
My name is Abby, I am nineteen years old, and I want to lose 5 or 10 pounds before summer. When I was younger, I used to go from thin to chubby, never being consistent. But now as a teenager, I have pretty much constantly stayed at a healthy but never skinny weight. I am 5 foot 3 and weigh anywhere from 126 to 130 pounds. For as long as I remember I have never had a flat stomach... My friend jokes that I have a "Sailor Moon body" because my torso is so short so there is not a lot of room for weight to distribute. This always made me a little sad and jealous of girls with longer torsos but I think it looks healthy at the same time. XD Well, anyways, I hope to make my weight goal...!


  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    Sounds like you have some mean friends--you're at a perfectly healthy weight! Go to the beach and enjoy yourself!
  • blueberrykitten
    blueberrykitten Posts: 28 Member
    Awe thank you so much! She is not really mean... I think she is just insecure about her body, even though she is really skinny. I still want to lose a few pounds just to be healthy though. :smile: