weight loss over 40



  • 43 5'11'' 210lbs. Jan 1, 2013 I weighed 245 and by Thanksgiving I was 202. My wife and friends starting making fun of me at that point and lost my mojo. I started yesterday to get back on track to my goal of 185. Constant struggle to try to do this alone.
  • twinteensmom
    twinteensmom Posts: 371 Member
    I didn't start my weight loss until I was 49. Once I got serious, the weight fell off. My advice, LOG EVERYTHING!!!! It makes a world of difference. It is so easy to misjudge both quantity and calories unless you do.
  • dreamer722
    dreamer722 Posts: 57 Member
    I am 59. I'll be 60 in July. I started doing this when I was 57 and have been on MFP religiously for almost 2 years now. I lost 75 lbs in that 1st year and I've been maintaining and toning since. I'd say I as probably tighter on my weighing than maybe I needed to be and I worked out like a maniac, even with work hours that are 10 hour days. Most of my "workouts" are climbing stairs at work rather than taking the elevator and walking throughoug most of my lunch ... and then lifting light weights in the evenings for a very short time every night. I go out ... I will have wine & beer on occasion ... I've been on a cruise in the midst of this where most people gain weight (I ate what I pleased and stayed active ... and lost weight duing it). The last 20 lbs was the hardest and the slowest ... and it still fluctuates weekly a bit depending on my schedule. I guess my point is ... just keep at it. If you're consistent, it'll work. Also remember that you may be losing FAT and gaining MUSCLE ... which weighs more. So you might be getting into shape and looking better and feeling better and being more active ... while your weight doesn't change much.

    In amy event ... that's merely my 2 cents ... but being over 40 ... and higher ... doesn't mean it can't work ... it just means you have to work for it. It's well worth it. I have more energy, I can enjoy my life, my husband is thrilled with the outcome, my kids are pleased for me ... and most importantly ... *I* am happy with myself again.
  • dreamer722
    dreamer722 Posts: 57 Member
    I am 59. I'll be 60 in July. I started doing this when I was 57 and have been on MFP religiously for almost 2 years now. I lost 75 lbs in that 1st year and I've been maintaining and toning since. I'd say I as probably tighter on my weighing than maybe I needed to be and I worked out like a maniac, even with work hours that are 10 hour days. Most of my "workouts" are climbing stairs at work rather than taking the elevator and walking throughoug most of my lunch ... and then lifting light weights in the evenings for a very short time every night. I go out ... I will have wine & beer on occasion ... I've been on a cruise in the midst of this where most people gain weight (I ate what I pleased and stayed active ... and lost weight duing it). The last 20 lbs was the hardest and the slowest ... and it still fluctuates weekly a bit depending on my schedule. I guess my point is ... just keep at it. If you're consistent, it'll work. Also remember that you may be losing FAT and gaining MUSCLE ... which weighs more. So you might be getting into shape and looking better and feeling better and being more active ... while your weight doesn't change much.

    In amy event ... that's merely my 2 cents ... but being over 40 ... and higher ... doesn't mean it can't work ... it just means you have to work for it. It's well worth it. I have more energy, I can enjoy my life, my husband is thrilled with the outcome, my kids are pleased for me ... and most importantly ... *I* am happy with myself again.

    Oh ... and I'm 5'10" ...
  • LeahNMe
    LeahNMe Posts: 73 Member
    48 here. Post hysterectomy and ex-smoker. It's like setting myself up to fail it feels like sometimes.
    I don't snack, I don't like sweets, I walk 3 miles three days a week with the hubby, I eat three a day and have just now started putting snacks back in my day since I joined MFP. Yeah, I lost a pound and a half, and put it right back on. I don't get it. It's very frustrating, but I am sticking with it. Surely sooner or later it will start coming off.
    DH 47 ex-smoker, cuts out chips and cokes for three days and loses almost three pounds. :0/ go figure!
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    I peeked at your diary. Not bad for the most part. Mine was similar during my weight loss program. I kept a low carb diet and eventually lost 50 pounds. But then weight loss stopped.

    I changed my food plan. Read up on the raw(plant based) foods. Low fat, limited my animal protein and replaced it with proteins from cruciferous vegetables.

    Lost additional 40 pounds. My suggestion - reduce your fat, more specifically have all your fat come from nuts and seeds. Eat more nutrient-dense foods. Welcome to look at my food plan. And good luck.

