I'm on the wine wagon starting today! Need support......

So the one thing I have had a hard time giving up is wine. It's really the only thing I consume during the week that is bad. I decided last night I am not going to drink it during the week. Maybe one glass with dinner once a week but that's it. I was consuming way too much on the daily. It's time to make a change.

Anyone done this have any words of advice? haha xoxo


  • nineteentwenty
    nineteentwenty Posts: 469 Member
    If it's a taste you're craving, I wouldn't deprive yourself. Have a shotglass full of wine for flavor, like one a night. Otherwise you may break down and binge, and wine is NOT a great binge food.
  • ThatSoundsHard
    ThatSoundsHard Posts: 475 Member
    I heard there was wine?!:drinker:

    I actually have nothing helpful to add. I have a glass or 3 almost every day.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I just switch to tequila. :drinker:
  • idojpdx
    idojpdx Posts: 83 Member
    I've cut down, too. I still have a small pour with dinner--I don't want to deprive myself of that--but I stick to one a night during the week. Friday and Saturday nights, I have two. We have over 300 bottles in our wine cellar. I guess it's up to my husband to rotate the stock now.
  • rwieber
    rwieber Posts: 188 Member
    Wine is a weakness for me too. Once I started MFP, I decided to quit drinking wine during the week. I used to have it just about every night. The calories add up and I know it was not good for me for lots of reasons. It's not easy....I won't lie. But I have been pretty good about not drinking Sun-Thurs. Friday and Saturday we usually have dinner out or with friends and I don't worry about having it then. I only drink water at night now during the week.

    I have to say that I feel better and I am able to get up at 5am to workout before work. If I was drinking during the week, I'd be less likely to get up and get my workout in!! Good luck....know that you aren't alone ;-)
  • jacques57
    jacques57 Posts: 2,129 Member
    It can be overwhelming to tackle a BIG situation like "Stop drinking wine for the rest of my life!"

    So make it a really little situation. Make it ridiculously small. "I will not drink wine for the next hour." And keep repeating. Go to 10 minutes if it gets to be happy hour and you're shaking. You can quit for some ridiculously small period of time. ANd you keep stringing them together until POOF you have sobriety!

    edited for typos
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    Thank you guys! I did buy a couple bottles to have around for my husband and if I did want to have a glass one night, because I don't like to deny myself of everything,. That seems like it would frusterate me since I'm already so diligent with my food. I want to show myself I can change this pattern. :) I can do this!
  • Nickih4619093
    Nickih4619093 Posts: 91 Member
    I too love my wine : ) I keep it for weekends now. I look at it as a reward for a week of eating well and exercising - something to look forward to and savour!
  • Hi there! I'll first start by saying, "You can do it!!" :-)

    Now to the wine lol I JUST started drinking wine within the last two years. Before that I never had wine or any other alcoholic beverage. I have to say, I drink wine with %7 to at the highest %15 alcohol, so our situations may be a bit different. I enjoy it though, but I limit it to one [small] bottle that I share with my lovely wife, and we drink it on the weekend,(sometimes once a week, but most times every other week...possibly longer) Try having a bottle if you have someone to share it with, or a small glass or two if you would rather drink alone, and try to wait until the weekend. After that try going for every other week and see how that makes you feel. That way, you won't drink as much as you're use to and when you do, you can really enjoy it because you've had time to miss it! :-) You're going to do just fine!
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    Thank you all! Good advice!
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    Update! So today is day 4. I have not stopped completely. Instead, I have cut it by more than half. I log every single calorie I consume. I have lost 2 pounds. :) I am proud of myself because I am showing self control. Hopefully I can be good this weekend lol.
  • Junctionbox
    Junctionbox Posts: 47 Member
    I've found that I can't drink during the week any more due to very early starts. I save it for the weekend, but then usually don't bother as I have to drive a lot and there's no point having just one drink. I can't remember the last alcohol I had and I don't miss it. I plan a binge on the summer solstice though, at a beer festival I never miss. I may not log that weekend....
  • flippy1234
    flippy1234 Posts: 686 Member
    Hey, good for you.
    I love my red wine. But, it tends to become a habit for me instead of something special so I have stopped during the week and am drinking it on Friday and Saturday only with my husband. I am trying this anyway, need to lose the belly and hopefully this will do it! Good luck!
  • Satiable
    Satiable Posts: 121
    Update! So today is day 4. I have not stopped completely. Instead, I have cut it by more than half. I log every single calorie I consume. I have lost 2 pounds. :) I am proud of myself because I am showing self control. Hopefully I can be good this weekend lol.
    Congratulations! Very impressive. Do you think it's harder, sometimes, to consume less of a favourite (corn chips, for example) than to just give it up?

    I basically gave up wine, unless it's by the glass at a restaurant. It declines so quickly after opening the bottle, and I have nobody to share it with, so… mustn't waste it… just one more glass… :blushing:

    Marsanne, Tempranillo, Grenache, I miss you so! Glad you've found a way to enjoy in moderation, OP.

    *edited because the original made no sense. Hopefully this one does.
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    Honestly, I found cutting it way down to be much easier. Coming home after a long day and saying "no wine" made me feel deprived (a feeling I am not used to), and I felt it was a recipe for disaster/binge. So, limiting myself has really helped me and made me feel a sense of control. I realized I was drinking way too fast and way too much. This way I still get my one little treat and don't feel deprived, staying within calories. :)
  • sizzle74
    sizzle74 Posts: 858 Member
    Thank you everyone for the support! :)