What's your favorite part of working out?



  • trizzletrix
    trizzletrix Posts: 92 Member
    My favourite part is eating back my exercise calories ;)
  • chunkybun
    chunkybun Posts: 179 Member
    My favorite part is that I don't get the 3pm burnout anymore. My energy levels remain high from 5:30 onward until bed time.
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    yup.. when its over. I just picture the food I ate getting burned up through hard work and I feel a sense of accomplishment after I'm done!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    When I am done.
  • 1brokegal44
    1brokegal44 Posts: 562 Member
    Sweating hard, the endorphin rush, and having time just to myself.
  • RaeLB
    RaeLB Posts: 1,216 Member
    Watching my muscles when I lift heavy **** :happy:
  • richardositosanchez
    richardositosanchez Posts: 260 Member
    The energized feeling I get after I finish (both mental and physical). And the results.
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    Challenging myself by setting attainable weight training personal goals. Nothing better than getting stronger by tracking what you lift and exceeding that the next week.
  • amann_84
    amann_84 Posts: 33 Member
    The feeling of accomplishment after i'm done. Also that moment when you realize that you're a little bit faster or stronger than you were the week before.
  • SillaWinchester
    SillaWinchester Posts: 363 Member
    I absolutely love that moment when you're so tired that you don't think you can go any longer but you have like one minute left so you push and push and soon enough you've finished and it feels amazing! :)
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I tell myself that I will regret not doing my workout but I'll never regret doing it. That gets me moving every time.

    Because once I bail, I feel guilty and do have regrets and hate that feeling.

    And sometimes, I tell myself, just go do it for 15 minutes and by ten minutes in, I know I am doing my full workout.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    I love the results but working out is hard! I sometimes remind myself that if I could get through 12 plus hours of labor, four times then I can certainly get through one hour at the gym! Whatever gets me there. :)
  • deannasueknutson
    deannasueknutson Posts: 38 Member
    What gets me off my butt is the compliments I get when I am getting results from working out.

    For example, one day at work a guy came up to me and said "I'm not sure if I can say this or not since we're at work, but you look skinnier." That guy knew that I run on a regular basis, but he had no idea that was trying to lose a few pounds. He obiviously seen a change and I must be doing something right. That day I had no plans on working out, but after work I went home and ran on the treadmill for a hour. That compliment pushed me to work out one extra time that week. And it keeps me wanting to work out each week and keep working harder and harder to keep getting results.
  • 89nunu
    89nunu Posts: 1,082 Member
    When I'm able to do something that I couldn't do the week before!

    I don't need anything else, just the happy feeling that I'm getting better :)
  • cazattack2
    cazattack2 Posts: 37 Member
    I love seeing how my body changes. I used to feel tired and bored after 10-15 mins, now I do 40-60 min of cardio and the time flies! I love love love having the endurance to do it. That's motivating enough for me. After not going to the gym for a few days it's harder to do the work.

    Also I play/use zombies,run! Which makes my workout more fun!
  • Joebob8
    Joebob8 Posts: 69 Member
  • Symonep
    Symonep Posts: 181 Member
  • amybg1
    amybg1 Posts: 631 Member
    Well there are a few things...

    The workout in itself, knowing you'll be that much better off when you're finished.

    How it relaxes you/de-stress

    The feeling of accomplishment you get from it, especially right after a hard session.

    There's a few more but the above are my main ones
  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
    My favourite part has to be that mid point where you get that sudden rush of energy. I always start out pushing myself, then about 7 mins in feel like it's really hard work, and surely time is moving faster than that! But around the 10-12min mark it just goes BAM and all of a sudden the music is bouncier, I feel lighter and like everything is working how it should and I'm enjoying myself. Trick is to ride that feeling out till it just starts to wear off and then go do something else before you bottom out again.

    Next best part is when it's done and you feel sore all over and know you've made the most of your time and put in a decent effort.
  • xenoa
    xenoa Posts: 106 Member
    The realisation that my body changed and I'm much stronger now and able to do something I couldn't not too long ago. Bend lower, jump higher, stretch further, do more reps - all because of myself and my own effort. Finding strength and energy to push just a bit more and not stop. And then, stretch and cool down when the high kicks in and I feel like I'm floating above the ground.