Need some 1200 cal friends with open diaries

Hi- I would love to be friends with mfpers who are eating 1200 calories, I am looking for ideas based on other's diaries of how to spice up bland foods and dry chicken!

Please don't respond that 1200 is starvation mode-it is how I lost 30 pounds and the only reason I gained most of it back was due to my atrocious portion sizes and eating habits. Plain and simple.

Thanks! Waiting to hear from others who want to share diaries and ideas :)


  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Added you :) I eat at 1200 though I do eat my exercise calories back.
  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    Sending friend request I've lost 42lbs eating 1200 cals/day found that when I am not paying close close attention to what I eat I tend to eat in the neighborhood of 1400 - but now I rarely eat back any of the ones I gain from exercise...not hungry enough
  • ucalegon
    ucalegon Posts: 43 Member
    I have a diary listed at 1000 cals per day, with a low-carb diet, if that would help.

    [Edit]: P.S. Starvation mode is a myth for people with normal ranges of body fat.
  • _celesse
    _celesse Posts: 75 Member
    I'm not perfect as far as my good days and bad days~ I aim for 1400cals eaten so that when I workout I still meet the 1200cal goal. I'll send a fr :)
  • sunflwrgrl412
    sunflwrgrl412 Posts: 130 Member
    Add me if you want! I try to stay under 1300. I would love someone else to bounce recipes and ideas off of. :)
  • gloriaeffe
    gloriaeffe Posts: 75 Member
    I am set at 1170 calories/day and I eat back exercise calories (I am quite petite at 5'1'' and 110lbs)
    I am trying to put on some muscles at the moment so i often go a little over the goal, but not by much.
    My diary is public, but feel free to add me as a friend too if you like.
  • I try and keep right under 1300 calories.... I often go over my sodium, Protein

    I'm boring

    3 servings of cereal
    .5 sometimes 3/4 cup of 1% milk

    Roast beef sandwich 1 slice of bread

    Chicken Sandwich 1 slice of bread

    That's just a quick summary feel free to look at my Diary

    I'm a 5'9 male started at 286.... a year later 182

  • kerndog87
    kerndog87 Posts: 22 Member
    I am doing 1200 calories a day and would love to see other peoples diary's as well. Please add me!
  • My diary is set to 1200 cals, but I am considering upping it to 1300, I still make some good dinners though if you want to add me.
  • sarahd108
    sarahd108 Posts: 9 Member
    Would also like to share diaries/food ideas for the 1200 cal/day. Salad is getting old. lol
  • hadley_8
    hadley_8 Posts: 8 Member
    I just started a week ago and have kept it under 1200. I'm 40 and tired of fat rolls - and like to eat simple, which means I hate cooking and want to prepare something fast and get it over with lol

    I started at 163 lbs and have lost 4 lbs so far. Would like to get down to 135-140 lbs. - hopefully before summer starts (aka: swimsuit time). I haven't gone to the pool or beach in about 8 years. I'd love to lose the fat rolls, get toned and buy a cute swimsuit !!!

    Anyone else feel free to add me as a friend! My diary is open!

  • RedZinfandel
    RedZinfandel Posts: 10 Member
    Added you. I'm also on 1200 calories, but most days I'm under my goal and would like to add friends who can suggest how to up the cals while aiming to lose 1-1.5 lbs a week. Feel free to look at my diary.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Hi- I would love to be friends with mfpers who are eating 1200 calories, I am looking for ideas based on other's diaries of how to spice up bland foods and dry chicken!

    Please don't respond that 1200 is starvation mode-it is how I lost 30 pounds and the only reason I gained most of it back was due to my atrocious portion sizes and eating habits. Plain and simple.

    Thanks! Waiting to hear from others who want to share diaries and ideas :)

    I'm curious as to why your chicken is dry? If you season a 4-6 oz chicken breast and bake it at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes, it should be cooked and still plenty juicy. I cook it that way all the time. On the stove top, I cut it up, sautee it in olive oil for a few minutes with seasonings, and it's still juicy. Mixed with sauteed zucchini, asparagus, broccoli, snow peas, green beans, etc, it's quite delicious.

    Smoked paprika, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder,sage, fresh ground sea salt and peppercorn, are all good seasonings to use on your food to add tons of flavor.

    Just a pinch of real grated Parmesan cheese can add a lot of flavor as well.
  • faelight
    faelight Posts: 58 Member
    Veggies and spices are your friends.. :)
    I'm not on 1200cal, but I can tell you that it helps a lot flavor/variety-wise to add in more vegetables and spices regularly. Experiment!
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    maybe try some vegetarian meals? stir fried vegetables in PAM spray, with rice?
  • MapleFlavouredMaiden
    MapleFlavouredMaiden Posts: 595 Member
    I eat at 1200 cals.

    You mean for breakfast right?
  • toadg53
    toadg53 Posts: 302 Member
    hi, I sent you a message and friend request., I've done my diet plan with 1200 calories, and as I said in my message, that is what my nutritional doctor recommended. we discussed it again yesterday and he said I am right on track. it's working fine for me. I'm not hungry, not tired, haven't lost muscle mass. so far, so good. my diary is open. I'll gladly accept any friends to share info, provide and accept support. thnx.

    EDIT: I should add: if you look at my diary for today, my intake is a lot more than normal; I'm meeting a friend for our monthly local spaghetti dinner outing; it puts me over for the day, but HEH, life goes on :))
  • Squamation
    Squamation Posts: 522 Member
    bump- to add you all as friends later when I have time :)
  • I eat upto 1200 and more when i have excercised, feel free to add me, plus my food diary is open to friends :)
  • Crateria_
    Crateria_ Posts: 253 Member
    I stay around the 1200 net cal range (I eat my exercise cals back). Between 1200-1300. Feel free to add me. :)