New friends welcome :)

So I have resorted to this web page and app to kick start my journey to a healthier and slimmer life style. Having depression caused a 60lb weight gain and a drop in confidence. I would emotionally eat to distract my thoughts but then had to deal with guilty thoughts of over eating a load of junk food. Now is the time for change. I have managed to lose a little over 30lbs and am aiming to lose a further 20 or so.

Any advice would be so great and meeting others would also be a pleasure :D I would also love to share ideas and tips that have helped me in the past so feel free to add guys :)


  • mgibbons22
    mgibbons22 Posts: 69 Member
    It seems that depression may be in part due to a lack of self-confidence and pride. For me at least, I take immense pride in beating my calorie goal on a daily basis. Then losing the weight boosts my pride even more. Think about that and good luck!