    Oh yeah, I am 52, went from size 38 pants to 29, and recently completed my first 10K.
  • fitandfortyish
    fitandfortyish Posts: 194 Member
    My biggest complaint with "being over 40 and toning/weight loss" is no matter what I do, or how often I do it, there is still (I'll call it) loose skin. I'm at 23% body fat and it was a grim battle to get there, I do core, bike, row, push ups...body is still NOT tight. Add to that all the great fit people on this site and I get sad :sad:

    Gettin' old....sheesh
  • Rogsman
    Rogsman Posts: 106 Member
    46 here. 5' 8". The first 25 lbs was easy, but every ounce after that was a struggle. I'd lose a lbs or two, then two or three weeks of losing nothing, then another lbs loss overnight and the cycle repeated. Not sure if it had to do with age or just how my body wanted to lose weight. What worked for me:

    1. Get scientific measuring calories.
    2. Weights 3x a week, different group each day (45 min to 1 hour)
    3. 30 - 60 minutes of cardio 5x a week with an HRM (run, bike, elliptical, row).
    4. Keep going.

    Keep in mind that weight loss is done with a kitchen scale, fitness is done with exercise. While the gym helps with weight loss and will certainly make you sexy, your weight loss goal will fail if you don't have calorie control. Period.

    Diet wise I keep it simple. I eat things had have real nutritional value, and try to stay away from empty calorie foods. If I liked a certain thing (like ice cream), I eat it. I closely watch protein, but have lots of carbs too. I don't over think things, I've eaten plenty of buffets.

    Focus on lifestyle change and sustainability!
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    My biggest complaint with "being over 40 and toning/weight loss" is no matter what I do, or how often I do it, there is still (I'll call it) loose skin. I'm at 23% body fat and it was a grim battle to get there, I do core, bike, row, push ups...body is still NOT tight. Add to that all the great fit people on this site and I get sad :sad:

    Gettin' old....sheesh

    Cheer up!! Life begins at 50. The fun part is still ahead of you. Here is an article - please read.
  • dchief30
    dchief30 Posts: 129 Member
    you can add me
  • Phildog47
    Phildog47 Posts: 255 Member
    I am trying to lose 20 lbs I am 46 and 170lbs I am currently training for a 10 mile race I've been running or walking 6 days a week since november and I have not lost one pound... I am looking for advice. Just from the extra calories I should have lost 5-10lbs! I really don't get it! I am a very healthy eater. I usually have a cheat one day a week but its usually wine and not food that causes the trouble..

    stop the cheat days
  • nancy10272004
    nancy10272004 Posts: 277 Member
    I'm 46, 5'3" and on medication that is not, as they say, "weight neutral" (it can cause gains and hinder loss). I've been following MFP pretty consistently for about a month and have been losing at a good rate. For me, it's all about keeping enough protein in my diet and keeping it as plant based as possible.

    I don't really exercise. I just use a FitBit.

    Here is a big caveat and I do mean big - I started off with about 100 lbs to lose so my initial weight loss did come off off fairly easily. I'm still in the honeymoon phase.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I'd just suggest getting a food scale and measuring everything for a couple of weeks to make sure you're not eating more than you think. If you use a heart rate monitor, you'll also have more accurate calorie burns to track. Generally, we tend to overestimate our calorie burn and underestimate our calorie intake.

    Keep up the good work!

    ETA: I'd also point out that 20 lbs to lose is going to go much slower than if you had much more to lose. You'll get there!
    +1 to everything said here

    I'm 43 and have now lost 29 pounds 1-2 lbs a week at a time since October. It DOES help if you have a larger amount to lose because it's easier to get the calorie deficit needed...much harder to do when you only have a small amount to drop off.

    If you are unable to buy the heart rate monitor, you can also help fix the issue by simply "underreporting" your calorie burns on MFP. I multiply the burn it estimates (or the piece of gym equipment estimates) by .666 and enter that as my burn. This seems to keep me a lot closer to the amount of calories I'm ACTUALLY expending and keeps me from unknowingly sabotaging my own efforts by giving myself more exercise credit that I deserve.
  • LJGettinSexy
    LJGettinSexy Posts: 223 Member
    I am trying to lose 20 lbs I am 46 and 170lbs I am currently training for a 10 mile race I've been running or walking 6 days a week since november and I have not lost one pound... I am looking for advice. Just from the extra calories I should have lost 5-10lbs! I really don't get it! I am a very healthy eater. I usually have a cheat one day a week but its usually wine and not food that causes the trouble..

