We are not "LUCKY", we work hard!!

Seriously bothered me.. had a girl who does my hair sometimes telling me how bad she wants to lose weight.
Started trying to encourage her telling her I joined the gym, became dedicated and go almost every day, and starting making lower calorie decisions on what I ate, and disciplining myself.

Her response was literally, "ugh you're so lucky."

NO I'm not "lucky". I WORK HARD


  • Whyareyoumad
    Whyareyoumad Posts: 268 Member
    How do I "like" this? I get some of the same comments, its a decision I made for me to do something about myself. Anyone can do it!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yup...my favorite is "it's not fair"...

    What's not fair that I spend over 5 hours a week with heavy weights...or that I mull over my food choices to make sure I eat at a reasonable deficet and/or maintenance and hit my macros and still fit in my treats...

    What is not fair is that you think it all comes easy....

    Luck has nothing to do with it....it's all in the effort put in.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    YES!! Preach it.

    I am sooo freaking sick of that in so many areas of life. Not just diet/weight loss/fitness.

    "You're lucky you have no debt" = NO, I have worked my tail off for over 20 years, I have gotten out of the debt I was previously in through hard work and discipline. I have stayed home when others went on trips and out to fancy restaurants. I have bought clothes in thrift stores. I don't have cable or a smartphone. I earned this sky high credit rating & carefree (comparatively) lifestyle fair & square.

    "You're lucky you don't have kids" = NO, I have practiced birth control religiously and made a conscious decision when very young to never become a parent.

    "You're lucky you have a degree" = NO, I worked hard in college while others partied. I gave those speeches, read those books, attended 8 am classes, did that research, and wrote all of those papers. It's not luck.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member

    Yes!! It drives me crazy. I actually had a lady tell me my 50 lb weight loss after being 6 weeks postpartum didn't count because I'd just had a baby and I'm only 25. The list of excuses continued. No! If you want it, you go get it!
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    yes! Keep it comin... it got me so worked up!!
  • Fedup23
    Fedup23 Posts: 80 Member
    I am so lucky that I dont let peoples casual conversation comments bother me. ;-)
  • craftywitch_63
    craftywitch_63 Posts: 829 Member
    Yeah, I got something like this Monday. I was giving a talk during hospital orientation and I asked if there were any questions. One person raised her hands and said she'd like to know "where you got your 'guns.'" She made it sound like I bought my biceps/triceps on Ebay rather than going to the gym . . . every . . . single . . . day . . . after work to weight train. BTW, I absolutely HATE weight training! I would do cardio all day long and never touch a weight but that's a mistake I've made in the past, so I deal with the boredome and weight train - just to be told (basically) that I'm "lucky."

    Edited to add this: When she asked me about my "guns" the tone was not admiring, curious, etc., the tone really did imply that I'd somehow rolled a drunk for his muscles, held up a lifter or acquired them by some other nefarious means.
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    It is just ridiculous! I probably used to sound like this a long time ago.. just wishing I looked a certain way.. until I woke up one day and realized HEY! I CAN have that! I just have to work hard! And boom, whaddya know.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    I disagree. I AM lucky...

    Lucky I had the patience and drive to lose the weight in the first place.
    Lucky I have the perseverance to keep it off this long.
    Lucky I have the time and resources to find activities that make me happy enough to keep doing them.
    Lucky I have knowledge I've learned about making better food choices.
    Lucky I have wisdom enough to take compliments and be proud of the work I do for my health.
  • Fedup23
    Fedup23 Posts: 80 Member
    Yeah, I got something like this Monday. I was giving a talk during hospital orientation and I asked if there were any questions. One person raised her hands and said she'd like to know "where you got your 'guns.'" She made it sound like I bought my biceps/triceps on Ebay rather than going to the gym . . . every . . . single . . . day . . . after work to weight train. BTW, I absolutely HATE weight training! I would do cardio all day long and never touch a weight but that's a mistake I've made in the past, so I deal with the boredome and weight train - just to be told (basically) that I'm "lucky."

    ...or it was just a silly comment made by someone trying to be humorous. Dont take everything so literal! :) Obviously this person knows that you didnt just get lucky and grow "guns" out of thin air. Its a silly comment acknowledging that you are in great shape, right?? Am I missing where all of these people are secret morons who actually just think luck has everything to do with it? Do you call the cops every time someone says something like; "Oh my god, Im gonna kill her!" ? ;-D
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    It is just ridiculous! I probably used to sound like this a long time ago.. just wishing I looked a certain way.. until I woke up one day and realized HEY! I CAN have that! I just have to work hard! And boom, whaddya know.

    Well, perhaps consider that you're lucky to be smart and motivated enough to get in shape and lose weight. Some people just aren't that bright and fall for the quick fix diet scams over and over.
  • belgerian
    belgerian Posts: 1,059 Member
    You know I had that mentally, its genetics or you just got lucky or they are all steroid users or have a food eating disorder (when in reality I had one). But now I know it requires hard work and dedication and today I have a lot more respect for FItness models, models and body builders and runners (Which I am now proud to call myself one after many many miles). Call it ignorance or jelousy I think for me it was both I really had no idea of BMR TDEE or how much of what macro-nutrient you should eat or not eat.
  • snoopyjet
    snoopyjet Posts: 82 Member
    I couldn't agree more. For everything I achieved I worked hard.
    But people are jealous and full of excuses and lazy or whatever.

    If you decide and put your mind to it, you can do it - not overnight though :)

    It reminds me on the song from Elvis Presley - A little less conversation, a little more action please... It's not enought to just talk and wish about changes - you have to DO them!
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    I have had co-workers say that to me as well, like it took no effort at all for me. I straight out say it's not luck, I have worked very hard to lose the weight I have over a 12 month period.
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    if ANYTHING for the people talking about how it is partially luck.......... it's I'm BLESSED to have the resources and motivation and drive. but of course there are days you just feel like quitting.. it takes hard work to even make the decision to keep going sometimes!
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Next time say "well you can be lucky too, all it takes is some hard work and dedication!"
  • kitlynnJ
    kitlynnJ Posts: 78 Member
    I love the "you are so lucky you can eat cake (or whatever), and not gain weight"

    I guess I am lucky I have put the time into understanding how calories and weight are related, but the people who say that are the same ones who don't like the eat less answer to losing weight.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Well this is just further proof that we make our own luck.

    Just take the compliment, recognize that she really isn't ready, and move on.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    I am so lucky that I dont let peoples casual conversation comments bother me. ;-)

  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    if ANYTHING for the people talking about how it is partially luck.......... it's I'm BLESSED to have the resources and motivation and drive. but of course there are days you just feel like quitting.. it takes hard work to even make the decision to keep going sometimes!

    Amen!! No way I could do this without God. I didn't start having success until I prayed for strength to see this through.