New Here - 24 with some serious goals

Okay, so I created this account who knows when and just let it sit there. Collecting dust, all sad and alone. But I'm dusting it off and exploring, trying to get the hang of things before getting down to business.

I'm 24 at roughly 250 lbs and I hate it. This is the heaviest I've been and I can't believe I let it get this way. My goal is to lose around 100 lbs, for several reason. My Dad passed away due to health factors triggered by his weight, for example, and I don't want to follow in those footsteps. I want to be able to go shopping at the mall with my roommates and be able to try on clothes and not stare at the pretty items wistfully. And those college 'desks'; good lord...

:( I've tried to lose weight before but I get discouraged and/or distracted easily and I stop the attempt towards healthy changes. I use my school and work schedule as an excuse, because some nights I'll come home and just drop and not want to move. Granted, I do live on a 'pedestrian campus' so I do A TON of walking every day which does help. I just don't make time to work out in my room or go to the gym. My idea or working out lately is picking up heavy book bags or filing charts. (Now that I think about it, I can sneak in some squats when doing my filing at work.)

Contrary to what some people think, I can be very shy and quiet. But I love making friends online, especially if we have similar goals. I would love to have some that won't hesitate to kick my butt in gear through my inbox XD So please, hop on in and introduce yourselves even if its just a simple hello. :) It's nice to meet you!!


  • disneygirl626
    disneygirl626 Posts: 132 Member
    Hi! I'm 24 also and I've struggled with my weight. At my heaviest I was around 255 (2010) and pushing into a size 20 jeans. I'm down 30 pounds from the most I've ever weighed and getting close to a 14. If you're looking for someone who is constantly active on their feed, feel free to add me. I'm always liking and commenting on my friends' statuses.

    I definitely also understand about the inability to stick with it because I've started and stopped countless times. Building a solid support system is an important step. You've already begun making positive changes.
  • brooklynandme
    brooklynandme Posts: 7 Member
    Hey guys! I'm also 24 and weigh 235-240. I didn't realize I had gained weight since getting married in September until I tried on size 16 jeans and literally ripped the button off trying to force it haha. Please add me if you'd like, I could definitely use some support! I made this account over a year ago and is my first time really committing to my goals. This is seriously my second post haha I'm glad I'm not alone!