I have been loosing and gaining the same 5 lbs....

ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I am a newbie here. Been here for a few days. I have lost 60 lbs in the past but have gained most of that back. I am now in a new relationship and got so comfortable that I have gained that weight back. Now I am having problems loosing and staying on track. I have gained and lost 5 lbs for the last few months. I can't stay motivated. I was walking the dogs at night but now that the snow has moved in and the freaking cold.... -26C right now and that is not with the windchill!! I have a treadmill at home but I hate the treadmill I find myself making excuses after 5 min or so and I stop. At least when you walk outdoors... you have to come back so I was getting the walks in... and the dogs loved it. My clothes are tight and I refuse to buy more as I had bought a whole new wardrobe when I had lost the 60lbs. What do to what to do!! I hope that this website will help me lose the 60 plus some!!!


  • tristalin
    tristalin Posts: 108 Member
    I feel your pain. I am pretty new to this as well and am losing the same 3 pounds and gaining them back again. I know that it is because I have been letting myself eat all the holiday goodies instead of being strong for myself. For me, I know that I just need to make the commitment to myself and follow through, come hell or high-water. No more excuses! No matter how much I don't want to exercise, no matter how much I want to eat Christmas cookies for breakfast...
  • I know just how you feel. I've lost and gained so many times. I'm determined to do this this time, but now I'm stuck at 10 lbs lost, but I am working out everyday and recording all my food. Feel free to add meand welcome! I think you'll like it here!!
  • Nurse_Christy
    Nurse_Christy Posts: 276 Member
    I also lost a lot of weight in the past (about 48 pounds), and I swore I'd never put it back on. Well, that was about 6 years ago, and now I weigh more than ever. Yep, I gained it all back plus a few extra pounds. I'm starting all over, using some of what worked for me in the past, and some new stuff. It sounds like we have some of the same problems - I used to run outside, now it's really cold. I've just started taking a pole dancing/aerobics class! Never thought I'd do something like that, but it's awesome! I think this site will really help us out too. There seems to be a lot of support. This is only my 3rd day here.
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 494 Member
    I am a newbie here. Been here for a few days. I have lost 60 lbs in the past but have gained most of that back. I am now in a new relationship and got so comfortable that I have gained that weight back. Now I am having problems loosing and staying on track. I have gained and lost 5 lbs for the last few months. I can't stay motivated. I was walking the dogs at night but now that the snow has moved in and the freaking cold.... -26C right now and that is not with the windchill!! I have a treadmill at home but I hate the treadmill I find myself making excuses after 5 min or so and I stop. At least when you walk outdoors... you have to come back so I was getting the walks in... and the dogs loved it. My clothes are tight and I refuse to buy more as I had bought a whole new wardrobe when I had lost the 60lbs. What do to what to do!! I hope that this website will help me lose the 60 plus some!!!

    yeh i'm right there with ya. I've lost 16 lbs and i keep hovering over this 15-16lbs and for the past couple weeks and it's frustrating but I've changed my goals and its up to me to do it. cuz after all i am the only who can let me down :ohwell: So i forced myself today to get that exercise in and keep trucking. As long as you don't give up and really apply yourself u'll get over that hump. Good luck to ya!:drinker:
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I feel your pain. I am pretty new to this as well and am losing the same 3 pounds and gaining them back again. I know that it is because I have been letting myself eat all the holiday goodies instead of being strong for myself. For me, I know that I just need to make the commitment to myself and follow through, come hell or high-water. No more excuses! No matter how much I don't want to exercise, no matter how much I want to eat Christmas cookies for breakfast...

    I'm with you on this one. I'm having the same issue with 3 pounds. And since that 3 came back on it won't budge. Mind you, I'm only 130 (at 5'2") so I'm not considered overweight. I guess those 'last 10 pounds' that everyone seems to have issues with is the 10 pounds I want to lose.

    I need to get my motivation back. I gave up on the treadmill and moved onto Jillian's workout DVD's but am now wondering if I need to bring the treadmill back - that's when I lost the 3 pounds.
  • crystaltellor
    crystaltellor Posts: 10 Member
    I hate the treadmill! Try circuit training like curves, you won't get bored and fatigued as fast because you are changing stations and doing a different exercise every 30 seconds. I would rather walk outside to but it is way to cold for that now, good luck :smile:
  • seventeenlucky77
    seventeenlucky77 Posts: 92 Member
    I so feel you. I have been stuck at between 190 and 195 for 14 weeks!! I am going insane. Glad not to be gaining back the right at 60 pounds I have lost but absolutely frustrated with the scale and myself!!
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    DVDs are a great way to stay motivated, especially when the instructor pushes you on and is encouraging. I do a ton of aerobic yoga, but so much is available, especially if you have netflix.

    Good luck!
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    SO with you! I have lost in the summer ( while I love going for walks ) Then gain the same back! Last winter I put even more on! Being the heaviest I'd ever been! So this winter I say "NO MORE" Its hard to stay entertained in a workout when its so cold outside. I've got an exercise bike. Love it! Watch a show and start peddling. I also use my kids "potty step stool" to do stepups in the living room. High ceilings? Jump rope! Keep changing it up, and we'll all see great changes by spring!
  • I have a treadmill at home but I hate the treadmill I find myself making excuses after 5 min or so and I stop. At least when you walk outdoors... you have to come back so I was getting the walks in... and the dogs loved it. My clothes are tight and I refuse to buy more as I had bought a whole new wardrobe when I had lost the 60lbs. What do to what to do!! I hope that this website will help me lose the 60 plus some!!!

    Something that worked for me... I found a sport that I might have enjoyed watching on tv and decided.... rather than invest in fads and gimmicks.. invest in learning a sport. 4 and a half years ago I was 200lbs, 5'2" and 26 years old and decided I didn't want to be that weight at 30. I found a personal trainer who was a boxer. He trained me as if I were a boxer actually going to fight in the ring! Through that I learned how to be tough and challenge myself.. and also to take all the negative energy and take it out on a heavy bag! From there I started running races.. It started with one 5k a year to this pass year I ran 13 races ranging from 5ks to 10ks.

    Think out of the box! Take up something that you will have to commit to at least 2-3 days a week and be accountable to you and someone else... It makes a difference.. :)

    I feel you on everything. I'm right there with you. I work out hard.. but I eat just as much... :( which is my downfall at the end of the day.

    Another thing I can say is.... STOP GETTING ON THE SCALE!!!!! It will drive you crazy. Weigh yourself once a month.. but give yourself small goals to get to the big goal. Maybe it's lose 5lbs by a certain date...

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
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