Stressed newbie, am I stuck? Critique me [PICS]

- 18 years old
- 165LBS
- 5’8”
- Second month out of four, personal training

- Moderately healthy, occasional chocolate or ice-cream binge
40% carbs, 40% protein, 20% fat (usually)
Typical daily intake: 2,500 - 2,800 per day
1 green apple, 2 bananas, 2 protein shakes, 2 short black coffees, 2 bowls of pasta (or boiled/roasted potatoes), 2 large cans of tuna (or a whole roast chicken), beef curry with white rice (two servings) etc
Fish oil tablets + multi-vitamins
History with binge eating

3 half hour sessions per week
Plus 10 minutes interval cardio BEFORE and AFTER workout
Alternating between two main sessions:
SESSION 1: 3 sets, 8 reps of squats (currently 80KGS/175LBS), 3 - 4 sets, 8 reps of bench press (currently 60KGS/132LBS), lunges, push ups, sit ups, dumbbells etc [45 mins all up]
SESSION 2: 3 sets, 6 reps of body weight + 20KGS/45LBS of chin ups (wide grip), 3 - 4 sets, 8 reps of dead lifts or cleans (60KGS/132LBS), lunges, push ups, sit ups, dumbbells etc [45 mins all up]

10% body fat
Lean, fairly muscular. I want my body to lean/fill out. Have definition
Fit and strong (fit - being able to run for a moderate amount of time, strong - being able to lift heavy)
Above all I just want to be able to be shirtless at the beach and not be ashamed

**** Last month from training I only gained 0.4LBS of lean muscle, even though my strength gains have doubled. Although, based on before/after photos my body frame/posture has definitely changed (improved).

1. Contradiction: I feel like my current combination of everything is kind of making my body stuck/maintain, two forces hitting each other at the centre, ending up making no difference. I feel like I do a lot of cardio. I spend around 1 - 1.5 - 2 hour a day walking (fast paced) walking through my college campus/home/work. On top of 10 minutes of interval running on treadmill before and after each workout (1 minute 6KMS/PH walking pace, 1 minute 15KMS/PH). For someone who is aiming to gain moderate muscle and lean out, am I being counter-productive to my weight training?
2. Does strength reflect muscle gains? Or does it catch up. Is it possible to be lifting heavy weights and still be fat skinny (I’m worried I’m leading to this). Does anyone have any major concern with my current personal training program/nutrition?
3. I eat a lot of white carbs (pasta, rice mainly) because of it’s easy access and cost. Is that counter-productive to someone wanting to lose excess belly/chest fat?
4. Any other tips/advice?

PHOTO: (not flexing, not that there's much to flex anyway).

Thank you all for your time, sorry for the length. Thanks for helping a pretty clueless newbie out :)


  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    I'm not an expert, but your sessions don't seem optimized for gains (who does sets of the same weight, really?). Other than that, I just wanted to point out that you can't really be "skinny fat" without the fat. You'd just be skinny (it's a small point, but people throw that term around incorrectly all the time around here).

    Strength gains don't necessarily mean an increase in muscle.

    How much weight have you put on? If you're not bulking (eat at a surplus), adding muscle is going to be very slow at maintenance.
  • BaliDream
    BaliDream Posts: 27
    Oh actually that needs to be corrected, I do increase weight in sets (usually in 5KG increments) through the session. Also I thought I am skinny-fat because I do have excess fat, and I am not really 'filled in'.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I know there's more qualified people to help you with a bulk (search this forum for the term "bulk").

    But I think you definitely need an actual lifting routine.

    Also, go to and look at the forum and the topics concerning bulking.
  • NowIFeelYa
    NowIFeelYa Posts: 76 Member
    The way you look is the way I want to look in about a month or two if I can keep up with this.

    Have you tried creatine? just drink plenty of water with it even tho it usually helps vegetarians out more then meat eaters.
  • BaliDream
    BaliDream Posts: 27
    The way you look is the way I want to look in about a month or two if I can keep up with this.

