Phentermine 37.5 - Anyone use this?



  • WonderWoman_5
    WonderWoman_5 Posts: 101 Member
    I used it lose 17lbs then got pregnant ughhh celebrated too much, lmao
  • channonm
    channonm Posts: 2
    Wait...doctors are prescribing this crap to people? Like, for a medical purpose? Or because people are complaining that it's too hard to have self control and exercise?

    Shame on you for being so judgmental. You have no idea why others are the way they are. Before I got sick (occupational lung disease) I was slim and muscular. Now I look like a slob, but I am NOT! Please think before you speak.
  • channonm
    channonm Posts: 2
    I was just prescribed this drug due to hypothyroidism, inexplicably high cholesterol and triglycerides, and a lung disease treated with lots of steroids. Every time I take the oral steroids, I gain a few pounds, but they don't go away when I stop. I have also gained weight from some of the inhaled steroids and they seem to be preventing me from losing. I have eaten well for most of my adult life, but that makes no difference any more. I am afraid to take it even though I asked for it. Any advice? Has anyone else battled with steroid weight?
  • aprilflower18232
    aprilflower18232 Posts: 205 Member
    I used it for about 2 helped shrink my stomach so I now eat less.....the thing with phentermine is that you have to use it to help change your eating habits.....if you don't change you could gain weight back when you get off of it.
  • i took it for the first time about two years ago and it worked great i lost close to 30 pounds and didnt gain it back i kept it for about close to two years untill last year i become pregnant then i gain a lot of weight but no is not because of the pill is because while being pregnant i didnt watch what i was eating and after having my baby three months ago because of the snow and all i wasnt able to exersice so i am now 30 pounds over my weight before getting pregnant (i have to say i have gain about close to 10 pounds after my baby was born) yesterday i went to the doctor to get the pill again and today was my first day hope it works this time as good as last time but i do know i will have to change my eating havints =)

    also i wanted to share that the first time my side effect was that i wasnt able to sleep a lot and i did at one point was feeling a little depress and angry at times but i only took it for three months and once it was out of my system i was back to normal.
  • azgrl14
    azgrl14 Posts: 2
    You truly shouldn't judge people I was having a hard time trying to lose weight and granted to what people think I don't sit around all day eating huge meals or anything like that my metabolism is just extremely slow and my Dr prescribed it to me and within 10 days I had lost 8lbs already so don't judge someone when you don't know their situation
  • drwtn
    drwtn Posts: 2
    Phentermine works because it kills your appetite and revs you up so you exercise more. You have to eat throughout the day though, even if it's only a few bites here and there otherwise in the evening you will be a lunatic and may binge eat. Shakes help get the calories you need if you can't eat. It really helps control portion size which is good for men. However, like others have said, you have to change your eating habits for it to be effective or you gain the weight back.. I am using it along with a low carb clean diet to help kick start my weight loss. You can split the pill in half and try taking it different ways to keep your body from adjusting. 1 pill in the am for a few days, then half in the am and half around 2 pm. It can keep you awake though so don't take it too late.
  • upmommyof5
    upmommyof5 Posts: 21 Member
    I have been on the lowest dose 15mg for about 4 months now and I know what you mean with the dry mouth! It gets bad sometimes, but drinking lots of extra water really helps and also I chew gum a lot! I've lost about 40 pounds and need to get off about another 60-70. My doctor has helped me so much! I didn't want the surgery, even though I qualified for it. Good luck!!!
  • ladybuggprincess99
    ladybuggprincess99 Posts: 142 Member
    . I think phentermine works if you change your eating habits while you are taking them, if definatley helped suppress my appitite. :flowerforyou:

    I agree. It can be a nice tool to help you get started, but if you don't change your habits- you'll gain the weight back and more.
    Good luck!!

    Exactly. Like ANYTHING else, you have to change your habits in order to change your life. :)
  • trubiniz
    trubiniz Posts: 1
    My doctor prescribed it to me in May. With a proper diet & excercise I have lost 23 pounds in a little over a month. I have no side affects other than a dry mouth. But increasing my water in-take seems to keep that in check. I doo adhere to a lower calorie & low card diet. But the habits that I create now are for life and not just while I'm on Phentermine.
  • I have been on it since March 25 2014. Since then I weighed 188 I am currently 170. I agree that with proper exercise and eating habits you will benefit. Which the doctor lets you know you do need to make that change in order to see long term beinifits.

    Although my appetite is suppressed and OCCASSIONALLY eat bad (like cheese curds). I have made the conscious choice to eat more healthy and just in the last couple weeks incorporated 3bottles of water (minimum) a day. I do not exercise as much as I would like. Which is due to my family situation. But if I did I know I would have seen more of a result at this time. But I am working that in (more exercise)! Focus on better eating and regular exercise. The pill is great and helps but it is not a "magic cure"! You still need to do your part!
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Before I started smoking cigarettes at age 42, I was constantly having to diet. Sometimes I would take generic Fastin (phentermine). But the prescribed one tablet per day didn't work. So I took one tablet around 11 a.m. and a second tablet about 2 p.m. I always took the tablets with a soda containing caffeine. Caffeine acted as a catalyst. The diet pills just took the edge off my appetite so that I wasn't constantly thinking about food. They never made me jittery, never gave me energy, never affected my sleep. Now that I smoke cigarettes, I don't need diet pills.
  • upmommyof5
    upmommyof5 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm on the 15 mg dose and have lost over 60 pounds so far. It's a great tool along with diet and exercise!
  • smfette
    smfette Posts: 3
    A few years ago I was able to lose from 270 to 185 with diet and exercise but then became severely depressed and while on antidepressants I gained back nearly all the weight even though I was exercising and watching what I was eating (for the most part!) Didn't matter what I did, the weight kept coming back. Last week my doctor recommended I take Phentermine to help restart my metabolism and give me the push to exercise more. I've been on it for 8 days now and only lost 1.1 lbs And now I'm getting nervous because I feel pms setting in and don't want the time of month to destroy it all!
    .. I know I have been watching my calories and intake (sometimes not the best choices but evening it out somehow) I take the pill in the morning on an empty stomach and by 9-10 pm feel the effects wearing off... The only side affect I'm feeling is dry mouth, but I've always kind of been like that and drink water like a fish.
    Anyone have any suggestions as to how I can really reap the benefits of this...? I really want to get back to 180-190...anyth under 200 at this point will make me ecstatic!
  • terrysueh
    terrysueh Posts: 1 Member
    Yes I have been using it since April 20th. I have so far lost 32 pounds. It seems to be working for me as I am never hungary. I am under a Doctor's care and I am doing the glycemic index program. I find that eating every two hours you really never get hungary. And having nuts and cheese works for me.
  • My doctor is Internal Medicine. I hit my highest weight at 278 lbs. and I was miserable! I developed high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and was told I was border-line diabetic. I started my journey, with my doctor...5 months ago...and I am currently 230 lbs. losing 48 lbs in 5 months! I am on a very healthy diet, I drink a lot of "iffused" waters, and yes she put me on Phentermine 37.5 mg. and this stuff is a miracle! I pay $50 a month to see her, and $30 a month for the medication. No side effects whatsoever, my energy levels are through the roof and I am very pleased! So yes it is VERY worth the money...period. Last check blood pressure is fantastic, and I am no longer in danger of becoming a diabetic. I am being patient, giving myself a hit my goal weight of 160 lbs. (I wear a size 6-8 at that weight).
  • Any medication can kill someone. Every body reacts differently. If you are under your Dr's care and doing what you need to be should be fine.
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