club. ;)

    I just recently bought a treadmill and am waiting for the guys to come install it. I told myself that I want to learn to run. I think I would really enjoy it and the first goal I want it to be able to run a 5K. Then eventually a half marathon and then a full. Does anyone have any tips for a first time runner? I'm terrified but know that I can do it.

    I'm so excited to be part of this support group. My GW is to be 150 or so. Add me as a friend too!!!
  • mandajo2
    mandajo2 Posts: 1 Member
    Been reading some posts on this group, and if its not too late, I would love to join.

    Hi, My name is Amanda. I started with MFP sometime earlier this year, but lost my job and went into a small depression, and gained back what i had previously lost. So I am currently a SAHM of 2, a 5 yr old, and 3 yr old. I currently weigh in at 163, and would love to get down to about 135, so the 30 lbs by St. Patricks day would be awesome. However, I need some encouragement. Being part of this group, would be awesome.

    Oh, and my "realization moment" was when I was trying to play xbox kinect with my 5 year old and was out of breathe constantly. I came to the conclusion that i need to loose the rest of this "baby weight" (its hard to claim that still, my youngest will be 4 in March) and get in shape to keep up with the kids.
  • bk360mom
    bk360mom Posts: 6 Member
    I would love to lose 30lbs by St Patrick's Day! I am actually running (jogging) and 8k in VA beach that weekend so I would be out of my mind happy to have lost that much by then. I'm working on training for the race, so this challenge will give me even more incentive! I'm with you!

  • bk360mom
    bk360mom Posts: 6 Member
    Hey ladies (and gentlemen welcome too of course!) - don't forget to invite people from your friend lists; we want a great group of supportive people here!

    If everyone could post their SW, ultimate GW, and any current struggles or obstacles they'd like help with, that'd be great.

    Name/age/how long you've been with MFP/all that jazz too of course :)

    I should've read on before I joined, but here is my intro...

    My name is Emily and i'm 37 and a SAHM of two toddlers.

    My starting weight as of today is 214.1 and my ulitmate goal weight is 157, although I'm not sure where that number came from. I can't remember weighing that even in high school!

    I've been doing MFP since June, but off an on and to be honest, i weigh 4lbs more now than in june. i'm working at doing this more regularly and committing to it and exercise too.

    I am doing an 8k St patty's day weekend for the 2nd year in a row and I want to do it in under an hour this year and I would love to have lost 30lbs by then too! I live on a mountain and getting outside to jog just isn't happening til April up here, so I jog inside and am working on making it a daily thing.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know all of you and see us all a bit smaller by spring!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    HI, I hope everyone is having a good day. Are you getting all your fruits and veggies in. The vegetable soup sounds yummy, healthy and low fat, YUM.

    just posting my fruits and vegetables for the day
    a banana for breakfast
    apple chips for lunch
    subway chicken breast sand for lunch with extra veggies
    pototoes and squash
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    Actually, today was not that bad.

    Breakfast - Banana
    AM Snack - Carrots
    Lunch - Just for One Broccoli and 2 Fuji Apples
    Dinner - Stir Fry (Beef Teriyaki)

    My PM snack was Greek Yogurt w/fruit in the bottom - wish that counted!!! And same goes for the V8, I'm not counting juices, too easy to get away from eating what I need to.

    My only slip was two chocolate chip cookies when I got home from work

    Today is my rest day, so no exercise to record.
  • jbqueen
    jbqueen Posts: 89 Member
    Never posted this before, so:

    SW: 195
    CW: 183
    GW: 150

    My name is Cathleen and I'm 36. Been with MFP since whatever date's beneath my avatar! I've put on 5 pounds with the holidays and my birthday, and I suppose that's my struggle: celebrations and an abundance of treats lower my inhibitions. I'm also not exercising consistently.

    But today was good; I'll be eating my 4th and 5th servings of fruits and veggies after I type this and I did my workout and am within my calories. Yay!

    My big goal is to do C25K. The weather here in the midwest is freezing right now, and I don't even want to venture out to go to the gym, so I'll do my dvd's here. It's negative degrees here! Hope you're all warm!
  • klwa
    klwa Posts: 61
    Fruits & Veggies for the Day:

    2 cups mixed greens salad, and roasted vegetables for lunch
    large navel orange for afternoon snack
    Potatoes, onions, carrots in homemade beef/vegetable stew for dinner

    Should total about 5 servings! Feels good. =)
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member

    I would love to join. I am a 28 year old from Portland, Oregon.
    I have been on MFP for a little over a month. I am looking to loose some weight and start a better healthier lifestyle before starting a family.

    SW: 239
    CW: 225
    GW: 137

    but my goal weight for this group is 195. My birthday is the day before St Patricks Day. So meeting my goal would be a win win win for me. I will have to think of something great for a present.

    I avidly eat carrots and broccollii.