New to MFP - A little bit about me!

Hello All,

This is my second time trying MFP. It worked really well the first time but i just lost my way. Its been about a year since i last done it and im determined to try it again.

Before having my son 2 years ago i lost a couple of stone with Weight Watchers and i was the slimmest id ever been. I didn't put much weight on during my pregnancy as i was diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes. The weight crept on after i gave birth. I managed to maintain it for a while as i got married 5 months after giving birth but since then my weight has gone from 13st to 14 stone 10lbs. Its so depressing, i thought i was massive at 13 stone! Being only 5"2 i feel like a tomato. My main worry is that i will develop type to diabetes so that's my motivation, the end, i'm more determined then ever!

The one thing that really helped me last time was having people support me and me be able to support back.

So if you'd like to add me please feel welcome!
