Antidepressants and weight loss



  • Mar22ie
    Mar22ie Posts: 39 Member
    I have been on several different antidepressants and related medication, and am still on two. If you read the medical documentation, most will say they have a possibility of weight gain as a side effect; in some cases it's "significant weight gain". In my case, I went from 140 to 200, to 160 with rigid dieting and exercise, and I'm back at 210 when the dieting stopped working and I couldn't stay at ~1200 calories with exercise on top of that (I'm 5'9"). I still exercise several times a week and I'm at 1500 - 1700 calories / day, just to let you know the effect it has on my metabolism. Everyone's different, though, and what happened to me may not happen to you.

    That being said, feeling good about yourself is important, so don't skip medication if you (or your doctor) feels you need it. I would not be able to hold down a job without my medication. Best of luck :)

    Thank you Cyn!
  • Mar22ie
    Mar22ie Posts: 39 Member
    I have clinically diagnosed depression. I take Zoloft and have done so the last 6 years. I have lost over 50 lbs and have gained quite a bit of muscle. Like everyone said you can lose weight or do anything with consistency. If taking meds makes you feel better do it. I don't know what I would do without mine.

    Thank you for your post. I last tried Lexapro, and it made my heart skip beats and gave me a nagging couch. I have tried Zoloft before and it really helped. I gained the weight though. However, I wasn't actively trying to lose like I am now. So maybe there would be a difference. Thank you again, and good job!!!
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    St Johns Wort. Brilliant for my depression & completely natural.
  • Mar22ie
    Mar22ie Posts: 39 Member
    Having dealt with anxiety and crippling panic disorders almost my entire life, I would much rather go on medication than deal with the effects of my anxiety. Me personally, I haven't had any luck with herbal remedies for panic attacks or my anxiety.

    I'm currently on Prozac (I've been on it for almost two years now), when I was prescribed it, my doctor said it could suppress my appetite, but that isn't always the case. My weight loss has been pretty steady, so I think it depends from person to person.

    Now, exercising does wonders with anxiety, but when you're in the middle of a panic attack, that's the last thing on your mind!
    I think talking to your doctor and looking at your different options is key at this point. Your mental wellbeing is an important part in your weight loss journey!

    Prozac was the first one I ever tried. It made me see that I had a great life to live. It really opened up doors for me. I will consider going back on that particular drug. Looking at also Zoloft. Thank you for your post and good job on this journey!!
  • Mar22ie
    Mar22ie Posts: 39 Member
    I have only been on my anxeity med for about 2 months but I think it has helped me lose weight and stay focused. When I started feeling better I wanted to work out more and eat better. I think the good effects will out way the bad.

    Hi Wen,

    Can you tell me which medication you are on? Good job!!
  • Mar22ie
    Mar22ie Posts: 39 Member
    You may want to ask your doctor about Wellbutrin XL. It has the possibility of more energy and weight loss in some folks.

    Thank you! I will look into Wellbutrin :smile:
  • Mar22ie
    Mar22ie Posts: 39 Member
    I started working out and eating better in January. I started Lexapro at the end of February. I haven't gained any weight nor have I felt like it's slowed down my loss. I feel a million times better and while my attitude and emotions are great, my drive for weight loss and getting healthy hasn't changed, therefore my eating and exercise hasn't changed. I think it all has to do with your mind frame and your commitment to making a change.

    Good luck to you on your choice! I feel like I made the right one for me.

    Thank you!! Glad to hear it's working for you!
  • Noogynoogs
    Noogynoogs Posts: 1,028 Member
    I was prescribed antii ds for anxiety and menopausal symptoms. I lost a lot of weight when I first started taking them due to initial side effects. Then " bunged" a lot of weight on again. Hence why I am on MFP to lose the weight. I am currently tapering myself off them at the moment. Try something herbal.
  • Mar22ie
    Mar22ie Posts: 39 Member
    I know people who are on SSRIs and because they're no longer self-medicating with junk food, are losing weight.
    I know other people who are on SSRIs and because they're more social, have gained because they're going out.
    Then there are the people whose moods have improved because they've started exercising. Exercise doesn't "cure" depression, but in some instances, being outside or being social, or just getting the hormones and endorphins kicking helps with mood.

