Pepsi Addiction



  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    Thanks for the tips everyone! I think I might switch to Pepsi Max and gradually reduce from there... I hate the taste of Diet Pepsi... is Pepsi Max more similar tasting to regular Pepsi?

    if you want the taste, you will never stop.
    Thats the ONLY way you will stop it forever.

    This is a lifestyle change.. if you want to gain the weight back, keep on with the pepsi!

    If you want stop being FAT, then lose the bad habits!
  • _tjejen_
    _tjejen_ Posts: 38
    I didnt read all the replies (soz I is tireds) but I overcame my addiction to diet coke (aspartamin (sp??) AND caffeine ... kablerg!) with really cold soda water cans.

    Aside from the headache for two days I dont miss it THAT much. I found that the thing I like best about diet coke is the bubbles. I got the low sodium cans of soda water and now Ive switched to mineral water. I still have the urge to buy diet coke when I see it but I just get a mineral water instead.
  • sirmio
    sirmio Posts: 44 Member
    I'm addicted to caffeine, though I didn't really know it until I tried to stop drinking pop. I started subbing unsweetened iced tea when I could and weaned myself off of pop and then from there, going to mostly water was easy.
  • bastol
    bastol Posts: 3
    thats utter crud.. - soda is soda - both have 150 cal per can and are made up entirely of carbs that cause you to get fat.
    all soda ESP the sugar free ones are bad for you

    think about this. you breathe in oxygen and you breathe out carbon dioxide.. guess what they use t o make bubbles in soda.. thats right co2. so barring the debate of which tastes better they are all bad for you

    the ones that are zero calories are worse.. ( calories are a measure of what burns for energy . so basically if a drink a has no calories it has nothing in it your body can use.. )

    the aspartame and artificial sweeteners are known carcinogens.. much like sucking a cigarette .

    now that being said.. i do drink pepsi . . but one or two cans a day at most. usually with rye whiskey (crown royal ) and as long as i watch my overall caloric intake and balance of fat to carbs to proteins and veggies i am losing weight regularly .. slower now as i am gaining some weight back as muscle as i lose fat..

    do some real research.. you will be amazed what medical documents actually reveal about soda and things like artificial sweeteners that the media wont print because their advertisers are big contributors to their budgets ( ahem coke pepsi etc.. )
  • _tjejen_
    _tjejen_ Posts: 38
    thats utter crud.. - soda is soda - both have 150 cal per can and are made up entirely of carbs that cause you to get fat.
    all soda ESP the sugar free ones are bad for you

    whats crud?
  • ahenry1121
    I was drinking about a 2-liter or more a day from the time i got up until the time I went to bed and had been doing that for about 8 years. It got to the point where I was only getting about 4 hour of sleep a night because my body was so wound up on caffeine and sugar that I couldn't fall asleep. I stopped cold turkey and started drinking flavored sparkling water, I prefer the clear american brand that you can find at wal-mart for about $0.70 a liter. The carbonation made it feel like I was still drinking soda and the black cherry flavor even kind of reminds me of dr.pepper or cherry pepsi. Long story short I was able to quits drinking soda completely with out and cravings or migraines which was a great surprise with how many previous failed attempts I have had in the past. And the best part is the sparkling water has 0 calories so its helpful if you are trying to loose weight as well!! Hope this helps!
  • MissKim78
    MissKim78 Posts: 426 Member
    My bf was going through a 2 litre of pepsi a day. He would get headaches and be cranky if he didn't have it.
    He wanted to break the he started to mix it with still get a bit of the taste and kept adding more and more water eventually he was just filling up the pepsi bottle with just water. He found using the pepsi bottle would help "trick" his mind into thinking he was drinking pop! LOL he now only gets a can every now and then to fix his craving. Its all about moderation.
    Everyone is different so take the tips you think will work for you!
    Good Luck! :flowerforyou:
  • jerryschram31
    Up here in canada they have pepsi next(low sugar).. I havn't tried it but it maybe a good start for kicking the habbit rather than going full sugar.
  • lavender_fairie
    lavender_fairie Posts: 76 Member
    I used to be a dr pepper fiend, but then I switched to dp 10. Drank like a 2-liter of that everyday for about a year. Then I tried those flavor drops from dasani- I like the pink lemonade one. All of a sudden I was chugging water all day and my dp10 consumption went to 0-1 cup per day. Once I realized I didn't need the dp and hadn't even missed it, I got rid of my supply.

    Try some different flavors. Eventually you will get to a point where u just want to down a giant glass of straight, pure water. Bodies get used to water and crave it. In college I accidentally got up to a gallon+ of water a day without even thinking about it after I quit soda. Just try to make water interesting until the habit forms and then the habit itself will push u along. Once u get Into a water habit, sodas taste too sweet and thick. I have no desire to drink soda anymore.
  • hoyalawya2003
    hoyalawya2003 Posts: 631 Member
    I think someone already suggested this, but try the flavored sparkling waters. I find that they satisfy my craving for "sweet and bubbly" without the caffeine or sugar of a coke. I do still drink one diet soda a day, though.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,564 Member
    I cut mine down from 24-60 ounces a day to one can at dinner. Though I haven't had any the last two nights, so that's good! I've just been drinking more water instead.
  • hasta_la_vista_belly
    Quit Dr. Pepper and Mountain Dew cold turkey about a year and a half ago. Sucked the first week then I completely lost the craving for it. As I was adjusting to drinking insane amounts of water, I would sometimes add the sugar free flavorings. I don't really do that any more, but it did help.