Anyone start out with not much weight to lose?



  • Zx14chick
    Zx14chick Posts: 255 Member
    Wow, so many responses! I thought I was going to get criticized for not having much to lose and complaining about it :(. I have some belly fat I want to get rid of after having my daughter which is why I focus on cardio, I read an article on WebMD ( that said if you want to lose weight you should focus on cardio because before muscle definition comes you have to get rid of the fat and that only comes from a calorie deficit.

    You just made me come to the shocking reality that we didn't get blasted. (They'll probably chime in now)

    I'm going to read the article, thanks!
  • ticribbs
    ticribbs Posts: 120 Member

    You just made me come to the shocking reality that we didn't get blasted. (They'll probably chime in now)

    I'm going to read the article, thanks!

  • xfrlss22
    xfrlss22 Posts: 10 Member
    I started at 150, I'm at 139, trying to hit 130. (I've been as low as 125 a few years ago)

    ...this is my theory.

    If I don't get down to 130 ( I think I can, but we will see). I'm going to start building muscle. I'd rather look skinnier than just make sure the scale says I am.

    So if it is torturing you to get down to 125...stop at 130. Eat at maintenance or a slight surplus and start weight lifting!

    ^^^ This is great advice! I lost 50 lbs a couple years ago and after having a baby and losing it again, I'm at my last 15 lbs and have been struggling for 8 months trying to get it off, I've recently transitioned into building muscle mode. Switching the routine to build muscle opposed to lose weight is great advice, you'll still burn off fat and you'll look lean too!
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I don't think you want to lose more weight. I think you want to lose the belly fat, which will have to do with lowering your bf%. Start strength training if you haven't. Make sure you get enough protein, ~ 1g of protein for 1 lb weight.
  • Edensienna
    Edensienna Posts: 180 Member
    I can relate.. It's taken 5 weeks to lose .5lb and I fought so hard to achieve it! I am so close to goal now that I am enthusiastic to keep pushing. Great advice given already :)
  • ticribbs
    ticribbs Posts: 120 Member
    So if I increase my calories to lose .5 pounds a week my net is 1,430 and when I factor in exercise that's close to 2,000 calories! That can't be right?
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    So if I increase my calories to lose .5 pounds a week my net is 1,430 and when I factor in exercise that's close to 2,000 calories! That can't be right?

    That's what happens to me too - I am NOT eating 2000 calories a day. I know I dont' lose when I do that. For reference I am 5'0" and started at 153 - currently at 138 and trying to get around 120. Maybe lower, maybe not - we will see when I get there, depends because I have added strength training to my routine now and maybe as the body recomps I'll change my mind.

    I try to keep it around 1200 and eat back exercise - I figure that means if i log something wrong or take a day off it won't kill the progress. I lost the first 10 pretty quick - but the last 3 have been a bit slower. I dont' care tho - as long as it keeps going down and the tape measure shows progress (which it has) I'll take it! I didn't get to 153 overnight and I haven't been below 120 since the summer of 2007! If it took 6 1/2 years to get here - its gonna take some time to get back there.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    I was eating 1800-2000 before when I was at my leanest. But you can just add 100 calories first and see how it goes.
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    I have 19 more pounds to lose. I am 149, and I would love to get to 130 by my son's wedding the end of May. I know that's pushing it; trying for 2 pounds a week. I just started on myfitness pal and would love to make some friends!
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Cool to have a thread that isn't "I've got 100 pounds to lose". I've got 18 pounds myself to lose. I've lost 8 pounds since I started, so 10 to go! It doesn't feel like it is flying off, but I've only been into this for 30 days, so objectively, I can't say that it is bad. Just feels slow, I guess. I'm a young 51 (no, really!) but I do think age makes it a little harder to lose weight. You just need less food as you get older, so there aren't as many calories to cut out of your diet! You're left with more exercise as your option and that is sometimes hard to do with kids, job, community commitments, and just plain energy! But you just plug on because what choice do we really have? Give up? I think not!!!
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    I did lose 35 pounds last year. But I took a 6 month break and now I am back wanting to lose the last 10 or so. Since it has been that long, it almost feels like a new journey for me. I am just starting at a much lower weight now.
  • ticribbs
    ticribbs Posts: 120 Member
    So if I increase my calories to lose .5 pounds a week my net is 1,430 and when I factor in exercise that's close to 2,000 calories! That can't be right?