    I'm not a doctor, but think it as far as medications go, it depends on how your body reacts to the specific medication, any other medications you might be on that might affect how your body metabolizes the antidepressants, and what's going on specifically in your noggin, based on the causes of the depression.

    Syn - thank you for the perspective!
  • Mar22ie
    Mar22ie Posts: 39 Member
    I was prescribed antii ds for anxiety and menopausal symptoms. I lost a lot of weight when I first started taking them due to initial side effects. Then " bunged" a lot of weight on again. Hence why I am on MFP to lose the weight. I am currently tapering myself off them at the moment. Try something herbal.

    Hi Susan,

    Looking at all options. I know medication is different for everyone. Hoping I can find the right options. Good luck on your journey!
  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member
    I've been on Lexapro and Wellbutrin since 2006. I lost weight at first, then I slowly began to gain.. However--- I do NOT think it was necessarily the fault of the meds. Becoming less anxious resulting in me worrying less about my weight, so I kind of let it go. (Used to be if I gained 5 lbs, I cut back calories until I lost it.) And then, there is also the joy of aging to blame. :grumble:

    I *have* successfully lost weight while on it; in fact I am doing so now.

    I'd had problems with depression and anxiety most of my adult life and always resisted going on meds. Finally I gave in.
    It was one of the best decisions I've ever made in my entire life. I'm still "me", just better.
  • Crisann9
    Crisann9 Posts: 6
    I was on weight watchers after I had my son, 7 years ago. At the time, I also had anxiety and depression which they placed under the realm of post pardom. I explained to my doctor my weight loss goals and the fact I was breast feeding. I was prescribed Effexor and was told it would not make me gain weight and had an energy component. I was successful on WW - dropped from over 180lbs down to 163. I'm 5'7" and a month or so ago, I was crushed to get on the scale at 180+. This site is helping me a lot tracking my food and exercise and I think I also battle with depression. I use food for comfort when I'm sad, stressed etc. I would go back on Effexor as I thought I felt really good on it. But the main thing I wanted to say to you is that regardless of what the scale says (I also track body fat which helps especially when the scale doesn't say a whole lot less), I now feel I need the exercise to be active and just healthier.. Whatever you choose regarding prescription medicine (whether to use, and what to use), do what motivates you to strive for health.. aside from what the scale says...
    Have you had your blood tested lately? Blood panels for cholesterol as well as thyroid? I know with the prescription meds, my doctor made me have bloodwork anyway.. it ensured I didn't have off levels and she checked my liver function a lot.. but since I was having blood work done, we did all the parameters.. that made me feel good to know my levels and also gave me another goal - I wanted my cholesterol lower and I also knew I didn't have diabetes...
  • TechLady11412
    TechLady11412 Posts: 35 Member
    I just started on Wellbutrin XL today. (Just came from the Dr. appt. this morning). I have been depressed for the past couple of years, and it was getting worse. The fact that I ended a 7 year relationship in 2011 probably didn't help things either. Nevertheless, I was still plugging along as far as exercising and eating healthy. I am 49, and also at the post menopausal stage. (No period for over 12 months. Hot flashes, insomnia, etc).

    About a year ago, it got really worse. It was enough for me to get out of bed and get here to work. Thank goodness I work in IT...a lot of server and admin work lessened my contact with people, and I had less chances of ripping folk's heads off.

    When I would get home, all I wanted to do was carb up on the couch (candy, popcorn, chips, pretzels and chocolate) and watch old movies. I felt like crap. I kept making plans to clean my house, would buy new gym outfits, get my gym bag ready, have a new workout plan in hand (i've been weight training since the early 90's)......but never started up. Eventually, I had thoughts of "cotdamn, I hope I don't wake up tomorrow....i'm tired of this s**t."

