Kids and the Gym

boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
I have a question for other parents out there...
How do you feel about kids in the gym?
My 12 yr old son has been wanting to go with me, and I have seen other kids in the gym we go to...
He is not obese by any means, so he doesn't need it per say.
He sees me going and that I enjoy it, and he wants to go as well.
We have been to other gyms when we go out of town in our hotel and he loved it.
He actually pushed me to work harder.
I am just not sure about him only being 12 and going to an actual gym.
Yes, I know we can go outside and go running/walking, play sports... but he liked using the weight machines with me.
I am torn on it.
I want him to start at a young age and being healthy, but I am not sure how to approach this with him.


  • jhc7324
    jhc7324 Posts: 200 Member
    There's a couple of guys at my gym that bring their sons in to workout with them. I think its great, and personally, I can't wait until my kids are old enough to work out with me.

    That said, I have a few years before that becomes a reality (my kids are 5 and 3), and when the time comes I'll do more looking into what is appropriate for kids and training.

    For what its worth, both of the boys I've seen working with dad at the gym have been focused on body weight type workouts, pullups, pushups, walking lunges, and haven't been on any machines or freeweights that I've seen. That doesn't necessarily mean that its right, just that's what I've seen.

    Also, if you bring your son with you to work out, work with him, don't just set him loose to try stuff out on his own. Occasionally I've seen kids by themselves doing a machine with bad form,or just walking around like they wanted to try out every machine in the place with no real plan. If he works out with you, he should work out with you, at least until he has a clue what he's doing by himself. (imo)
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    My 13 year old goes with me.
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    I would def stay with him the whole time.
    I am too paranoid something would happen to him if I let him out of my sight.
  • RachelSueMobley
    RachelSueMobley Posts: 3 Member
    It also depends on the gym. I am a member at 24 Fitness and they have an age limit of 14 and up. Drives my 12 year old crazy!
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    check at your gym if he is allowed, my gym you have to be 16+ to go into the weight room.
    but if he can, why not? if he wants to lift let him =) its a good habit to form young
  • mjudd1990
    mjudd1990 Posts: 219 Member
    I would say he needs to stick to body weight exercises for the time being. That should be enough resistance to build what muscle he can at that age without potentially stunting his growth. This will also give him a more solid foundation upon which to build when he does start lifting say in high school. I just started with running, sit ups, push ups, and pull ups around 12-13 and did that for a year or two until we were expected to hit the weight room for football in high school.
  • webutmirrortheworld
    webutmirrortheworld Posts: 52 Member
    Sometimes my 8 yr old comes with me to the gym. She does modified workouts with really light weights or walks on the next treadmill over. She gets no pressure from me to do it (and can go to the kids room to spend time with other kids if she chooses to).

    It's important to me that she sees it as fun.
  • thatonegirlwiththestuff
    thatonegirlwiththestuff Posts: 1,171 Member
    I started working out with my dad and brothers when I was a kid. They showed me the ropes and I hit the ground running. Great habit to develop imo.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    As long as the gym allows it, then I say go for it. I started lifting at 12. I didn't do a lot of free weight stuff. Mainly machines.

    From what I have read, stunted growth will not happen from lifting weights. Constant supervision is a must at that age, though.
  • thatjosiegirl
    thatjosiegirl Posts: 362 Member
    If they show and interest in it I say why not! My 11 year old wants to come to the gym with me and he has to wait a couple more months until he is 12 before he is allowed.

    I have always encouraged and invited my kids to come be active with me.

    As long as they have an adult with them to teach them proper form and safety for doing certain exercises I don't see why any kid shouldn't be allowed to go to the gym.