    That's what happens to me too - I am NOT eating 2000 calories a day. I know I dont' lose when I do that. For reference I am 5'0" and started at 153 - currently at 138 and trying to get around 120. Maybe lower, maybe not - we will see when I get there, depends because I have added strength training to my routine now and maybe as the body recomps I'll change my mind.

    I try to keep it around 1200 and eat back exercise - I figure that means if i log something wrong or take a day off it won't kill the progress. I lost the first 10 pretty quick - but the last 3 have been a bit slower. I dont' care tho - as long as it keeps going down and the tape measure shows progress (which it has) I'll take it! I didn't get to 153 overnight and I haven't been below 120 since the summer of 2007! If it took 6 1/2 years to get here - its gonna take some time to get back there.

    So you net 1,200?
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I net between 1100-1200 (because I only eat back part of the exercise calories- I don't totally trust MFP calorie burns) Also I figure it allows for errors if I don't weigh something (I weigh things at home, but not when out so cals could be off)

    I figure MFP gives me 1200 - If I eat back part of my exercise cals (look at my diary - sundays don't count because I roller skate with the kids and the calorie count for that is CRAZY and I don't believe it) and there are any errors in my weights and measurements - I probably net 1100-1200 or maybe even a little more. And some days I go even higher.

    At this point I am comfortable with it - It's a learning process - everyone has their own theory on the "too low" thing. I also am very short - so I know I don't need as many calories as someone 6" taller than me. I'm still working on the macros (that is something I've only recently started even looking at) Losing 1# a week isn't an unhealthy rate by any means - and as long as I keep seeing a downward trend, I'll take it. As I exercise more, I'll add more cals back in - but I'm not that active (desk all day) so I'm still working on the exercise thing.
  • ticribbs
    ticribbs Posts: 120 Member
    I net between 1200 and 1300, eating back my calories. I don't follow MFP calorie burns, I follow the machine I'm on at the gym. MFP is always high on those :-/. I might get a heart monitor in the future for a more accurate reading. It's so frustrating when you have around 10 pounds to lose, it seems like it never comes off :(
  • Junebuggyzy
    Junebuggyzy Posts: 345 Member
    I hear you on not trusting MFP calorie burns. I have heard that what you burn from exercise isn't that much and you shouldn't subtract it from the calories you eat. Last night I did the exercise bike for an hour, and it said something like 500 calories. The readout on the bike said about 200 calories.
  • ticribbs
    ticribbs Posts: 120 Member
    I hear you on not trusting MFP calorie burns. I have heard that what you burn from exercise isn't that much and you shouldn't subtract it from the calories you eat. Last night I did the exercise bike for an hour, and it said something like 500 calories. The readout on the bike said about 200 calories.

    I subtract my exercise calories to net 1,200. When I enter my exercises into MFP I just modify the number to what the machine said. Today I burned 570 total, which is quite a bit of calories, at least for me.
  • Zx14chick
    Zx14chick Posts: 255 Member
    I net between 1200 and 1300, eating back my calories. I don't follow MFP calorie burns, I follow the machine I'm on at the gym. MFP is always high on those :-/. I might get a heart monitor in the future for a more accurate reading. It's so frustrating when you have around 10 pounds to lose, it seems like it never comes off :(

    I would definitely invest in a HRM. I find that a lot of times, I am higher than MFP calculations and sometimes lower. It just depends on your intensity level that day. And I COMPLETELY agree that it seems to take forever to lose ten pounds.
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    Why were you told you cant get there again???
  • ticribbs
    ticribbs Posts: 120 Member
    Why were you told you cant get there again???

    Me? I was never told I couldn't get there. I just said it's been a really big struggle to get 10 pounds off.
  • PrincessEliNa
    PrincessEliNa Posts: 524 Member
    I can relate :( I was at 131 for the longest time, trying to get to 125. Then I didn't have internet (myfitnesspal) for about a year and quickly ballooned up to 146. Smh. I'm down to 140 now, but man oh man is it a struggle. Just gotta keep at it. I'm trying weights.