I'm ready to start again, but I need support

Hello! I've been on MFP for about a year. In my first 4 months I lost 30 pounds! I did very well! I weighed everything and counted every calorie. I increased my exercise tremendously. I started slowly and ended up training and running a marathon in December! But here is the problem... I've gained almost every pound back. I am disgusted when I get on the scale again. I'm running 45+ miles a week, swimming, biking, and doing resistance training. But I CAN'T STOP eating. I never had a problem bingeing UNTIL I started watching my calories. I have no one on earth that understands. I'm reaching out here because I really need a support network. Somewhere I can go when I feel like I am going to scarf down. Somewhere to go to celebrate when I actually make it under my calorie goal. And somewhere to go for tricks on how to deal with negativity from others when I try to pass on unhealthy food. It was almost a year ago that I started this journey. I'm ready to start again. Will you guys help?!


  • Skittle_BoomBoom
    I will help. I know how that feels to have this urge to eat and can't stop. It's passingly and you feel disgusted later but you just can't stop. Right before I started, I binged... Badly. Almost everyday. Then I stopped myself and told my partner my issues and she suggested I get back to doing this. The support I receive really helps me stay on top of my caloric intake. And I feel proud when I work out and burn a lot and people tell me "Good job!". It's a good feeling. I am more than willing to help motivate you to your goal because I know how it feels to need that support. Feel free to add me, love.
  • DianaAmorim
    I totally understand you! I started my weight loss journey in October 2013. Until the start of this week I was doing so well! I was proud of myself (of course with some few setbacks on the way, but I was achieving my goals). Although this week is being really stressfull. I am worry about some stuff, I lost some of my energy so decided to slow down the exercise, but as a result, I am bingeing again. I am not afraid to gain all my kg's back, my I know that this week is a big set up! I am ready to start fresh Monday (the typical "diet start Monday! ahah) This weekend will be full with friends and family meetings, etc... So yes Monday I will be back! Do you want to join me? Sometimes de setbacks makes us come back stronger (at least I am hoping so!).

    I just wish you the same confidence, strengh and motivation that I wish to myself!

    Feel free to add me for mutual motivation, messages, etc...
  • chocol8junky
    I would like to get in on this too. I don't know if what I do is really binge eat, I just eat a lot during meals. This was taught at childhood. Never throw away good food (only if its spoiled), and clean your plate. I'm a southern girl raised on fried foods, potatoes and bread.

    Also, I quit smoking 3 years ago and discovered just how good food can taste.

    I tried this program a couple of years ago but didn't stick to it. Also used to go to the gym, then went on a vacation and could not get back to the routine. I try to blame it on too many pump-up guys starting to come there making me uncomfortable. But I know I could have gone to another gym if I were really serious.

    Anyway, yes I would like to help support and motivate all of you and hope you would do the same for me. I'm not real sure how the."friend" thing works but feel free to be mine!
  • hulakatz
    hulakatz Posts: 4
    Can I jump in too? I'm just starting again. I had some weight loss with WeightWatchers a couple of years ago, hit a plateau, hit some hard bumps in life (including menopause) and gained it all back.

    I'm back using MFP with no idea how to do this with support. I've been reading some topics, learning a bit more about how to eat healthy and ready to practice self- respect with my food intake.

    I know there will be more bumps and I look forward to meeting them with awareness, kindness, and some good ideas.
  • tahneesummers88
    tahneesummers88 Posts: 52 Member
    HI everyone,

    I thought I would write a comment on this thread because it is along the lines of what has happened with me.

    Exactly one year ago now, I lost 12 kgs. 2 years before that (before my 2nd child was born) I managed to lose 15 kgs.

    I have since put it all back on.. except maybe 1 or 2 kgs. I honestly just looked at the scales and thought "I will start again on

    Monday, I will start next Monday, Oh I will start after Christmas" But you know what... I would be at my goal weight by now if I had

    have just KEPT going!! That devastates me so much that I am ready to do it all over again and NOT STOP. I wasn't

    using MFP until my Mum suggested it, because lately I have been eating healthy.. but my calorie intake was still too large so

    I wasn't going anywhere, just maintaining my weight. Since using MFP in 4 days, I have lost a kg. I love this way of doing things,

    it REALLY motivates me.. so much more than not having a food or exercise journal. I feel I am accountable to everything I eat.

    I think you really need to find what works for you.. I am a binge eater. I have several emotional issues I am working through

    psychologically and it is also helping.. just to know what I do binge eat when I feel any sort of emotion and this is the way I deal

    with it. My biggest advice to you, is STAY POSITIVE. If you get down in that negative state you will find it so much harder to put

    your head into the right space and you just won't have any faith in yourself.. hence another pattern of binge eating to deal with

    how you're feeling.

    Add me if you like, I know exactly how you're feeling :-)
  • scjessup88
    I think you've done the right thing by asking for help. The 'weight loss experts' always say you are more likely to succeed if you have people who support you through it! Its so much easier to get up off the ground when someone is there to help you, than it is on your own. So good on you for taking that step. I'd love to offer you some support and encouragement. Ill add you. All these lovely people on here want to same thing so we can work through it together. xx
  • karenannaturner
    karenannaturner Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for all your responses! I have done pretty well the last few days. It helps to know that I am in this with other people when I feel like I lack support locally! I think I added everyone on this thread! We can do this!!!
  • chocol8junky
    I've been reading over our previous posts and hopefully all of you have had a successful week with sticking to your program.

    Weighed in this morning at 159, loss of 3 lbs since last Wednesday. I've decided not to weigh every day and picked Wednesdays. For me, weighing in on Friday can give me permission to over indulge on the weekend and Monday just makes me mad at myself for over indulging on the weekend.

    I've been lucky this week with no cookies, cakes or pies in the house, although the neighbor graciously brought me a piece of her homemade lasagna. My task was to not sit down and eat the whole thing by myself, but to cut it in half to a reasonable portion and share the rest with my partner. And when I do want to eat that second helping or slather on the peanut butter or mayonnaise I try to stop and sincerely ask myself, "Do you really want to record this in your MFG food journal?" That has helped me back it down to a reasonable amount.

    Anyway, congratulations to all of us for taking the next step and I hope to see posts here for updated success (or slips) stories. Also share with us how you're approaching your weight loss journey. You may have just the idea someone else has been looking for!

    Look forward to hearing from you!