How do you stay motivated?



  • 1Cor1510
    1Cor1510 Posts: 413 Member
    I take pictures and measurements weekly. Every week (3 months in) I have seen a difference. And now, my beginning pic and current there is a HUGE difference. Keeps me going.
  • ktsmom430
    ktsmom430 Posts: 1,100 Member
    Take it one step at a time. Do not look at the final goal. Every little achievement takes you closer and increases your motivation to stay on track. I keep asking myself over, and over, and over, is it really worth it to eat something that I really shouldn't. The answer is invariably, "NO". I just do not want to EVER start over again tomorrow. No momentary gratification that I would get from indulging is worth going back to where I was, and I have to keep telling myself this, multiple times, on a daily basis. That is just the way it is for me now.
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    You are a brave man, Prince Eric, I'm scared to DRIVE when it rains in San Diego.

    oh it was an adventure. =) I'm so glad it only rains once a year here in San Diego. lol
  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    I never set weight goals at all. I only focused (and still do) on the current day: am I eating nutritious food within my calorie goal? I'm a getting some (any) exercise? Did I get enough sleep? If I could answer yes to those, that was good enough. I've done that times 636.

    I agree with this. losing weight is a bi product from this.
  • nanimoose
    nanimoose Posts: 60 Member
    It's taken me 3 years to lose 25 lbs. But it has been consistent, small changes that got me there. That's all it is.
  • Saphira291
    Saphira291 Posts: 54 Member
    I just moved to MD from Chicago and wish I were back there haha.
  • Saphira291
    Saphira291 Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks everyone, there are some really great tips in here. I've been debating on taking photos but I hate how I look so much that I've been avoiding them big time. I guess it's time to get over it and just do it.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    Everyone is different. I tend to do 5 pound increments, and it makes it a lot easier. I enjoy every day because I know I'm eating well, I know that I'm improving my strength and cardio, and I know I'm on the track to being healthy. Also, take 5 lb progress pictures! Watching your body change through pictures is the best! Scale weight cannot compare to those pictures!
  • DavidSTC
    DavidSTC Posts: 173 Member
    I have to admit one of the things that has deterred me from trying to start this sooner is knowing how long it will take to reach the weight I want to be. How do you keep yourself motivated and on track knowing that you have a long way to go? I'm definitely going to need all the help I can get because I know myself and how easy I fall back into bad habits. It's like I want the weight to come off fast but I know that's not healthy and that I need to take it slow and steady if I want to do it the right way and get lasting results. So difficult for me.

    Before I started counting calories, it was a very slow process. I was active, I ate better, but I still consumed too much. I lost like 20 pounds over a couple years. But, I was happy I was moving in the right direction, even if I had a setback now and then. Then, I started MFP. If you count calories, if you do it every day, and you stay active, you should see results more quickly. You just have to keep at it. It's a process. And, I would say that if you make it a habit, eventually it becomes second nature. You will be so excited about your progress, you won't want to stop. Just get yourself a good food scale, and don't overestimate the calories you burn. It's all about math for losing weight. And, it's all about consistency. I've lost nearly 30 pounds in the past few months, and other than a few hunger pangs here and there, it hasn't been bad at all. And, lo and behold, I look forward to exercise now, partly because I'm in so much better shape that it's EASIER to exercise now.

    But, you MUST have patience. Tell yourself that. You will likely have a setback or a stall here and there. You must stick with the program if you want to reach your goals. Don't ever get too mad at yourself. We all have some regrets. We all make mistakes. And, I think back to how I over-ate here and there, and as long as it was just the random big meal or bad day, I overcame it easily by getting back with the program.

    Good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend if you wish.
  • monstergirl14
    monstergirl14 Posts: 345 Member
    Thanks everyone, there are some really great tips in here. I've been debating on taking photos but I hate how I look so much that I've been avoiding them big time. I guess it's time to get over it and just do it.

    Yeah, just do it! It makes my physically cringe when I look at my before picture, but the progress pictures are what make you happy. Trust me, you will thank yourself in a month from now.
  • lavendy17
    lavendy17 Posts: 309 Member
    I guess you've imagined how long it will take- let's say 2 years.

    Picture yourself in 2 years:
    1. You didn't follow through and are now a lot bigger
    2. You did and are thin and fabulous!

    So isn't it worth the time it will take?

    As I learned from a fortune cookie-
    Don't worry about how long it takes to make your dream come true because time passes anyway!
  • Sheri3851
    Sheri3851 Posts: 70 Member
    My small piece of advice: I joined an open group called Lose 5 pounds in January back in January. I have kept doing that each month. So what I've found is that it's easier for me to think of the goal as five pounds at a time than the BIG number. Five pounds at the end of each months seem like a huge victory and it's something to feel good about instead of thinking I need to lose 20 more. Good luck on this journey!
  • mrsl90
    mrsl90 Posts: 31
    Yep I agree setting small goals is the answer. Alongside measurements as sometimes with exercise the measurements get smaller quicker than the weight goes down! Also set yourself a non food reward for when you reach your goal. Also remember its a learning process it takes time to find out what works for you and what doesn't . Don't beat yourself up if things don't happen how you want them too, look at what you did and what you can change. Good luck.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I have to admit one of the things that has deterred me from trying to start this sooner is knowing how long it will take to reach the weight I want to be. How do you keep yourself motivated and on track knowing that you have a long way to go? I'm definitely going to need all the help I can get because I know myself and how easy I fall back into bad habits. It's like I want the weight to come off fast but I know that's not healthy and that I need to take it slow and steady if I want to do it the right way and get lasting results. So difficult for me.

    Motivation comes and's ultimately about making changes and habits that are sustainable. Also, you have to look at the bigger picture...losing the weight is just the tip of the ice berg. Most people view that as the finish line...they're "done"...problem is, that's really just the starting line of a much longer race...the one that lasts a life time. Your nutrition and fitness are life long stop looking at things from the POV of being "done" aren't "done" until they put you in a box.

    Every day take baby steps towards better nutrition and better fitness...before you know it, you're making leaps and bounds.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Sometimes I do something little and vain like try on jeans at the thrift store, find a pair that is a size or two smaller than I am, and diet my way into them.

    Right now I'm just happy to be back in my happy jeans again, though. And I donated all my bigger jeans so next time I gain weight, I'll either have to go naked or not be able to breathe in my skinny jeans!
  • aliceanchainz
    aliceanchainz Posts: 1 Member
    Ignore the scale and focus on how well your clothes are fitting- that's the best motivation of all. Weight loss should be more about body composition rather than a numbers game.

    I have to agree with this. I have been going strong for 21 days and my scale says I havent lost a pound. I use my treadmill 5-6 days a week I am sweaty as heck and Im on it doing HIIT. I know its working because my clothes are all too big. Toss the scale, its only a number. :)
  • hopefulmimi
    hopefulmimi Posts: 6 Member
    This is my first day on MFP and staying motivated to reach my weight loss goal has been a challenge for me. Reading the advice on this page helps to reset my focus on the small wins, eventually they add up.

    Thanks All
  • l_ashley
    l_ashley Posts: 154 Member
    Having a friend as a workout buddy has helped me tremendously at my workout goals!
  • Conquer14
    Conquer14 Posts: 53 Member
    I actually look at people's progress pictures on here. It helps me stick with it. I ferl happy for tjose peoe and think I can do that too!
  • Saphira291
    Saphira291 Posts: 54 Member
    Having a friend as a workout buddy has helped me tremendously at my workout goals!

    I have wanted to have someone like this but I have no friends because we keep having to move :(