PB2-versus Peanut Butter

Tell me why its "better"..

In my, admitedly limited, knowledge of nutrition..I was under the impression that "Real" PB is not "bad" for you..as it contains lots of protein and "good" fats..(obviously in the proper quantities..eating a whole jar would not be healthy!)

My son, 13 years old, and VERY active (track, soccer player) loves the peanut butter energy balls I tested out afew weeks ago..they contain all natural honey, PB, alittle cinnamon, some vanilla, rolled oats and dark choc chips.

Unfortunantly, these little buggers are super tasty..

since I make them alot for the kiddo, and they will be staring at me each time I open the fridge..Im looking at possible ways to make them alittle better, in the nutrition dept, if that makes sense. Or should I make 2 seperate batches..one with PB2 for me and one with the "Real stuff" for the kiddo?


  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Many people prefer PB2 because of the reduced calories and fat. Peanut butter is not "bad" for you, it just contains more calories, fat & sugar. I eat PB2 almost everyday, but I am in no way afraid of calories or good fats- I simply use it so that I have more of a calorie & fat allowance for the rest of my day.

    I've made recipes with it that have called for regular peanut butter to reduce the calories- but if you're used to the sweeter taste of plain old PB you may want to use a little stevia or other sweetener to make up for the difference. PB2 tastes much closer to natural PB that doesn't have any sugar added, rather than something like JIF.
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    Natural PB is very good for you. People want to eat more of it but can't due to it being so calorie dense, so they opt for PB2. Personally, I would rather eat less of the real stuff but I can see why other opt for the lower calorie route.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    Nothing wrong with either, I like both. PB2 is terrible as a spread and does not have the same consistency as regular peanut butter because of the lack of fat so be careful. Experiment and see which one you prefer. I like PB2 in my Greek yogurt. :P but if I can spare the calories or just feel like eating peanut butter, I do so.
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    I would rather eat less of the real deal - than all the PB2 in the world. Some people like making substitutions for all kinds of food - I don't.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    thanks for the insight..I guess I kinda figured it was the fact regular PB is high in calories and why folks turn to the PB2.

    I love regular PB,,espc spread on a ricecake..I dont know how the PB2 would work in the balls I make..I may buy a container and play around with it. I do calorie count..so something alittle less calorie dense might be better for me..I am also not as picky as the kiddo regarding sweetness and taste.
  • Dragonslayer183
    Dragonslayer183 Posts: 70 Member
    I've never heard of PB2, so I went and looked it up.

    I eat way too much peanut butter and would love this alternative, but can you spread it on sandwiches, bananas, celery, ect?
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I've never heard of PB2, so I went and looked it up.

    I eat way too much peanut butter and would love this alternative, but can you spread it on sandwiches, bananas, celery, ect?

    Yes. You just mix it with water to the consistency you want. I eat it on bananas almost everyday for breakfast.
  • mildammm
    mildammm Posts: 67 Member
    I've never heard of PB2, so I went and looked it up.

    I eat way too much peanut butter and would love this alternative, but can you spread it on sandwiches, bananas, celery, ect?

    Nope, it is a powder. Great for shakes, and in yogurts if you're just craving the taste of peanut butter.
  • mildammm
    mildammm Posts: 67 Member
    I've never heard of PB2, so I went and looked it up.

    I eat way too much peanut butter and would love this alternative, but can you spread it on sandwiches, bananas, celery, ect?

    Yes. You just mix it with water to the consistency you want. I eat it on bananas almost everyday for breakfast.

    Hm, I should try that.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    I prefer regular peanut butter, so creamy and delicious :love:
  • Satiable
    Satiable Posts: 121
    PB2 isn't exactly better, but I eat it because I need the protein. Being vegetarian, it's hard for me to get enough protein without going over my fat allowance. Protein shakes make me gag, but peanut butter (PB2) milkshakes? Delicious. It also works perfectly in a satay sauce.
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    I prefer regular peanut butter, so creamy and delicious :love:

    Amen to that...:)..

    These energy balls..with their honey peanut buttery chocolate goodness are addicting...thought if I subbed the PB2 Id feel better and cut some calories out.
  • PratoN
    PratoN Posts: 20 Member
    I had it for the first time this morning! I was surprisingly good - and going from 190 calories to 45 calories is a big deal for me (2 tablespoons). I'm already eating 1/2 sandwiches (I don't know why I like eating PB&J for breakfast? lol) but it's still tough to feel satisfied at lunch or dinner unless I eat a crazy amount of veggies at every meal. This lets me eat just a LITTLE more at my other meals - or actually enjoy a beer if I go out with friends.
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I put a tablespoon of PB2 in my Nectar Chocolate Truffle shake mix w skim milk every morning. I have used it to bake with one time also when I didn't have reg peanut butter in my cabinet. I used to have to order it online or get it from a nutrional store in town but Walmart now sells in the Peanut butter section. I just picked up 2 jars of it this past Monday!
    The reg PB2 isn't that great just plain but the Chocolate PB2 plain was very yummy.