Feeling Alone and Sad

Hi I'm tracee I really haven't been on this long I joined a long time ago but didn't really use it but now that I'm older and my family is telling me I'm fat I need to lose weight it's really hard especially when you are only 22 and getting compared to your older sister who has been skinny all her life I would love to lose weight it's just hard really hard when you have no motivation and no one wants to help you do it


  • mfourada
    mfourada Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I have not been on here very long either. I think your family are jerks for calling you "fat" thats not love and support. I am 24 and have about 240lbs to lose but the most important thing is you HAVE to love your self!!!! You are a Beautiful woman who does not need other peoples negativity!!! It really Peeves me to hear parents put their kids down about weight!!!
  • myrrhandah
    myrrhandah Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Tracee,

    First of all, a big hug to you! You need one! I'm so sorry your family is making you feel so awful...the comparison game is no help to anybody. I've been losing and tracking calories for a while now, but just found MFP today and I've already learned a TON from the message boards. I know you can find some amazing support here. The newbie stickies have some amazing info to start, if you never reviewed them before. Hang in there!
  • moosefacedgoose
    moosefacedgoose Posts: 6 Member
    Hi tracee,
    sorry that you feel this way. Are you sure you really want / need to loose weight? It sounds like there is some unwelcome pressure from others to compare yourself to your sister, but really you should be thinking about doing this for you, and no one else. If you do want to change our life style, My advice is to take things one step at a time. Use mfp as a tool to help you. Try just logging your calories for a few days to get used to a new habit, then build up healthy new habits one by one. Trying to change everything at once can be tough.
    Good luck with everything. :)
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Sent you a private message. :flowerforyou:
  • RivasBodilyHarm
    RivasBodilyHarm Posts: 9 Member
    It's impossible to stay motivated if you're trying to lose weight for a negative reason. Tell your family to back off!! They probably mean well, but are currently doing more harm than good. (I have experience of this myself, so I know how difficult families can be.) Instead of focusing on what you don't want (being fat) focus on what you do want. What exercises are fun and enjoyable that you'd look forward to? What healthy foods do you like eating that are really tasty? Surround yourself with positive influences and remove any negativity. You can do, I believe in you! x
  • angelaholborn
    Heyya Tracee
    I think you may have come to the right place for support :)
    I've been on here under a week and have had lovely supportive messages from people already.
    I know what it is like to have a family that is horrid like that. My mother has always told me that I will never be loved until I am thin. Guess how that worked out... My brother has poked fun at me for as long as I can remember and my father is constantly pushing at me to get to the 'right' size so I'm not FAT, people don't like FAT people. Good fun isn't it.
    I sent you a friend request. I hope that together we can reach our goals

    Best of luck