Jogging Stroller Questions - Opinions PLEASE! :-)

I wanted to get some thoughts on a jogging strollers. I used to have one that was a fixed front wheel stroller that could also hook up to a bike. I never used it for the bike part and we moved cross country recently and decided to sell it before we left. I used the jogging part, but didn't love it. The fixed front wheel drove me crazy! and made it so I didn't want to run with it because I constantly had to pick the pack 2 wheel side of it up to maneuver around curves and corners. Also, it was a harness system that held 2 kiddos.

So my story is I only have 1 child, so I don't really need a 2 seater, but it's fine if it has one. I am getting into running now that I'm in a warmer weather place and really want to be able to take my son on these runs during the weekends. But he's 3... how much longer can he ride in one of these?? The harness that was on the other one was quite an effort to get him in and out. I would like to hear everyone else's experience. Is there something that's a jogger for older kids? Which strollers have you loved/hated? What should I look for when buying?

Here's my list of things I want:
A swivel front wheel.
I have a 3 yr old - I want to be able to use this for a few years
I like to hike, so would love to be able to take it on terrain other than paved areas
Abel to fold up to store in the garage or go in a car easily
I don't care about the bike hook up any longer
I'd like to stay around $200 as my husband thinks this is a waste of money but I really want one
An adjustable handle would be nice so my husband could use it too.

Would appreciate any thoughts/feedback/suggestions/warnings of things to avoid



  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    Hello this is the model I have from target $99.00|pdp|14219760|ClickCP|item_page.vertical_1&lnk=Rec|pdp|ClickCP|item_page.vertical_1

    I got it when my DD was one, she's five now and still fits. We've hit the road, sidewalks and trails in this jogger.
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    It's not within that price range, but the BOB Revolution is one of the best baby-gear purchases we made. My son is almost 4 and still rides in it. Rugged, pushes like a dream (even one handed), great for walking AND running. Front wheel can be swivel or fixed. We've used it as our sole strolled since my son was born and it's held up remarkably well.

    Though it's higher than your budget, I guarantee you can sell it used for $100-200 when you're done with it if you keep it in decent condition. They have excellent resale value. You may even want to consider buying one used. Another option, if you have an REI near you, is to become a member there and use your 20% off membership coupon on the stroller (side note: REI takes returns for any reason up to a year; returns forever if a defect arises).
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    I feel very strongly about the BOB Revolution. It's over $200, but mine is 4 years old now. It has been on trails, through big cities, on regular walking paths, and on beach sand. Oh, and for a while, I was walking/running 10K 5 days a week, and the shocks are as good as new.

    I recently blew a tire, so I need to replace it, but this stroller is by far the easiest to push and run with.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Run with a swivel front wheel and you gonna die. There's a reason the wheel is fixed. Even in some of the swivel wheels it has a locking feature. It's meant to be locked when running and you switch to swivel if you're just strolling about
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    Run with a swivel front wheel and you gonna die. There's a reason the wheel is fixed. Even in some of the swivel wheels it has a locking feature. It's meant to be locked when running and you switch to swivel if you're just strolling about

    Yep. BOB locks and unlocks. "Die" is a little harsh, but "go over the handlebars and injure your kid" is a big possibility.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I have a pre-2010 Mountain Buggy two-seater stroller that is as easy to push on grass as it is on pavement. It's almost easier to walk pushing it as it is to walk by yourself. It has swivel front wheels that can lock. It is maybe 1" wider than my Graco stroller, so I can take it anywhere.

    Mountain buggy also sells one-seaters, but I haven't used them. They are NOT CHEAP.

    I can easily see my (tall) kids using it until they are 5/6, though they now want to run when I run (sigh).
  • kimberlymarie30
    kimberlymarie30 Posts: 36 Member
    We've had BOB Revolution for over 4 years now. My 5 year old can still ride in it! Highly recommended. The above comment is right on with the resale value. They keep their value well if taken care of properly. We are planning on getting the car seat adapter and using it for our next child as well.
  • carolinatx
    carolinatx Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks for the feedback so far! BrawlerBella - the only one they have at the target nearby is the Baby Trend Range Jogger - looks pretty similar but the wheel spokes are a bit different.

