Lost motivation....please help.

I have had some medical issues lately and have had to take some time off. I am having a challenging time getting back into it. I was so faithful at logging on here both my nutrition and my workouts...I find it very challenging to log, much less workout. Any words of wisdom, advise, or motivation are greatly appreciated.


  • amybickmore
    amybickmore Posts: 8 Member
    Find a weight loss blog to follow. It helps to read and see others doing small things to make a change. You can start with mine if you like...but there are tons out there.

  • Doresoontobehealthy
    Doresoontobehealthy Posts: 189 Member
    I know that we all have the inner strength to be successful at living a healthier lifestyle. I personally have been on and off the wagon so many times I've probably lost and gained 500 lbs in my lifetime. I know how hard it is to restart after falling off the wagon. I battled with depression and when that kicks in I could care less how much I weigh. But this is a lifestyle change. This isn't a quick fix. Make sure you start logging all your food and exercise again. Just remember this is a gift you're giving to yourself. You're going to live a longer heahtlier life. I know you can do it.
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    It is a life style change for sure........I have changed up my interests a bit...and exploring some new options to help keep me motivated...Thank you ladies.
  • I'm having issues too and am finding it very hard to get my head back in the game. I know we can do this but I also know it ain't easy!

    I keep going to the gym and I keep gaining weight. Not sure of an answer for you or me, but let's keep trying!
  • luadams2
    luadams2 Posts: 122
    Medical issues are the reason I'm here on this board! I had a hysterectomy and an emergency appendectomy back to back. Recovery period was long and then even when I could finally get around, I couldn't do any real exercise for six months.

    So I laid in bed and gained 25 lbs. I haven't weight this much since I was 8 months pregnant.

    Look, don't do what I did. Don't give in and say I may as well quit dieting because I can't exercise. Maybe you can't LOSE any weight right now, but you can maintain your weight, right?

    Then when you're better you haven't got to start all over again, you will just have to start at the point you are at right now.

    I'm feeling lazy today about my diet and I'm getting ready to post about it and ask for motivation.

    We an do this, right? Maybe you can write down reasons why you're trying to eat better. Sort of mental reinforcement. HEY I'm going to do that right now!!!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Welcome back. Be grateful to be able to be back. Build up slowly and remember you can't do exactly what you were before right away. You'll get back there have faith.