im new here

my name is sonia & I have finally made the decision to stop crying abt my weight n do something abt it. i really could use all the support I can get..I look forward to making some new friends as well


  • daniel052205
    Hi Sonia, nice to meet you, my name is Daniel.
  • ceciliankaylie
    ceciliankaylie Posts: 3 Member
    I sonia i am new here to and would love to be friends i also made the decision to begin this life changing journey and would love to be friends.
  • chickychickybockbock
    Hello from Wisconsin - Green Bay Packer Land :wink:
  • tracip96
    tracip96 Posts: 5
    Never thought I would be here.....always had fast high paced jobs and because of that only ate once a day, never drank water, only soda, coffee, tea.....did that 20 yrs..had my surprise son couple yrs ago and decided to be stay at home mom with family of six all boys. Need I say more? Lol...weight started, worked out like crazy no weight loss. Went to a Dr, and surprise I need to eat more, no more caffeine, only coffee am. Started phentermine and hcg yesterday. Failed goal for calories but I did eat 80g proteins as he hard after 20 yrs eating one meal a day to have to eat , then no soda, tea?.. well I am doing what he says and very determined for day 2......
  • ccmzone2013
    ccmzone2013 Posts: 177 Member
    welcome to the site . .. your goals WILL become reality . . with a little motivation of this great site! :)

    Good luck :)