Strange habit

Do any of you girls find when ever you wear flats that they end up falling from your heel and balancing on the end of your toes?

none of my other shoes do this and its turned into a bit of a weird habit that I do all the time now as I only started wearing them last week.

I sort of end up flicking them on and off my foot and then start balancing them on my toes and then slip it back on my foot and then repeat the same process again.

One question though as I wear these without socks any tips of stopping them from smelling as they have a horrid odour to them?

Anyone else do this with their flats? I'm curious :)



  • Every time I wear them I do it and it doesn't matter where I am.

    Also, I find that some shoes just smell worse than others.
    I try and avoid pleather and other thick fabric flats (the shiny/plastic material, I forget the name) for this reason as I find the ones made from a more cloth-like material don't smell nearly as bad and it takes longer for them to start smelling.

    If you don't want to wear socks and they are starting to smell you can try sprinkling baby powder in them at night and before you wear them too, it absorbs the moisture and with it the smell.

    : ]
  • sentaruu
    sentaruu Posts: 2,206 Member
    I always see girls doing this.
  • CTcutie
    CTcutie Posts: 649 Member
    I don't have that habit but I have a great tip: but the cheapie aerosol antiperspirant/deodorant (for your armpits) and use it in your feet before you put your shoeson. It also prevents blisters to some degree so you could also spray it on before a hike or run. And it's much cheaper than a small can of foot deodorizer!