    You can do it mate :) Push through the temptations, don't stop!
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    - 18 years old
    - 165LBS
    - 5’8”
    - CURRENT BF: 14%
    - Second month out of four, personal training

    - Moderately healthy, occasional chocolate or ice-cream binge
    40% carbs, 40% protein, 20% fat (usually)
    Typical daily intake: 2,500 - 2,800 per day
    1 green apple, 2 bananas, 2 protein shakes, 2 short black coffees, 2 bowls of pasta (or boiled/roasted potatoes), 2 large cans of tuna (or a whole roast chicken), beef curry with white rice (two servings) etc
    Fish oil tablets + multi-vitamins
    History with binge eating

    3 half hour sessions per week
    Plus 10 minutes interval cardio BEFORE and AFTER workout
    Alternating between two main sessions:
    SESSION 1: 3 sets, 8 reps of squats (currently 80KGS/175LBS), 3 - 4 sets, 8 reps of bench press (currently 60KGS/132LBS), lunges, push ups, sit ups, dumbbells etc [45 mins all up]
    SESSION 2: 3 sets, 6 reps of body weight + 20KGS/45LBS of chin ups (wide grip), 3 - 4 sets, 8 reps of dead lifts or cleans (60KGS/132LBS), lunges, push ups, sit ups, dumbbells etc [45 mins all up]

    10% body fat
    Lean, fairly muscular. I want my body to lean/fill out. Have definition
    Fit and strong (fit - being able to run for a moderate amount of time, strong - being able to lift heavy)
    Above all I just want to be able to be shirtless at the beach and not be ashamed

    **** Last month from training I only gained 0.4LBS of lean muscle, even though my strength gains have doubled. Although, based on before/after photos my body frame/posture has definitely changed (improved).

    1. Contradiction: I feel like my current combination of everything is kind of making my body stuck/maintain, two forces hitting each other at the centre, ending up making no difference. I feel like I do a lot of cardio. I spend around 1 - 1.5 - 2 hour a day walking (fast paced) walking through my college campus/home/work. On top of 10 minutes of interval running on treadmill before and after each workout (1 minute 6KMS/PH walking pace, 1 minute 15KMS/PH). For someone who is aiming to gain moderate muscle and lean out, am I being counter-productive to my weight training?
    2. Does strength reflect muscle gains? Or does it catch up. Is it possible to be lifting heavy weights and still be fat skinny (I’m worried I’m leading to this). Does anyone have any major concern with my current personal training program/nutrition?
    3. I eat a lot of white carbs (pasta, rice mainly) because of it’s easy access and cost. Is that counter-productive to someone wanting to lose excess belly/chest fat?
    4. Any other tips/advice?

    PHOTO: (not flexing, not that there's much to flex anyway).

    Thank you all for your time, sorry for the length. Thanks for helping a pretty clueless newbie out :)

    Don't overthink it!! You're young and in prime time for quick gains.

    Eat big and lift big!

    4000 cals
    Starting Strength or stronglifts
    and that is pretty much it

    If you're looking to gain lean muscle, drop BF, increase strength and put mass all at once, it's going to be painstakingly long and you will get discouraged.
    You will also need a resistance program that will promote strength gains, which is why the 2 above work great for starting out.
  • rileyhall00

    I noticed more changes once I cut cardio out. Apart from basketball I only do weights. And helped but an extra 0.5kgs lean muscle over a month. However in saying that I do 4x 50min-60min sessions a week. Alternating between upper body and lower body/core. I go Upper / Lower / Rest / Upper / Lower / Rest...etc

    Also I eat about 16,000kjs. (~3800cals)

    Are you able to touch base with a personal trainer at your gym? Perhaps one that does bulking / weightlifting.

    Other then that, Perhaps take a step backwards and only do 2 days a week for 2-3weeks and eat like you normally would. Then up you cal's and try and sneak in another weight session. IMO give the cardio up. As great as it is to run for 30min flat out. You'll get your chance to earn that back when you cut, after this bulk. And then you'll be shredded :)

    I'm no expert, I'm just talking from my experience. I'd follow up with a personal trainer.