    DavPul - can you explain why? For me, the trail I used to run on was through a park and it had a bridge that curved and the trail was around a pond. I was constantly having to pick up the back of the stroller and scootch it back and forth to go around the curves. Great core workout I found, but really annoying and not something I wanted to have to do again. What is bad about swivel while running?

    I have looked at the Bob's- I think they're worth the money, but my husband thinks it's a waste. We do have an REI nearby so I'll check out that membership discount and craigslist to see if there are any used - thanks for that idea, I don't know why I didn't think of that ;)
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    When your kid hits 4 or so buy a razor scooter and let him use that on some of your runs. There's nothing like being tired from a run with a fully rested kiddo!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    1. You're gonna run.
    2. Swivel front wheel gonna hit a groove.
    3. Swivel front wheel gonna turn slightly sideways.
    4. Your momentum gonna keep you moving straight.
    5. You gonna go over the top of the stroller.
    6. You gonna die. (okay, maybe not die. But it's gonna suck. Hard.)
  • Hobb3s
    Hobb3s Posts: 119 Member
    another vote for the BOB, they're awesome.
  • carolinatx
    carolinatx Posts: 58 Member
    Maybe I just had a bad stroller? Or maybe I'm just a wuss ;) this is the one I had.
  • lulukittie
    lulukittie Posts: 340 Member
    I have a Joovy Zoom 360 and love it. My three-year-old still has plenty of room, it pushes like a dream and is much less expensive than the BOB. I found one on sale for about $180 a few years ago but they seem to be more in the $220 range these days.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    1. You're gonna run.
    2. Swivel front wheel gonna hit a groove.
    3. Swivel front wheel gonna turn slightly sideways.
    4. Your momentum gonna keep you moving straight.
    5. You gonna go over the top of the stroller.
    6. You gonna die. (okay, maybe not die. But it's gonna suck. Hard.)

    I feel that there is a story behind this post, perhaps even a gif?
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    1. You're gonna run.
    2. Swivel front wheel gonna hit a groove.
    3. Swivel front wheel gonna turn slightly sideways.
    4. Your momentum gonna keep you moving straight.
    5. You gonna go over the top of the stroller.
    6. You gonna die. (okay, maybe not die. But it's gonna suck. Hard.)

    Hasn't happened yet in all these years but I'll keep an eye out lol
  • RunFarLiveHappy
    RunFarLiveHappy Posts: 805 Member
    Another vote for BOB and another vote for locking the front wheel if you're doing anything other than walking the mall. I can't imagine using a swivel wheel running on the sidewalk much less on a trail or hiking. ???? The REI and craigslist ideas are great ones, not only can you get a member coupon at REI but you also accumulate reward dollars that they send out in checks each year. Lots of stuff you get as much as 20% cash back.
  • linusr
    linusr Posts: 38 Member
    Here's a link to an article:

    Consumer Reports has ratings but I can't get to them, not being a subscriber; maybe you can.

    15 years ago I bought a jogger that looks a lot like the BOB Ironman, and it was great. I recommend large wheels, with quick releases. It's great to be able to fold it up in your trunk, and you should get one that you can put together quickly.

    I would never run with a swiveling front wheel. Mine did not have one and I never missed it. I used it for running and for just walking with the children. You want a canopy, and storage underneath and below the handlebars is great too, along with a brake.
  • briebee7
    briebee7 Posts: 224 Member
    The BOB is by far the best stroller out there in terms of jogging strollers. Check out your local craigslist for used ones. The hold up extremely well and have great resale value.

    I also want to stress that the wheel is safest in the locked (fixed) position when running. Yes it can be a pain at times (turns are tedious with the double!). However, it is really the safest option. I don't have my manual handy but I believe the BOB instructions reiterate this (as well as every running blog I have read).
  • carolinatx
    carolinatx Posts: 58 Member
    Thanks Everyone!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    What you do is lever the stroller, so you're picking up the FRONT wheel and turning on the back wheels like a wheelbarrow.

    This also works when your kid is throwing a tantrum about getting out and running with you. Tip the stroller back a little bit and your kid can't get leverage to throw him/herself against the straps. M&Ms also work.