Headphone recommendations?

Can anyone give me a good recommendation for headphones to use while running?

I find that once I start sweating, the earbuds start slipping out and I'm constantly having to adjust them, which is really distracting and at times keeps me from enjoying my run, so I'm in the market for some new ones (preferably not outrageously priced).



  • Eric_DeCastro
    Eric_DeCastro Posts: 767 Member
    klipsch S4i both for android and apple (one fore each) I have three sets and they have a no questions two year warranty. not as good as shure headphones but best bang for the buck.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    i love skullcandy, or beats...they're expensive, but they last forever. Skullcandy even has a warranty where if you break your headphones doing something cool, and you have a picture (I'm sure you could take a picture doing something cool WITH your broken headphones lol) they'll replace them for free.
  • ryantrimble12
    ryantrimble12 Posts: 49 Member
    thanks guys, I'll check them out!
  • ohyaynj
    ohyaynj Posts: 21
    Yurbuds - these are amazing. They never fall out, even if you get sweaty.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    If you are in a financial pinch I recommend the Monochrome noise cancellation headphones. They cost me under $10 online and they are great. I found out about them on a Yahoo article since it was a recommended stocking stuffer. They are just as good as the ipod headphones and work great on my ipod.
  • kaz321123
    kaz321123 Posts: 24 Member
    I've used 'noise cancelling' headphones made by "Bose".

    I'm quite sensitive to sound. These headphones are pricey at around $350, but they not only help block out most sound effects-you can also plug them into an audio source, and listen to music or tv-which is made even better since you can't hear background noises.

    These headphones are REALLY nice at the gym, because I can't stand the sound of various weights being dropped by weight-lifters. It helps to significantly reduce these sound effects-and makes my workout far less stressful.

    I hope this information helps. Pm me if you need any more help.

  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    Lurking for answers because my Bose headphones are awesome, but alas, too bulky for running. And I HATE the earbuds that came with my ipod.
  • Ataraxia81
    Ataraxia81 Posts: 63 Member
    I always had trouble keeping earbuds in my ears. Since I started working out I bought a pair of JVC XX earbuds at K Mart for $15. Best purchase ever besides my skullcandy headphones.
  • IrishHarpy1
    IrishHarpy1 Posts: 399 Member
    If your music player is Bluetooth-enabled, check out the wireless earbuds by Jaybird. I have a set of Jaybird Freedom, and LOVE them -- a little on the spendy side, but at least you don't have to deal with the aggravation of a wire getting tangled up while running!
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    NOT noise canceling earphones. You need to be able to hear what is going on around you if you are running outside.

    I do fine on cheap earbuds (the generic ones with foam), but since you said you have problems with them slipping out of your ear, try the Yurbuds. They are pretty inexpensive and many find they stay in where others fall out, and are designed to let in ambient noise.
  • ash8184
    ash8184 Posts: 701 Member
    I love love LOVE my Sennheiser earphones. I hadn't ever used them until I broke my other headphones on my way to Europe, and it's all they had in the Zurich airport (so glad!). I have had only 2 pair since 2007 and use them probably 10+ hours/week. They are earbuds, but they have these fab rubber covers in 3 different sizes, and they fit perfectly and provide great sound. You can get them on Amazon. There are different varieties; the ones I have also include a volume slider which makes it easy to pump up the music when I need it.

    Good luck!
  • wordsandmusic51
    wordsandmusic51 Posts: 126 Member
    I LOVE my KOSS headphones - https://www.koss.com

    They have all kinds and all price ranges. I actually just ordered a new pair today, they are offering 20% orders with code SPRING20 and free shipping on orders over $5, but only until midnight CST tonight. I got an awesome deal!
  • coffeelauren
    coffeelauren Posts: 6 Member
    yerbuds! about $30, and built especially for running! not only that but they are comfortable and sound great! has mine for over a year and they're still going strong.
  • PrairieRunner2015
    PrairieRunner2015 Posts: 126 Member
    I have the same problem as you, and the best balance of price, sound, and working well are the yurbuds with the clips that go over the ears. It takes a little adjustment of the earpieces, but once adjusted, they are comfortable, sound pretty good, and I've never had one fall out.

    If you want something a little cheaper, I've used Panasonic earbuds with the over the ear clips for about $20.00. I think the yurbud are worth the extra $10.00. The Panasonics will not sound as good, and they can kind of bounce around.
  • Daisyisacat
    Bose sport.