Exercise and overweight



  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I walk a mile at lunch most days. That was a good place for me to start. You can also go get some resistance bands or 30 day shred and start there. Low impact easy to do at home, inexpensive.

    If you can swim that would be awesome. I'm thinking of doing water walking/running on the days it's too nasty to run outside.

    Don't discount gyms without looking into them first though. Some of them will give you what you need and are 20 bucks or less a month.

    Also look up exercises on youtube so you get the proper form. Squats only work when you do them correctly.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I walk a mile at lunch most days. That was a good place for me to start. You can also go get some resistance bands or 30 day shred and start there. Low impact easy to do at home, inexpensive.

    30 Day Shred is actually rated high impact (all the jumping jacks).

    Prevention Personal Training (video clip here): http://www.collagevideo.com/workout-video/prevention-personal-training-7604

    Has a little bit of everything LOW impact cardio and weighted strength training.....mix & match the pieces.........very inexpensive on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Prevention-Fitness-System-Personal-Training/dp/B000E8N5E6/ref=sr_1_4?s=movies-tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1386176809&sr=1-4&keywords=prevention+fitness
  • jenns25
    jenns25 Posts: 6
    We often overlook our weight because of so much work and other factors. The thing is we begin to exercise and have a workout plan if we notice that our waistline is a bit larger than we thought.
    Here is an easy workout that will help in toning, burning fats and strengthening the muscles. http://easiestworkout.net
  • sinrh
    sinrh Posts: 11 Member
    Some of Jillian Michael's workouts are available on youtube.




    are two channels with lots of good workouts. I'm sure you can find something you like on there.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Running. Try and learn to enjoy it. There are many variations of running and you can make it a social event as well.
  • Dieting_Jen23
    Dieting_Jen23 Posts: 29 Member
    I avoided exercise for a lot of years, so I started with just plain old walking. It's amazing how quickly you find your pace getting faster and you're able to walk for longer and longer each time. I downloaded Map My Fitness onto my iPhone and it tracks your walk route, pace and calories burned and links it straight in with MFP. Almost 40lb later, I've now signed up for a 20 mile charity walk in June for Breast Cancer.

    Once you find yourself getting fitter with walking, try a workout DVD (I do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred, but maybe work up to that, she's tough!) or Leslie Sansone walking routines (free on YouTube). I also now do classes a few times a week (Body Combat, Body Attack, Circuits and Metafit), I honestly would NEVER have imagined myself doing that when I started, so just have faith in yourself and you'll be amazed at what you can do if you put in the hard work.

    Good luck!
  • spg71
    spg71 Posts: 179 Member
    I was in the same boat around the end of June last year when i just happened to step on some scales and owch 220lb i then found MFP and decided to lose 1/2 a stone of just pure dieting (this took me to mid august) then i promised myself i would join a gym with a pool and swim 3 times a week. 9 months on its 194lb and now i am swimming everyday and can easily do a mile freestyle 35mins (thanks Ruth Kazz) , I also started running in the evening after Christmas on and off and now i am at 5k at 30mins (not quick)

    Reading that back the progress has not been quick compared to some people on here (i dont know how they do it tbh) Oh the only thing i did was buy a polar loop as a treat to see what all the fuss was about and i use it daily since Jan.

    Oh im 43 and sit at a desk all day so it can be done.
  • Slim_strategy
    I only started properly exercising regularly in the past few weeks so I would say try to mix it up so you don't get bored , also I worked my way up to 30 minutes a day (6 days a week) but I culdn't do 30 minutes straight away so I started at 10 and added in 2 minutes every day. I do skipping, walking with 1 minute jogging intervals (I can't run for a long time because I'll die), Just dance on the wii is good (just dance 4 has workout options that are really fun) I'm pretty sure there's a zumba game for the wii which I will have to try as well. Websites like Fitness blender are cool because you can choose what kind of workout and intensity you want and just choose a video :) I want to go cycling and walking more when the weather gets better though
    hope that helps
  • Meushichan
    Meushichan Posts: 82 Member
    My favorite girl Cassey Ho! I was really hesitant about starting a true "program", especially since I also hate running, and don't do well with a bunch of jumping around. But she is very motivational, and has LOTS of beginner videos :)http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCg_gh_fppI
  • lemur_lady
    lemur_lady Posts: 350 Member
    Is there anything you enjoy doing that you can start doing regularly? For example do you like dancing, swimming, cycling etc? Find something you really want to do, this way you are more likely to enjoy it and more likely to keep at it.

    Dont throw yourself in at the deep end. Just start out with as much intensity as you find comfortable. When I first started I could barely do anything, 9 months in my fitness has increased so much just by adding a little bit to my workouts each time. I dont push myself too far. I first started off doing some light weight training with cans from the cupboard lol. I have now got a set of dumbbells which I have slowly increased my weight on. I have also recently started bellydancing classes and bought myself a circuit training workout dvd.

    Do the same with exercise as you should do with food. Make little sustainable changes at a time. Trying to change too much too soon will ultimately most likely end in failure. Slow and steady :)

    Good luck!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I used to hate running. Now I run a 5k at least twice a week, sometimes more often. last week I ran 4.5 miles straight because I felt like it.. Go figure..

    I used to hate lifting. Now you'd have to pry the weights out of my cold dead hands...

    Where do you start?? You just start! Move your body. Do something. Anything. Walk more, jog, climb stairs, take yoga or zumba or spin. Anything you think will be fun. Then try something else and then something else.

    I went to an ultimate frisbee pick up game, having never heard of the sport before. I'm not a big soccer fan, so I was sure i'd hate it. I was so wrong. I'm totally hooked. I can't wait for it to start up again.

    My point is.. Just start. Just keep doing things and trying them. I've learned you have to give everything at least 3 or 4 tries to know if you actually like it or not. So that's my advice. Try everything 3 or 4 times before you place it in the no column.