    stop the cheat days

    What's the fun in stopping cheat days. LOL! Everyone needs one every now and then and once a week is just right. Plus, all the experts recommend them.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I am trying to lose 20 lbs I am 46 and 170lbs I am currently training for a 10 mile race I've been running or walking 6 days a week since november and I have not lost one pound... I am looking for advice. Just from the extra calories I should have lost 5-10lbs! I really don't get it! I am a very healthy eater. I usually have a cheat one day a week but its usually wine and not food that causes the trouble..

    stop the cheat days
    Depends on how big the "cheat" day is really. I typically go over on calories 1-2 days a week and am still losing. As long as I keep my calories on board more of the week than not, I am seeing a loss. I realize it's harder with fewer pounds but I doubt that a single day...unless she's doubling or triping calories that day...is really going to prevent pounds from dropping. It's likely something more systemic.
  • how?? I just started working out last week & using fitness pal again. I want to lose 50 pds by my 48th bday in august. right now i'm 194 & 588. I hate myself I weight as much now as I did when I was 9 mons,. preganant w/ my son who is now 7!!!
  • I will be 40 in a couple weeks,and trying to lose 15lbs. I am alittle over 5' and weigh 121.4lbs. I workout pretty much everyday between weights, cardio drills and yoga. Having an issue with arthritis in my knee and low back pain. I need to find back strengthening exercises. My 12 week Shaun T workouts start this Monday! Hopefully my body will cooperate with how young my head thinks she is.
  • LJGettinSexy
    LJGettinSexy Posts: 223 Member
    I'm 48 with a hypo-active thyroid and managed to lose 30 lbs in a year, (my ticker says 20 but I've never adjusted my weight). I've been on a carefree meal plan keeping my calories between 1200-1350 regularly and eating mostly fruits and veggies with small sweet snacks. It's very hard for me to lose, but I just keep at it. The thyroid keeps my metabolism very slow and I have to work extra hard at the gym but it's coming off. If I can do it, I know you can. Stay dedicated to the cause and you will see it happen.
  • DawnW3218
    DawnW3218 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 5'7" and was till recently 182 lbs and am also over 40.

    I've struggled for the past 5-6 years since putting on weight after surgery - I dieted for months (1200 cals a day logging everything on MFP) just to lose a few pounds to just regain it over 14 days whilst on holiday.

    I have lost 21 lbs in the last 8 weeks (Im now 161 lbs) doing a low carb diet helped along with some Cambridge products. I have a couple of Cambridge Diet products a day to give me all the vitamins etc I need and then I have chicken/fish/steak & salad/vegetables for my main meal and I'm eating no processed food at all. Ive not really felt hungry at all because Im in mild ketosis.

    Everyone is commenting on how the weight has just 'dropped off' as I have lost mega inches too - I was in a tight size 14 (UK) threatening to go into a size 16 and now size 12's are very loose, hopefully I'll be in a size 10 soon (Ive not been that size for many years!!)

    I intend to stop using the Cambridge products when I reach target but I intend to stick to the low-carb and little-or-no processed food way of eating so I dont gain the weight back. Instead of a 'diet' it will become a 'lifestyle choice'.

    I can honestly say I feel so much better and I no longer constantly feel bloated - my pot bellied tummy has gone!!

    Im sure there are plently of people on here that will shoot me down in flames but the above has done something for me that I have been struggling to do for a long time - LOSE WEIGHT AND INCHES!!

    Everyone has to find the way that works for them.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • walkinthedogs
    walkinthedogs Posts: 238 Member
    I'm 5'8" - starting weight 205, am down to 178, would like to get to 160-165, and it has taken me 10 months of very diligent and consistent tracking. I have found my "magic" number of cals to be about 1600 to 1800 for my activity level, but I also calorie cycle (actually not sure I'm using term correctly) but 2 to 3 days during the week, I eat much lower cals because I know on the weekends I will eat more than 1800 and it seems to work very well for me. Work on tracking food consistently, it is Key! Find your magic number of calories and give yourself time to lose. Most people think within a week of "changing it up" they should see rapid weight loss, that usually isn't the way it works. There have been times I don't lose for weeks to a month and it can get very disheartening, but as I look back on the last 10 months and see how far I've come and how much better I feel (I fit into jeans I haven't ever been able to wear yesterday) I'm actually quite happy with my slow progress. My average is 2.7 lbs a month, which is slow, but I'm learning how to make this work for the rest of my life at the same time. Have patience, it will come!