Weight Loss, Juicing, Candida and Exercise

Ive been in decent shape most of my life. My highest weight ever was 160 when I was pregnant with my second child. Here I am at age 40. A few mos back, I got on the scale at my moms, I didnt own one and saw 169! I scared myself. Ive never weighed that much. That was my wake up call moment. I believe this was around Thanksgiving.

I have also had some health issues, a ongoing rash on the back of my neck and scalp that had not healed for well over a year, and had been coming and going previously. Blood sugar issues, waking up early feeling like Im starving and mentally not right. Urinating several times a night on average. Acne bumps on various parts of my body and facial hair growth.

Migraine headaches now and then also.

My weakness in life has been sugar.

I read up on a Candida Cleanse, and that was my start, I have been juicing off and on, but got on a serious routine of that, more of a green juice.

I lost about 16 pds just by going on the Candida Cleanse, eliminated a lot of sugar snacks, starbucks drinks, pastries. I eat fruits, veggies, eggs, meats, homemade goods minus flour, sugar, etc

So I started at 169 and I have officially hit 149.

I can tell from changing my eating my weight loss, I do have days where I veer off and have some snacks, but overall I eat pretty clean. A green juice, lemon water, organic eggs with homemade guacamole and salsa on them. I make banana, applesauce, oatmeal, and dark chocolate cookies(my snack)

Dinners are typically a protein meat, beans, brown rice with veggies.

I dont eat a lot of breads and pastas.

I finally got the rash to go away due to an Arnica Salve my mom found and we tried everything under the sun to cure this thing and drs prescriptions also.

I just got terribly sick this wknd after having BBQ steak and veggies. Migraine, nausea, my face was stinging and hot like a sunburn, foggy thinking, the only thing to point to was the Steak Seasoning, so Im finding since Ive cleaned up my eating. Im finding things my body reacts too. From looking it up it appears it was MSG poisoning from the "natural flavors" in the seasoning.

We have moved to a new state 2 yrs ago so all my friends, my walking paths, etc, are not around so thats why i think part of the weight gain happened. I am outside gardening, painting furniture, doing yard work, mowing lawns, but also want to get into a physical routine again, Ive lost my toned arms and I miss that, I know how to do weights and all that, its just starting again. Our new church has work out classes several times a week, so thats my next plan.

So I just want to feel better, take my weight down and feel good in my clothes again and start a workout routine. 140 is my goal for now. When I was active and working out regularly I hit about 136. I know its not all about numbers. I just want to loose some in the thighs and stomach and get toned again.


  • Nataliej33
    Nataliej33 Posts: 1 Member
    Super informational and uplifting for me as I've been on the candida diet for 2 weeks now. I'm definitely going to search for your cookie recipe. thanks for the good read
  • Hi Natalie, Its just 3 bananas mashed up, 1/4 cup of applesauce I believe, drop of vanilla extract and 2 cups of oatmeal. I use dark chocolate chips so I still get sugar, but its less then I would eat and I get the real stuff with high cocoa content, and add the amount I desire. Mix it all up, and dab it on a parchment paper cookie sheet at 350 for about 20 min.

    They are super easy and quick to make and my fave is when they first come out of the oven.

    Im taking a Candida Cleanse supplement also, its helped! Are you having headaches? I had to deal with that its part of the die off.

    But juicing is my life saver during all this. My daily juice I make.