    I tried the herbal meds but they did nothing. I finally quit torturing myself and went to the Dr. I explained EXACTLY what was going on (all of what I wrote here and more) and we created a plan of action that includes the meds. I personally cannot stand being on the MED TRAIN but I don't have a choice. I can't sit there and do nothing for the rest of my life. I want to exercise, get out there at the running park and meet people, hopefully meet someone special and have a full life. I felt like I was holding me back.

    I took the first pill this morning. Of course I barely started the meds but I think because I realize that I have a good chance of relief from the debilitating self destruction is.......relieving. I'm also 5'7" and about 180. I'd like to get down to about 140-145 (I used to be in the 130's in the 90's but being older means I would like some fat to fill out the wrinkles haha

    Good luck everyone!
  • must_deflate
    must_deflate Posts: 183 Member
    I personally cannot stand being on the MED TRAIN but I don't have a choice. I can't sit there and do nothing for the rest of my life.

    Good for you-- that's how I felt-- like my issues had me trapped. And they were messing up my relationship with my family. I had to do something.
    Hopefully the Wellbutrin will work for you, but it it doesn't,, keep trying until you find something that does.
  • wtw0n
    wtw0n Posts: 1,083 Member
    I have tried over 20 different antidepressants and none of them have affected my weight loss. The main reason why people gain weight while taking antidepressants or being on the pill is because some meds increase one's appetite. If you think you need antidepressants, take them. Good mental health is so important. Just track your calories and I'm sure you'll lose weight. Good luck!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    If you log what you eat and keep your calories in check, you shouldn't gain/should be able to lose.

    Most antidepressants, etc, mess with your appetite centers. It's rare that they actually lower your metabolism. So make sure you are meticulous in logging, weigh everything you eat, and aim for mostly nutrient dense foods to meet your goals, that will help counteract the possible increased appetite. (Even for those rare cases where your metabolism may drop, you can adjust calories goals as necessary).

    In the end, though, it's a matter of benefits vs drawbacks. If you need antidepressants to function, then use them. There's nothing wrong with that. Talk to your doctor about your concerns of weight gain. He/she can try a different medication than before, different meds react differently for different people.

    ETA: perhaps I should add that I have dealt with depression for close to 2 decades, so I know what you're going through :flowerforyou: I finally got on the right medication, and I'm no longer using food as a punishment (as in withholding foods, or other unhealthy relations with foods) and I have more energy for exercise, fewer days when I can't get out of bed, etc. All in all, I can't say it's affected my weight directly either way, but life has been more manageable, meaning maintaining weight has become more manageable. I hope you find what works for you! :flowerforyou:
  • kimberly_smith718
    I've been on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds for years. I've had to change meds now and then, and my weight has fluctuated because of it. But please, do the right thing for your mental health and see a doctor. The weight loss will come when your mood is stable and you can be in a better state of mind to plan your meals and exercise. Speaking of exercise, I'm sure you've heard that not only does it positively affect your physical being, but also your mental well-being. I recently got out of a depression day treatment program, and making sure I exercise 30 minutes every day has done wonders for my mood stability. Please keep us posted on what you decide!
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    I've been on Zoloft since I was 8 years old and I seem to be doing all right. I will say that benzodiazapins (aka Xanax, etc.) which I take to stop panic attacks give me really bad muchies and make me binge for a few hours. Those I only take on an as needed basis though and I can preempt the binge by making sure I've removed high calorie food from my reach before I take a dose.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I have been on antidepressants since I was 20 years old (a long time ago). It has never effected my weight, except for the fact that when not depressed/anxious I am less liable to over eat on 'comfort' foods.

    ETA: I wanted to add that these medications don't actually have an effect on metabolism, but rather an effect on appetite.
  • SilentDrapeRunners
    SilentDrapeRunners Posts: 199 Member
    It really depends on the person and the type of medication. For me, I've lost weight on pretty much all of the antidepressants I've been on (currently and in the past- and I've been on many different kinds). Some have caused more weight loss than others (stimulants). I do think that some meds have had an effect on my metabolism as well as my appetite. If you feel like you need to be on medication, I would definitely give it a try, because you won't know what the side effects will be (if there are any at all) until you try the different medications. The side effects can be so variable among different people, so it's difficult to pinpoint what effects will be experienced by individual people.